Best Tummy Exercises - Learn the best way to build a leaner, tighter, sexier less time!

Wanna know the best tummy exercises to do for a firmer, flatter, sexier stomach? How about the best exercises to burn belly fat? Well, you may be surprised that they're not the typical ab exercises you've probably heard about or even tried (ie crunches, situps, knee raises, etc). Yes, these exercises will help to strengthen and tone your abdominal muscles but, in reality, they won't help you get a flatter stomach.

The best tummy exercisesare - simply put - the ones that you actually enjoy doing. When you enjoy something, you do it frequently enough to see real results fast! Most people make the mistake of following the advice of a fitness "expert" from a magazine/book/
video/etc. and assaulting their ab muscles with set after grueling set of tummy exercises for the upperPublish Post
 abs, lower abs, middle abs, obliques, inside-out abs, upside down abs.....well, you get the picture.
It's no wonder that, after a few weeks of this, most people give up on their quest for a leaner midsection! You simply won't continue to do something that you don't enjoy...

Enjoyable Tummy Exercises

In reality, lots of different types of exercises and activities strengthen and flatten the tummy. And many involve little or no typical 'ab work' or tummy exercises. Did you know that many fitness models and bodybuilders do almost no direct abdominal training? The reason is because, when performed properly, almost every weight-bearing exercise you do involves the muscles of the stomach and lower back - the 'core muscles' - to some degree (to stabilize the weight).
If you're already working out with weights or performing some form of strength training, there's a good chance your stomach muscles are already in decent shape. If your midsection looks flabby, your focus should be on burning off the layer of fat that is covering it, not working your abs. A combination of cardio exercise and strength training - combined with a healthy diet - is your best option. (See the Burn the Fat program to learn the most effective methods for shedding body fat quickly and safely.)
One form of tummy exercise that is gaining popularity rapidly - mainly because many people find it extremely enjoyable - is Pilates Method exercise. Pilates workouts basically involve a series of gentle but highly effective movements which are focused on stretching, strengthening, and 'lengthening' your muscles, especially the core muscles of the midsection. Some of the newer forms of Pilates - such as the very popular Winsor Pilates program - can even help you lose weight if done on a regular basis.

'Normal' Tummy Exercises
Finally, if you really, really want to perform some 'normal' tummy exercises - which completely focus on the abdominal muscles - at least choose the ones that give you the most 'bang for the buck' (which means the best results with the least effort). The best ab exercises are generally considered to be the following:
1. The Bicycle Maneuver
2. Exercise Ball Crunches
3. Reverse Crunches
4. The Plank
5. Captain's Chair Knee Raises
Just about any knowledgeable trainer can show you the proper way to do these exercises. Just be sure not to go overboard with your 'direct' ab training or you might set yourself up for failure. One or two brief ab sessions per week - involving no more than 3 or 4 sets of tummy exercises - is all most people need to properly strengthen their stomach muscles.

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