The Golden Rule for Diet Solutions: Get to Know Thy Food

Perhaps one of the most effective among all weight loss tips available is this: Know Thy Food. Yes, it kind of sound like something fashioned from a biblical line or passage, but there is actually science and logic behind such advice. It’s like a two-bladed sword. Getting to know one’s food is like getting to know one’s friends. He or she can determine which ones serve him or her best. At the same time, it’s like getting to know one’s enemies. It helps a person identify which ones would eventually prove detrimental to his or her goals.

So here is a list of food facts which aims to make a person well-informed with regard to the food he or she puts inside his or her mouth. These facts should be taken seriously lest those foods find their way to the hips, thighs, cheeks, and what-not.

Diet Friendly Foods - Not all foods labeled as diet friendly should be taken in face value. It should also be seriously considered that cookies, cakes, or chocolates are never appropriate diet foods. There are many of these snacks sold in the market that are dubbed as calorie-controlled servings but what the consumers don’t know is that these foods still contain ingredients that screw up their sugar and insulin levels, resulting to unwanted fat retention. If one wishes to stay true with his or her weight loss ideas, then he or she should be more discriminating when it comes to labels.

Low Fat Foods- Same with the Diet Friendly Foods, low fat products lure many people on a diet to a promise of indulgence without the repercussions. Only that’s not entirely accurate. The bottom line is, fat content in food isn’t what makes people fat. The whole process is way more complicated than that. Unfortunately, some people resort to large servings of low fat foods, oblivious to the detrimental effects these foods have on their diet plan.

Diet Soda- Drinking fluids other than water increases the acid activity in the stomach which then leads to attacks of hunger. Such is enough to ruin any person’s diet plan. That being said, a diet soda is not an excuse to get more soda than what one actually needs. Moreover, products that have been labeled with the word diet have been abused in ways that are utterly illogical and unscientific. The important fact is, these products still contain the many of the harmful ingredients present in their non-diet counterparts.

Low Carb Foods- Foods sold in the market labeled as low carb are mere manifestations of the loop holes in the food authority’s standards in procedure and product labeling. It is vital to note that the sugar alcohol present in these food variants can directly affect one’s diet plans, hence they are not entirely harmless despite the “low carb” tag.

There have already been many diet solutions offered for everyone try. Now the challenge is, finding the one which actually works. Of course, the first step to that process is KNOWING THY FOOD.

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