How Does Water Help to Lose Weight?

Excess body weight is the sixth risk factor that contributes to the world's health burden. What could be the best way to reduce this burden? It is water! For years now, '8 glasses of water a day' mantra has been touted as a powerful health fact. Unlike other health drinks, water does not contain any calories. That is why, drinking more water is always recommended for losing weight. Having 8 glasses of water everyday can do wonders. It is sure to help you shed those extra pounds.

How does Water Help to Lose Weight?
Some people have a wrong notion that drinking less water results in weight loss. However, consuming less water leads your body to store extra fat that is not required. We all know that liver converts the stored fat into fuel. Without sufficient intake of water, your kidneys do not function at their optimal level. As a result, the liver gets the additional workload of helping the kidneys to do their task. This in turn prevents the liver from functioning properly. Some of the fat still remains in your body and does not get converted into fuel. This results in weight gain. Drinking sufficient water allows the liver to perform its function of burning fat and converting it into fuel without any hindrance.

Our body contains more than 60% of water. When the body gets insufficient water, it tries to store all the water it has, in the cells. This stored water manifests as extra weight. Your feet and legs may also swell up. When the body starts receiving sufficient water, it gradually releases the stored water. With proper hydration, you are bound to see a noticeable decrease in your body weight. As the weight reduces, you become leaner and begin to feel healthier.

Drinking water in sufficient quantities also decreases your hunger for food. It is the safest way to suppress your appetite. People who have more water are likely to consume less food. Hence, doctors often advice to drink a glass of water before lunch and dinner so that you eat less during meals. People who are overweight should drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water in a day. When it comes to burning calories, drinking cold water is the best option. Evidences have shown that drinking ice cold water regularly, can help you drop a pound of fat every month.

Most of the people focus more on their exercise routine and do not drink enough water. Hence, they are not able to get rid of their extra fat. Stick to the practice of drinking more water. In the beginning, you may find it inconvenient as you are forced to visit the bathroom frequently. This is natural and your body will take some time to be accustomed to this new hydration habit. Initially, it can be discouraging, but over a period of time, you will see a 'magical' change (reduction) in your weight. It is important that you stay well-hydrated, if you are serious about losing weight. 

Drinking 8 ounce glasses (64 ounces) of water is not much and any average person should be able to consume this quantity in a day. When you consume excess water than required by your body, it can give rise to serious health problems. A condition known as hyponatremia can develop, which may lead to irritability and confusion. This condition rarely occurs in healthy people, but is sometimes seen in athletes who drink large amounts of water at a time to compensate for lost fluids.

If you really want to be successful in reducing your extra body weight, start consuming more water to achieve the weight you desire. Being overweight is a major health problem, but a natural way to overcome it is to drink sufficient water.

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