How to Tone a Flabby Belly Without Plastic Surgery

Weight-loss surgery is a drastic step to lose pounds and comes with a variety of side effects. However, it's possible to lose a flabby belly without serious measures like plastic surgery. Planning daily cardio sessions and at least two belly-toning sessions weekly will help you lose belly fat naturally. It's also important to eat a diet 
low in calories to shed unwanted midsection weight.

Step 1

Plan cardio activity that lasts at least 30 minutes most days of the week, recommends If you haven't worked out recently, select moderate activities, such as aqua aerobics, walking at a fast pace or biking. Increase calorie burning and lose belly fat quicker by selecting intense activities, like jumping rope, jogging or running.

Step 2

Tone your core muscles using the squat-with-twist exercise. This exercise tones a common problem area, the sides of your core, also called the "love handles." Start out in a standing position, feet positioned shoulder-width apart. Lower your body into a squat position, keeping your core muscles contracted. Slowly twist your upper body to the right and then back to center again. Repeat eight to 12 times on each side of the body.

Step 3

Lie down on your exercise mat to begin doing pelvic tilts. Bend your knees slightly and take a few deep breaths. Contract your core muscles and lift your pelvis off the exercise mat toward the ceiling. Hold this contraction for three counts and then rest for a few seconds. Repeat the pelvic tilt 10 times during your workout session.

Step 4

Start out on your hands and knees with your core muscles firmly engaged, for opposite arm and leg raises. Extend your right arm to shoulder height and your left leg to hip height. Hold this contraction for two counts and return to your starting position. Complete 15 repetitions on each side of the body. Once this exercise gets easier, increase receptions to 20, recommends "Fitness" magazine.

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