Burn Hip Fat with These Effective Hip Reduction Exercises

Do you have a problem with wide hips? Wide hips can result from two factors; the first one being the size of the hip bone and the second one being the deposit of excessive fat around the hips. You cannot do much about the bone structure as it cannot be changed, but if your issue is with excessive fat, there are many hip slimming exercises which you can try at home to reduce hip fat.
Aerobic exercises combined with a few gym exercises can really help you burn hit fat to the maximum. Let us start with the aerobic exercises.

Light Aerobic Hip Slimming Exercises

The longer you do aerobic exercises the more fat and calories you will burn. Light aerobic exercises will help you burn down the overall body fat which in-turn will firm your hip muscles slimming them down. Here are a few light aerobic exercises that you can try:
Walking or Jogging as a Exercise to Reduce Hips
Walking or Jogging is perhaps the best way to reduce hips and your overall body fat an especially lower body fat which includes hips, waist and the butt. As I mentioned earlier, the longer you do the exercise the more fat you will burn. You can always walk or jog for a longer period of time. The same is not true with running or weight training.
Get up early in the morning and start walking or jogging and keep at it for at-least 45 to 50 minutes. The sweat coming out of your body is an indication that you are doing it right. Sweat will also help you keep your skin supple and clean. So you have another great advantage here.
While walking, try to take longer steps than the usual. This will help you workout your hip and butt muscles better.
Cycling as a Hip Reduction Exercise
If you don't know how to ride a cycle or have not done it for a long time, it's time to get back to the basics. Buy a bicycle and get started. You need not cycle too hard or fast. Just maintain a slow and steady pace. If you feel shy venturing outside on a bicycle, you can always get yourself an indoor exercise cycle. But I would still recommend cycling outside as this helps the body build balance and makes for a stronger and effective workout routine. Remember that cycling is one of the best and the easiest exercise to reduce hips.
Inline Skating
Yes, inline skating is not only for fun, it has other advantages too. Skating is equal to walking often putting much less strain on your body and actually helping you have fun with exercise. Get yourself the proper protection gear and experiment with inline skating. If you think you are not able to balance or carry the weight, discontinue with this and get back to walking or cycling. You can always get back to inline skating after losing a few more pounds of weight.
Hip Firming Gym Exercises
There are some effective gym exercises which will help you strengthen and firm your hip muscles. The first one is squats and the other one is lunges
Squats for Hip Slimming and Strengthening:
Squats if done right can help you strengthen hip muscles and reduce the fat deposits around the hips. But it is very important that you perform squats with a professional gym trainer. Not doing squats properly can cause strain to your muscles. The video below illustrates the exact procedure for doing squats:
Lunges of hip firming:
hip firming exercises
If you have not tried lunges so far, you are missing out on the benefits of a great butt reduction and hip slimming exercise. There are many different ways by which you can perform lunges. We recommend the drop down knee version. Here's how it is done
  • Take two weights (barbells) and hold them in each hand
  • Now stand up straight with your feet around three feet apart
  • Once you are ready, bend your knees to a 90 degree angle. When you are bending your knees drag your left knee towards the floor as show in the picture
  • Now come back to the starting position by pushing through the right heel and repeat with the right knee down
  • Repeat this for about 10 to 15 times. You can always start out repeating lesser number of times and increase the frequency as you progress
If you have problems performing any of these hip slimming exercises, you can take help from a professional initially. Once you are familiar with the steps, you can start doing it on your own.

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