How To Set Up An Effective Bodybuilding Diet Plan

Bodybuilding is a serious sport that requires strict excercise regimens, eating habits and nutritional knowledge to enable proper muscle development and sustainability.  A bodybuilding diet plan should be protein rich yet balanced with carbohydrates and fats to ensure good nutrition.  Protein builds muscle but a bodybuilder also requires an optimal functioning cardiovascular system, good blood flow and optimal organ health to reach the muscle size in this competitive sport.  

Fad and quick weight loss diets are a trend in this world, and though fast weight loss is achieved, strength, nutrition and healthy body function are compromised.  Balance is the best bodybuilding diet plan and can be achieved using some basic natural foods.  

Finding complete protein foods that are low in fat can be the biggest challenge in the muscle building diet plan.  Typical animal proteins are loaded with high fats.  Bodybuilders can look to vegetable proteins with protein shake supplements as snacks to drive the protein intake to the desired level.  On average protein intake should be a minimum of .36 grams of protein per pound of body weight making a 200 pound bodybuilder need 72 grams of protein.  

The best low fat vegetable food sources include white beans, green leafy vegetables, steel cut oatmeal, flax seeds, peas, cornmeal and lentils.  Combining beans with rice produces a complete protein, a more dependable protein source that is closest to animal proteins.  Fish and chicken can add variety into the diet but should be used sparingly to ensure a lower fat content diet.  Clams are a great source of protein and are low in fat.  

Vegetable proteins are also high in fiber so the system clears itself out faster and nutrient levels are increased.  Meat based diets are historically lower in fiber making this diet choice another reason to avoid animal based products.  Few bodybuilders are vegetarians, but if calculated correctly, the proteins in a vegetarian diet could support the protein demands of heavy weight lifting.  Protein supplements in the form of shakes and drinks can be a quick snack that is consumed on the go and fills in any missing proteins.  

A bodybuilding diet plan has to be as calculated as the very exercises that build muscle tissue and mass. Without this focus on best food practices, the bodybuilder will unsuccessfully feed the muscles while generating fat loss, a necessary diet function to highlight muscles and their sculpting ability.  Fiber, water and the added vitamins and minerals in a vegetable diet will fuel more in the body and create a protein rich, nutrient rich internal environment. 

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