Full Body Workout Plan for Women

Many women worry that if they start working out they will begin to look masculine, much like professional female bodybuilders. But the reality is that the average woman simply does not produce the testosterone necessary to build big, bulky muscles. Exercise naturally will give you a sleek, healthy-looking body. But before you begin, make sure you are cleared by your doctor to participate in a workout program.


A woman's full body workout plan should include exercises that provide cardiovascular conditioning as well as weight training. AsktheTrainer.com lists five components of physical fitness: cardiovascular endurance, muscle strength, muscular endurance, flexibility and body composition. All of five of these areas can be addressed by a balanced program of weight training and cardiovascular conditioning. Add in a post-workout stretch or a yoga class as well.

What to Include

The plan should include exercises that work every major muscle group: legs, including quadriceps, hamstrings and calves; chest; back; shoulders; arms; and the core, which includes the abdominals, lower back and glutes. The core is especially important because it is the "powerhouse" of the body, providing stability, leverage and strength for any physical maneuver.


Many women in the early stages of a fitness program find that they are able to increase the weight they lift with their legs fairly quickly, while the weight they lift with their arms is much more difficult to increase. The opposite is generally true for men. This is because the female body is designed for childbearing and carrying heavy loads for long periods of time. For this reason, many trainers find it best to focus weight training on the upper body for females and allow a vigorous cardio routine to suffice for much of the leg workout.


Cardiovascular exercise is important for an overall female fitness routine because it helps burn fat and creates a leaner silhouette as well as strengthening the heart and lungs. BodyBuild.com points out that the "best female bodybuilding workout is one that is balanced and uses plenty of cardio. Women tend to carry fat easier than men, so cardio is essential." Biking, jogging and fitness walking are all good options for cardiovascular exercise. Swimming is a terrific overall body conditioning exercise.


Weight training can be particularly beneficial for women because resistance exercises help increase bone density, which may in turn help prevent or slow the development of osteoporosis. It is important to make sure your doctor OK's any new weightlifting plan you wish to undertake so as to avoid injury.

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