Exercise to boost your endurance

Building endurance is a key part of increasing physical fitness. By exercising regularly, your body will build muscle and gain strength — allowing you to do whatever you do for longer periods and with less effort.
"Everyone can build endurance, no matter what age or level of fitness they happen to be at," says Randy Wood, a fitness program supervisor at the YMCA-YWCA of Greater Victoria. "By doing so, you will make it easier to get through the tasks of daily life. This includes walking to the store, climbing stairs, lifting groceries — whatever you do on a regular basis."

When you build your body’s level of endurance, what you are really doing is improving the performance of your heart, lungs, and muscles. A fitter, healthier heart doesn’t have to work as hard to do the same tasks; no matter how minimal those tasks are. In turn, even the smallest increase in exercise can make a difference, whether you are eight or 88 years old. This is why retirement residences encourage their clients to take part in low-impact regular exercise. They know that seniors who move more are healthier and more agile.
There are many ways to increase your personal level of endurance. It can be as simple as walking to the store instead of taking the car, or using the stairs instead of an elevator. Whatever your methods, remember to ease off if you feel your heart racing or you find it hard to breath. These are signs that you are trying to dash down the road to better fitness, rather than walking at a pace that’s right for your body.
Here are three exercises that can help boost your endurance level.
Squat jumps with optional one-quarter turns
This exercise begins by lowering yourself into a squat position. This is akin to sitting down on an imaginary chair. Keeping your back straight, slowly bend your knees until your thighs are as close to parallel to the floor as possible. (Don’t strain; if you can’t go this far, do the best you can.)
"One you are in the squat position, return to standing straight by literally hopping up," says Wood. "Beginners can simply rise quickly to the tiptoes. More experienced athletes can jump vertically into the air." To add work to this exercise, execute a one-quarter turn to the right or left as you jump up. Do this five to 10 times if you are a beginner for one set. As you gain endurance, increase the number of jumps up to 15 to 20 for two to three sets a day.
Quick feet
As the name implies, ’quick feet’ involves moving your feet rapidly in a pattern for a short period of time. Standing straight with your feet about a foot apart, move your left foot so that it crosses over your right foot. Next, move your right foot to the right one step, so that you uncross your feet. Then do this in the other direction: Right foot over left foot, then move your left foot one step to the left to uncross your feet.
"This exercise is great for developing speed, agility and endurance," Wood says. "Start by doing 30 seconds, one set a day. As you get better, increase the time length, and go up to two to three sets per workout. Don’t worry about going faster than you can balance. You’ll be able to increase your speed as you become comfortable with the pattern."
Boxing punches
This is your chance to throw around a few punches like Muhammad Ali without hurting anyone, including yourself. "Boxing punches are great for strengthening the upper body and core," says Wood. "Say that you are right-handed: Put your left hand slightly ahead of your right, with your body in a slightly crouched stand, legs apart. Use your left hand to punch out straight ahead — this is your jab. To throw a right punch, twist your body slightly to the left as your arm goes out — this is your cross. You can always bring either arm in from the side in a curve — that’s your hook."
Aspiring heavyweights with no experience should start with 30 seconds worth of punches, one set pet day. As you gain strength and endurance, your ’bouts’ can gradually rise up to two minutes for two to three sets a day.

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