How to Get Stronger With Dumbbells

By using dumbbells for your weight-training program, a greater range of motion is achieved which increases overall muscular strength. Another strength-boosting benefit from dumbbells is the fact that increased joint stabilization is needed to perform movements. It is best to stick to compound exercises that require greater muscle fiber recruitment which builds strength. Carefully practice proper lifting form to prevent unwanted injuries. Incorrect exercise form can lead to injuries such as sprains, fractures and other painful issues. Always consult 
your doctor before beginning a new strength-training program.

Step 1

Perform lower reps with heavier but manageable weight for each exercise. According to the American Council on Exercise, muscular strength is increased by performing roughly one to five sets of one to eight repetitions with each movement. Make the last rep of each set difficult by using a sufficient amount of weight to ensure strength gains.

Step 2

Complete chest presses to gain upper body strength. Lie on a bench and straighten your arms above your chest while holding a dumbbell in each hand. Lower your arms toward your shoulders slowly while bending at the elbow until your elbow reaches a 90-degree angle. Repeat to starting position.

Step 3

Perform dumbbell squats for lower body and core strength. Hold dumbbells down by your side with arms straight or hold dumbbells on top of your shoulders with elbows bent. Maintain a hip-width distance between your feet. Push your hips back and bend at the knees and continue lowering your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Push with your weight on the heels to raise your body to the start position.

Step 4

Execute dumbbell deadlifts to boost muscular strength and size gains. Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width. Keep your toes pointing forward and bend at the hips and knees while pushing your hips back during the lowering phase. Stop when your thighs are parallel to the ground, tighten your core and lift the dumbbells from the floor while keeping your back straight throughout the movement until you reach a full upright position. Repeat the movement until desired reps are achieved.

Step 5

Rest for at least one day in between your strength workouts. Perform a stretching routine and avoid strenuous activity to allow complete muscular repair and recovery.

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