Burns Fat Fast - 3 Pointers

Easy Methods Which Burns Fat To Lose Weight Permanently

There are a few steps that can be used to strengthen your fat burning routines…

1) Intensity is the key 

If you are trying to figure out how to burn fat faster, believe me when I say that the key is intensity. I've watched people who spend day after day walking for hours on a treadmill only to see little change in their physique or weight.

It is not a matter of how long you stay at the gym, it's a matter of how effectively you use that time that will enable you to burn fat faster.

Whether you are lifting weights or doing cardio, all of your training must be done with high intensity. You will not induce your body to burn fat faster unless your workout routines are high-impact.

2) Count your calories 

A new trend for people today is counting calories. Unfortunately, the average person has no idea what a calorie actually is. If you are trying to find out how to burn fat faster and lose weight, you first have to know what calories are and how they relate to your weight loss goals.

A calorie simply describes how much energy your body can extract from the food you eat. For instance, proteins and carbohydrates typically have four calories per gram while fats have nine calories per gram.

In order for your body to remain in its current state, you must take in a certain number of calories per day. If you take in more calories than this number, your body will store that excess energy and you will gain weight. If you eat less, your body will be forced to break down energy it previously stored and you will lose weight.

Therefore, your first step towards burning fat faster is to figure out how many calories your body actually requires. This can be calculated using a number of techniques and formulae. I suggest that you use the “Harris-Benedict Formula” to calculate your precise caloric intake.

After you determine how many calories your body requires, you can quickly determine how to burn fat faster. This can be easily accomplished by lowering your daily caloric intake by 15% to 20%.

3) Eat more meals 

Eating three times a day will not aid you in your goal to burn fat faster. The only way to get quicker results is to eat 5 to 7 times a day.

If too much time passes between meals, your body thinks it is starved and activates its survival mechanisms. Therefore, when you eat again, your body will store more fat to protect itself from future starvation.

While we are all aware that we are unlikely to starve, it is not that obvious to our bodies. To prevent your body from storing unwanted fat, you need to space your meals out to where they are about three hours apart so your body will not think it needs to protect itself from starvation, allowing you to take further steps to burn fat faster.

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