Ab Exercises for Skinny Men

Believe it or not, being skinny can be a problem. It’s especially true if you want to develop a shredded six-pack, which can be difficult if you have a hard time putting on muscle.

Ab Diet for Skinny Men

As far as dieting goes, the same concept applies to you as everyone else – All Natural Foods! , and apply the same principles but in just more quantities. You must stick to the plan, and you must eat even when you do not want to eat.
Many skinny guys complain they cannot put on weight no matter what they do. The truth is, you are not eating enough. It is usually an abnormally fast metabolism, so you must eat enough, and then some more, to outpace your metabolism.

When you exercise, you break apart your muscle fibers. Growth happens when these muscles repair themselves, coming back bigger and stronger each time. You will not see maximum gains when do you not provide your body all of the nutrients it needs.
Being skinny does not mean you can stuff just anything into your mouth. You want good nutrition and good calories. If you are pigging out on junk food, you will eventually put on a lot of unhealthy fat. Some fat gain is inevitable in a bulking phase, but you must monitor yourself and not take it too far.
You want to be eating healthy because you want to gain as much muscle as you can, without putting on too much fat. After a good muscle bulk phase, a cutting phase will pop that 6-pack out like you never imagined.

Cardio Program for Abs

Being that you are trying to gain weight, you would think cardio would be out of the question. Well, you’d be wrong.
When gaining weight, the slow steady state cardio of jogging nonstop is definitely out. But quick, rapid bursts of anaerobic work will be necessary. Cardio workouts while gaining weight, in our experience, should be no more than 2-3 days a week of high intensity cardio.
Cardio can be done at any point in the day if you are on a muscle gain cycle, not necessarily in the morning.


  • 15 second sprints / 20 second rest – REPEAT 8-10 TIMES


  • 1 minute fast running / 1 minute rest – REPEAT 3-5 TIMES or
  • 2 minutes fast jumping rope / 30 second rest – REPEAT 5-7 TIMES

Ab Exercise Program for Skinny Men

Attach this workout to the end of your regular workout routine to build the muscle in your midsection. This program is more intense than our other two, but the goal is to pop those abs out fast! You will obviously see results faster than someone that has to get rid of fat first.


  • Weighted crunch – 5 sets of 10-12 (use enough weight that will get you these amount of reps, no more and no less. It will require a lot of guess and check if you are new to this exercise) [Get on the weighted crunch machine, load up weight, and start crunching - SLOW MOVEMENT THROUGHOUT]
  • Sitting Machine Crunch – 5 sets of 8-10 [Pick an ab machine, preferably one that lets you sit up, pick your weight, and do your crunches following the instructions of the machine. It will probably have you sit straight up, and crunch downwards - STEADY MOVEMENT THROUGHOUT]
  • Straight Extensions with Weight – 5 sets of 12-15 – [Lay down, legs straight, arms holding a weight on your groin area. Lift your upper back off the ground, keeping arms straight, and legs straight, and focus on a touching your fingers to your toes motion, without moving your legs whatsoever. Your lower back does not leave the ground. This is almost like a half crunch, except your legs stay stationary – SEMI-FAST MOVEMENT THROUGHOUT]
  • Back Extension Machine – 3-4 sets of 10-15 [Get on the back extension machine, and push all the way down, and all the way up – STEADY MOVEMENT THROUGHOUT]


  • Crunches – 5 sets of 30-50 (work your way up to maximum) [No explanation needed. Good old fashioned crunches – FAST AND STEADY MOVEMENT THROUGHOUT]
  • Sit-ups – 5 sets of 30-50 [No, these are not the same as crunches. Lay down, knees slightly bent, feet on ground, arms behind head, and go all the way up, and back down. Don't let someone hold your feet down like they did back in gym class! Concentrate on keeping your feet pinned to the ground, while sitting up. It makes it harder – SLOW MOVEMENT THROUGHOUT]
  • Bicycles – 5 sets of 50-80 [Left elbow to right knee, right elbow to left knee, keep a fast motion throughout. Once you start never let both legs touch the ground until you're done the set – FAST MOVEMENT THROUGHOUT]
  • Knee Hugs – 5 sets of 30-60 – [Lay down on your back with your legs extended and your arms extended straight over your head, then focus on touching both knees to your chest, simultaneously – FAST MOVEMENT THROUGHOUT]


  • Double Medicine Ball Crunches – 3 sets of 15-20 [Get on the ground, medicine ball between your feet, and a medicine ball in your hands, over your head. Crunch up concentrating on touching the 2 medicine balls together! Good luck! – SLOW AND STEADY MOVEMENT THROUGHOUT]
  • Side Bends 4 sets of 15-20 each side – [Hold a dumbbell in each hand while standing up, bend down to the left and then back up and down to the right - SLOW AND STEADY MOVEMENT THROUGHOUT]
  • Partner Leg Throw-downs – 4 sets of 20-30 [Lay down on your back and have your partner stand at the top of your head, grab his ankles. Kick your legs up as fast as you can and your partner will catch them then immediately throw them back down to the ground. DO NOT let your feet touch the ground. Have your partner throw your legs straight down, as well as to the sides - VERY FAST MOVEMENT THROUGHOUT]


  • Repeat Tuesday’s workout


  • Repeat Wednesday’s workout


  • Optional – If you’ve got more to give, create your own workout.

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