Muscle Confusion and P90X

Working out using the same exercises and workout routines will eventually result in your muscles getting used to your workouts because they no longer are challenged and consequently will result in no future gains in muscle strength and muscle mass, especially for bodybuilding. Plus you’ll eventually get really bored and possibly start to slack! By using muscle confusion as a workout technique you are constantly changing your workout routine which really forces your muscles to continuously adapt to the changes. By using this technique in bodybuilding you will gain more strength and muscles mass. If you are looking just to stay in shape, it will do a better job in sculpting your body. The same will also apply to any other sport that you are training for.

Muscle confusion is not a new training technique. It’s been a term and training technique that’s been around for a very long time and logically, it make sense. I have known about it and used it since the late 1980s.

It’s easy to get used to doing the same workout routine at home or at your gym. Sometimes it’s much harder to want to learn a new exercise, especially after you have come from work and you just want to do your workout in the least amount of time. You will find that when you do take the time to learn a brand new exercise you will enjoy your workouts even more. Of course there are excellent workouts like the P90X that can make everything much easier for you since everything is right there on DVD for you!

Here are several ways to incorporate muscle confusion when you exercise:

  • Change the order of your exercises for each body part from week to week.
  • Introduce new exercises to your workouts constantly and rotate them between weeks.
  • Change your workout days.
  • Use different hand grips on barbells and exercise machines.
  • Incorporate different types of weights: dumbbells, barbells, exercise machines and pulley machines. The resistance levels and angles all tend to vary.
  • Change your training pace, poundage used, number of sets and reps.
These are just a few examples of changing up your workout. Sometime you just have to experiment to see what works best for you!

Muscle confusion is also the foundation for the P90X home workout system. The P90X workout does an excellent job with this concept. Their home workout program consists of:

5 strength and muscle building routines
3 fat scorching cardio workouts
Extreme Yoga and advanced flexibility
2 washboard ab ripping workouts
3 phase nutrition plan

And the P90X is has been designed to get you ripped in 90 days!

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