How to Get Ripped in Workout Routines

Getting a ripped beach body is no easy task, but with a bit of hard work and discipline you can reach your fitness goals. Cardio exercise, resistance training and adhering to a healthy well-balanced diet are essential to getting the sculpted body you desire. You must set reasonable goals and keep track of your progress to help you stay motivated on the road to physical fitness.

Step 1

Perform cardio exercise for at least 30 minutes each day. Cardio exercise elevates the heart rate to a level that supports maximum calorie and fat burning to help reveal muscle tone and definition. Cardio exercise like running, jumping rope, cycling, swimming and kickboxing not only work out major muscle groups throughout your entire body, but can help you burn 500 to 1,000 calories in a single hour.

Step 2

Weight train three or more times per week. Weight training helps build lean muscle mass, thus allowing you to perform cardio exercise more effectively and burn fat more efficiently. Weight train for 20 to 30 minutes every other day to allow your muscles to recover on the off days, while still helping to reveal significant results.

Step 3

Watch what you eat. Your diet plays a monumental role in your ability to burn fat effectively and keep the fat off. Your diet should be rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins while low in fats and cholesterol. Limit your intake of beverages high in sugar or caffeine and drink at least 64 oz. of water each day to support fat loss and to stay adequately hydrated.

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