5 fat-burning running programmes

It’s not how far you run. It's how you run that matters

Your action plan

What: Five fat-burning, running programmes you can tailor towards your lifestyle and goals.
Why: To lose a pound of fat you need to burn 3500 more calories than you eat. Running is the fastest way to expel energy and keeps your metabolism hiked up long after you've chucked your trainers back in the cupboard.
Who: Anyone who wants to burn fat quickly and cheaply.  
When: Do 2 or 3 of the routines below each week, leaving at least a day of rest between each run.

Pick up the pace

Best if you want pitch-ready fitness 
The Science: If you want to get fitter, faster and fat-free you have to increase your pace to a level that's just below your lactate threshold (see how to find yours below). A paper in theJournal of Sports Science and Medicine found that unfit guys who ran at just below their lactate threshold burnt twice as much fat as trained athletes. "This strategy will help you to oxidise more fat and prepare your muscles and lungs for sports," says Runner's World's Elizabeth Hufton. 
To find your lactate threshold run at a slow pace then increase your speed every 2 minutes. Stop when your effort is 7 out of 10 and you feel an intense burn in your muscles, your breathing has become markedly deeper and conversation is no longer possible. This speed is your lactate threshold. Now take your foot off the gas to run just below it.
The Appliance: "Run 3 sets of 15 minutes at this pace with 2 minute's rest between each set," says Hufton.

Take a break

Best if you're short on time
The Science: "Less pain, more gain," could be the new mantra that keeps you lean. Research in the Journal of Applied Physiology found guys doing 60 minutes of cardio training who took a 20-minute break at the halfway mark, burnt more fat than guys who exercised for a full hour without a break. It's thought the first session mobilises the fat into your blood stream and the second session burns it off.
The Appliance: Run for 30 minutes at a leisurely pace, stretch your upper body for 20 minutes then run for another 30 minutes. Alternatively, you can run one 30 minute session in the morning before work and another session after work –  just don't wear the same kit or you'll clear the gym.

Routine buster

Best if running bores you
The Science: For some people, running for long periods can be about as stimulating as a double bill of The Antiques Road Show. If this is you then you'll be pleased to hear that a study at Laval University in Quebec, Canada found people doing cardiovascular exercise for 45 minutes burnt less fat than those who did interval training for 25 minutes. If 45 minutes on the trot is too dull for you then follow the study's 25 minutes programme below to cash in on these fat zapping benefits.
How to do it: Warm up with a slow 3-minute run to get your muscles ready for action. Run as fast as you can manage for 30 seconds then rest for 60 seconds. Repeat this 8 times. Then run as fast as you can for 60 seconds and rest for 60 seconds. Repeat this 5 times.

The afterburner

Best if you like track or gym running
The Science: You can force yourself to torch more fat by continuing to burn calories after you've finished running. Measuring the distances you cover is ideal for charting your progress but whether you run 5 kilometres in 25 minutes or 65 minutes, you'll still burn the same amount of calories while you're doing it. A study in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found people who did high intensity exercise in the form of long intervals burnt more calories when they were resting than people who trained at a lower intensity. Use this routine from Hufton to carry on losing weight while you're on the couch.
The Appliance: Run 6 sets of 400 metres at a pace that's 8 out of 10 in effort. Jog slowly for 2 minutes to recover.
Run 8 sets of 200 metres at a pace that's 8 out of 10 in effort. Jog slowly for 2 minutes to recover.
Run 2 sets of 800 metres at a pace that's 8 out of 10 in effort. Jog slowly for 4 minutes to recover.

Time is running out

Best if you want to build stamina and endurance 
The Science: Slow-and-steady can win the race against fat. A study published in The Canadian Journal of Sport Sciences found that when subjects increased the amount of time they ran from 30 to 45 minutes, the rate at which they burnt calories after the run doubled. When they ran for an hour they burnt 5 times more calories after their run than after a 30 minute run - not a bad return on your fat burning investment.
The Appliance: "If you can't manage to run for 45 minutes then work your way up to it by adding 5 minutes each week to what you can currently manage," says Hufton. "You can also alternate between running and walking in 10 minutes intervals to clock off your time."

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