5 Steps to Cool Down the Right Way After Exercise

When most of us finish our workout the only thing we want to do is stop and relax. However, if you suddenly go from working out to sitting like a lump, you are increasing your chances for injury and post-workout pain. Just as you warm up before you exercise with stretches, you’re going to need to cool down the same way. Here are some tips to help you start cooling down properly

after exercising.

  1. Keep moving.

    Your heart rate will be up after your workout and you may even feel a bit dizzy if you’re just getting started in a fitness routine. This of course leads many of us to sit down and try to find equilibrium. The best thing you can do however is keep moving. This gives your heart a chance to slow down normally and you’ll be working out your tired muscles and giving them a chance to relax. Try walking for twenty minutes following a workout at a nice slow pace.

  2. Slowing down during exercise.

    One of the easiest ways to incorporate a cool down period is to work it into your exercise routine. This is great if you are on a limited time schedule and do not have an extra twenty minutes for a proper cool down. At the end of your exercise routine start slowing down your movements and making them more deliberate. Work your final stretches into your exercise routine and finish. At the end of your workout, instead of having a racing heart, it should return to its normal rate.

  3. Start stretching.

    Once you’re done with your workout, you’re going to need to do a few languorous stretches to cool down. Think about the movements that cats make to inspire you. Hold each stretch for around 15 seconds, or longer if it feels good. You don’t have to worry about touching your toes or doing stretches that really pull your muscles. What you’re doing here is working out the kinks and giving them a chance to return to normal slowly.

  4. Use the right fuel pre-workout.

    One of the best ways to recover after exercise is to make sure that you have the right fuel in your body beforehand. A lack of salt, potassium and protein can lead to muscle cramps. Try to eat about a half hour before your workout. We’re not talking a full seven course meal here, but a nice little 100 calorie, well balanced snack that will give your body what it needs to workout. You’ll find that you feel a lot better when you’re done. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water as well, since you will have lost quite a bit during your workout routine.

  5. Dress properly.

    One of the biggest mistakes people make is going right from the gym to their car, no matter what the weather is, in their workout clothes. If it is cold out, you’re going to be shocking your body and you’ll be more likely to experience cramps. You’ve got to dress the right way for the weather to make sure you cool down slowly and properly.

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