Intermediate Biking Exercises

Biking is an excellent low impact form of exercise that can be completed both indoors and outdoors. This workout is great for individuals of all ages and fitness levels. As a health benefit, biking will raise your heart rate level and help you build lean muscle mass, both of which can help you lose or maintain your weight. Below are several intermediate biking exercises that are designed to help you build endurance. When completing these exercises indoors, try to utilize a bike which allows for you to add resistance that will mimic a hill.

Exercise #1

For this quick 30-minute workout, you will begin with 10 minutes of easy riding. Imagine that the terrain is flat. After 10 minutes of warming up, increase resistance to mimic climbs. You will want to ride at a steady pace where you go harder on the climbs and easier on the descents. Your rate of perceived exertion should be a level 5 and your RPMs should be between 90 to 110. Cool down with 5 minutes of easy riding.

Exercise #2

In this quick strength building exercise, you will want to warm up with 10 minutes of easy riding. After warming up, you will want to pedal for 15 minutes on a long, steady uphill grade. Your RPM should drop down to 55 to 60 during this time period. While you are pedaling, you should always feel tension on the pedals. All your power should come from your core and legs. Remember to pedal with a steady pace. Your rate of perceived exertion should be between 5 to 7. Cool down with 5 minutes of easy pedaling.

Exercise #3

For a 40-minute interval strength building workout, begin with 10 minutes of easy riding. After warming up, begin to add tension until the bike feels like you are riding up a long hill with a steady grade. Ride at a RPM of 55 to 60 and a rate of perceived exertion of 6 to 8 for 10 minutes. Recover for 5 minutes of easy spinning at 100 to 110 RPM and a rate of perceived exertion of 3 to 5. Repeat this 10-minute hard interval followed by another 5-minute easy interval. Finish the workout with 5 minutes of easy riding.

Exercise #4

To help build your strength and lactate threshold, complete the following 40-minute ride. You will begin with 10 minutes of easy riding and then begin intervals. The hard intervals will be on long, steep hills. Increase your tension and ride 2 minutes at 60 RPM and then sprint for 2 minutes at 100 RPM. Your rate of perceived exertion should be between 5 to 7. Repeat this hard interval for 10 minutes then do 5 minutes of easy spinning, then repeat the hard intervals for another 10 minutes. Cool down with 5 minutes of easy riding.

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