30- minute] Total-body workout

We put the best of our lab-tested moves into a fast, easy, effective strength circuit you can do at home or in the gym - Best Tested Moves for Legs, butt and abs

If you could put one improved body part atop your winter wish list, what would it be? A better butt? Tighter abs? Leaner legs? Amazing arms? Well, look no further, because we've got just the present you want: all of the above.
Earlier this year, Shape teamed up with kinesiologists Stuart Rugg, Ph.D., and Bill Whiting, Ph.D., to find the best exercises you could possibly do to shape specific body parts. Using an electromyograph (EMG) machine, our science gurus recorded activity in different muscles as our fearless test subject performed an assortment of popular moves. Over a period of several months, we analyzed more than 125 exercises to come up with a master list of all-time "Best Tested Moves." And now, for a special end-of-the-year finale, we've selected eight of those moves for this quick, easy and supereffective total-body workout.

Since the 30-minute program is designed as a circuit (i.e., you go from one exercise to the next without resting), you'll blow through it faster. You'll also get your heart rate up for an increased calorie burn, notes Rugg, chair of the department of kinesiology at Occidental College in Los Angeles.
Better still: If you've already got dumbbells, you can do the program at home. If you prefer using gym equipment, we've listed an alternative machine-based move for each exercise. You can also up the calorie-burning quotient of your workout by intermittently adding spurts of cardio (see The Plan" at left for details). So, give yourself the gift that keeps on giving this season -- a more fit, fabulous, sleek and sexy body ... in next to no time.
Stacy Whitman is a free-lance health and fitness writer in San Francisco.
 the plan
frequency Do this workout 3-4 times per week, taking a day off between each session.
warm-up Do 5 minutes of any low-intensity cardio, such as brisk walking, marching in place or step-ups.
the workout Perform 1 set (10-15 reps) of each exercise in the order listed without resting between sets. Then complete the circuit a second time. For moves 1-6 use 5- to 10-pound dumbbells. If you want to use more weight, you can cut back on reps, but don't drop below 8 reps per exercise. If you're an experienced lifter or to advance, perform 3 circuits.
cool-down End with static stretches for all the major muscles worked, holding each stretch for 20-30 seconds without bouncing.
mega calorie-burning option Add 2-3 minutes of cardio after every other move. For example, after you finish Moves 1 and 2, do 2-3 minutes of jogging in place, jump-rope, jumping jacks, step-ups (using a step or staircase), knee lifts, lunges or any other heart-pumping activity you enjoy.
[the moves]
1] front/rear lunge Stand, holding dumbbells, with feet hip-width apart, legs straight, arms by sides, palms in. Take a large step forward with right foot, bending knees so right knee aligns with right ankle and left knee approaches floor [A]. Push back to start, then immediately lunge backward with right leg [B]. Alternate front and rear lunges for all reps, then switch legs and repeat. Gym variation: Use a leg-press machine starting with 95-185 pounds. Strengthens quadriceps, hamstrings, buttocks and calves.
2] bent-over dumbbell row combo Stand, holding dumbbells, feet hip-width apart. Bend knees, then hinge forward from hips until back is about parallel to floor, arms hanging down, palms facing rear. Squeeze shoulder blades, then bend elbows up and out to shoulder height [A]. Straighten arms to start position, turn palms in and pull elbows back toward waist, keeping torso still [B]. Repeat for all reps. Gym variation: Use a at pull-down machine starting with 45-80 pounds. Strengthens major muscles of the upper and middle back, middle and rear shoulders.
3] walking lunge Stand with feet hip-width apart, legs straight, holding dumbbells, arms by sides, palms in [A]. Keeping abs contracted and chest lifted, take a large step forward with right foot, bending knees so right knee aligns with ankle and left knee points down [B]. Straighten legs and take a big step forward with left foot into another lunge. Continue alternating for all reps. Gym variation: Do lunges using a Smith machine beginning with 25-50 pounds. Strengthens quadriceps, muscles of the upper hip, inner thighs, calves, some hamstrings and buttocks.
4] overhead dumbbell press Stand, holding dumbbells, with feet hip-width apart, legs straight, elbows bent at shoulder height, forearms parallel, palms in. Contract abs and relax shoulders, keeping body erect [A]. Using back and shoulder muscles, press arms upward; keep wrists straight (don't lock elbows) [B]. Lower to starting position; repeat for all reps. Gym variation: Use a shoulder-press machine starting with 25-50 pounds. Strengthens major muscles of the upper and middle back, shoulders and some biceps.
5] one-legged squat Stand with feet hip-width apart, dumbbells on your shoulders (beginners use no weight and place hands on hips). Lift left foot, using abdominals to stay balanced on right leg [A]. Bend right knee and sit into as low a squat as possible [B]. Contract buttocks and straighten right knee. Repeat for all reps, then switch legs and repeat. Gym variation: Do same exercise using a Smith machine starting with 30-60 pounds (depending on machine weight unloaded). Strengthens quadriceps, inner and outer thighs, buttocks and hamstrings.

6] chest press Lie on back with a rolled towel under your shoulders, knees bent and feet flat. Grasping dumbbells, extend arms above chest, wrists straight, palms facing forward. Contract abs so back is in contact with floor [A]. Squeeze shoulder blades, then bend elbows out and down until they're in line with shoulders [B]. Straighten arms, contracting chest muscles as you press dumbbells up to start; repeat for all reps. Gym variation: Do same exercise on a seated or lying chest-press machine starting with 20-40 pounds. Strengthens chest, front shoulders and triceps.

7] prone alternating arm and leg raise Lie facedown on floor with arms and legs extended. Contract abs to pull navel up off of floor and drop tailbone so spine is in a neutral position [A]. Maintaining abdominal contraction, lift right arm and left leg up off the floor [B]. Lower, then repeat with opposite arm and leg. Continue alternating sides for all reps. Gym variation: Do same exercise lying on a stability ball, alternately keeping one foot in contact with floor. Strengthens back muscles (erector spinae), shoulders and buttocks.
8] double crunch Lie faceup on floor with knees bent and in line with hips, calves parallel to the floor. Place fingertips behind head without clasping, elbows open. Contract abs to pull navel in to spine so back is in contact with the floor [A]. Use your abdominals to lift hips off floor, simultaneously bringing knees toward chest and lifting head and shoulders off floor [B]. Lower and repeat for all reps. Gym variation: Do a 90-degree bent-knee reverse curl on a hanging Roman chair. Strengthens abdominals.

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