How To Lose Weight in One Month

Many people come to us and ask how they can lose weight in 2 weeks, or sometimes even just 1 week. Really it is not possible to make any major changes to your body in such a short time, but if you have a month before your holiday or special event, then you can make some good progress in that time if you follow a specific diet and exercise plan.

To lose weight in one month you need to be totally committed to the task ahead. Half measures will not get you results. Cheating on the diet or missing workouts will result in reduced weight loss. You will still get fitter and slimmer, but you will risk not attaining the goals that you set yourself. So the number one rule for losing weight in one month is: Do not cheat on yourself.

Possibly the best weight loss program to get you in shape in just one month is the 31 Day Fat Loss Cure by the ex-soldier, martial artists and fitness instructor Vic Magary. This system provides “secret” training programs used by the American military to get new recruits into excellent shape in a short time. Nutrition advice is also provided to ensure that your metabolism (fat burning potential) is kept at a maximum and that the foods you eat do not cause you to put on any extra weight, while also allowing you to develop lean muscles to get in shape.
The weekly workout suggested is that you do the prescribed exercises on Monday, Wednesday and Friday then have the weekend, Tuesday and Thursday for your own cardio workouts and other activities. You need to dedicate 3 days per week to this exercise program to get maximum results in the first month, while also doing your own cardio exercises on the other days (e.g. running, cycling, swimming, walking, aerobics, dance etc.). To lose weight in just one month you have to be prepared to work hard every day.

To lose weight in one month using a weight training plan you do not have to count calories, carbohydrates or protein, but you do need to ensure that you are eating a sensible healthy diet. The general rules are:
  • No sugar
  • Low GI
  • Lean protein sources
  • Healthy fats
The diet plan set out in the 31 Day Fat Loss Cure is a Caveman diet – you should only eat what was available in the days before modern farming and food manufacturing. So no processed foods, no artificial drinks (water is the only drink you can really have), lots of fresh, raw fruits and vegetables. Protein should be eaten with every meal, but only a small portion. Too much and you risk consuming too many calories. This is one of the quickest ways to lose belly fat as well as losing overall body fat.
The exercises that you must do to lose weight in a month focus on weight training exercises. By lifting weights you burn more calories while exercising and then continue to burn fat while your muscles are growing. Bodyweight exercises are also essential. These can be done anywhere and are excellent fat burners that get your cardiovascular system working more efficiently, get you fitter and help build functional muscle.
Remember, you can lose a significant amount of weight in one month, but you have to be prepared to work very hard for results. No pain, no gain. Although you will soon learn to love the pain! Our MCD plan can help you to create your own weight loss plan.

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