Body thermal physiology in exercise

The maximal efficiency for conversion of nutrient energy into muscle work is only about 20-25%, remaining 80-75% is lost as heat energy. Also almost all the energy (20-25%) that goes into creating muscle work still becomes body heat because all but a small portion of this energy is used to overcome viscous resistance to the movement of the muscles & joints, & also to overcome the friction of the blood flowing through the blood vessels etc. 

The amount of heat liberated in the body is almost proportional to the oxygen consumption, & as we know that in a well trained athlete, the amount of oxygen consumption can increase almost up to 20 times, the heat generated is tremendous performing endurance sportive events. Also during severe exercise the blood flow in skin is also decreased due to severe vasoconstriction. This coupled with hot & humid weather or excess clothing the body temperature can easily rise to 41-42 degree Celsius, in spite of the sweating mechanism. 
The stoppage of the exercise itself at this level, does not easily decline the temperature itself, due to failure of temperature-regulating system & liberation of still more heat caused by the very high body temperature doubling of all the intracellular chemical reactions. 
This much elevated temperature becomes destructive to body tissues & cells, specially the brain cells- leading to multiples symptoms: extreme weakness, headache, exhaustion, dizziness, nausea, profuse sweating, confusion, staggering gait, collapse & unconsciousness. This whole complex is called heatstoke & if not treated immediately can lead to death. 
At this stage body temperature should be tried to reduce as rapidly as possible. Remove all the clothing, spay cold water on all the surfaces of the body or continually sponge the body with cold water & blow air over the body with a fan. Instead the body can be immersed totally in water containing a mush of crushed ice.

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