How to Gain Weight Fast for Muscle Mass

When attempting to gain weight for muscle mass, you will have to increase your caloric intake while taking care to not eat too many fatty foods. When mass buildin,g your diet will be very important in ensuring that you maximize the amount of weight you gain with muscle rather than fat. You will need to lower the amount of reps of your lifts and increase the weight you use to increase your strength level. The amount of rest between sets and exercises will have to be longer to allow your muscles sufficient time to recover and heal.

Step 1

Increase your caloric intake with "clean" foods. Avoid gorging on unhealthy calorie-rich foods, such as fast foods, baked goods or foods that are high in unsaturated fat. While you are trying to bulk up, be sure to eat more healthy options such whole wheat pastas, rice and grains for your carbohydrates. Lean proteins such as grilled skinless chicken breast, low-sodium turkey and lean cuts of red meat. You should be trying to consume at least two grams of protein per pound of body weight.

Step 2

Supplement your diet with protein shakes to meet your daily protein needs. Choose a shake with at least 30 grams per serving of whey protein. According to the Whey Protein Institute, whey protein is quickly absorbed in to the body and is a complete protein, which your muscles need to recover and rebuild immediately after a strenuous lifting session.

Step 3

Do basic compound movements. Adopt a power lifter type of weight routine that is centered around lifting the heaviest amount of weight, utilizing the major multijoint exercises such as squats, dead lifts, barbell rows, clean and jerks, and standing presses. According to These types of exercises allow you to use more than one specific muscle group and maximize your body's secretion of testosterone and growth hormone

Step 4

Get enough rest. According to, not resting enough when lifting heavy weights can stunt your muscle growth. Your muscles grow in recovery after you leave the gym. Make sure you do a body part only once a week.

Step 5

Limit your cardio but do not eliminate it. According to, doing too much cardio as if you were training to lose weight will use up too much energy and limit the amount of muscle you can add. However, moderate 30-minute cardio sessions three times a week can help your bulking phase by increasing your appetite for healthy clean foods.

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