How to Create a Workout Schedule

Taking the time to actually sit down and create a concrete schedule is the all-important first step toward building the body you want. After that comes the tough task of following it every week, but that's another topic for another day, for now let's just focus on putting a workout schedule together.


  • 1
    Sit down with a weekly calendar and determine how many days of the week you are willing to exercise.
  • 2
    Decide what specific type of exercise you want to engage in. For instance, cardiovascular exercise will help you lose fat, whereas lifting weights will build muscle.
  • 3
    See Section 2 for devising a cardiovascular exercise plan.
  • 4
    See Section 3 for devising a weight-lifting program.
  • 5
    Commit yourself to exercising according to your plan. This is the most important step.
  • 6
    Follow your schedule for at least one month. The results you'll see after four weeks should be enough to keep you motivated.

Cardiovascular Exercise

  • 1
    Incorporate 30-minute exercise sessions into your schedule. Thirty minutes of daily exercise is adequate for most people.
  • 2
    Decide on a form of cardiovascular exercise for a specific day of the week. Using a treadmill or stair-climbing machine, jogging, biking, and swimming are all effective forms of cardiovascular exercise.
  • 3
    Warm up and actively stretch for 5 minutes before beginning any activity.
  • 4
    Exercise at a moderate pace for 20 minutes.
  • 5
    Follow with a 5-minute cool down.
  • 6
    Change your schedule to accommodate longer exercise periods when appropriate.
  • 7
    Stick to your schedule.

Weight Lifting

  • 1
    Set aside 30- to 60-minute workout sessions for lifting. If you don't spend a lot of time socializing or resting during your workout you can get a good session of lifting done in that time. Don't rest more than 60 seconds between sets.
  • 2
    Begin by performing total body workouts aimed at conditioning every major muscle group (upper body, lower body and back). Balanced development is extremely important.
  • 3
    Split your workouts as you become a more experienced lifter. This will enable you to better concentrate on specific muscle groups and areas. A common split that targets every major muscle group is: chest and triceps, back and biceps, shoulder and legs.
  • 4
    Rest your muscles between sessions. Allow each muscle group at least one day of rest between sessions. Your muscles can't grow unless they have time to rest and heal.
  • 5
    Tailor your schedule to best satisfy your goals.
  • 6
    Stick to your workout schedule.

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