Raw Food Transformation

British raw food author Angela Stokes lost around 160lbs through adopting a raw food lifestyle, reversing morbid obesity. Now a svelte 138lbs, at her biggest, the 29 year old was nearly 300lbs and her health was extremely compromised. She was constantly ill and underneath a false mask of contentment, she was also deeply unhappy and insecure.
Here is her story.

From being a very healthy and active young child, Angela's health began to edge into issues when, at the age of 11, her thyroid gland went under-active. Her metabolism slowed and she began to gradually gain weight.
The condition was diagnosed 2 years later. But even after starting thyroid medication, food had become the center of Angela's world - she was lost in cycles of compulsive overeating (primarily 'junk' foods) and the weight kept piling on as a result.

Diabetes - The Catalyst

At age 21 Angela was 295 lbs, and in 2000 a possible diabetes scare was enough to jolt Angela into awareness that perhaps there were kinder ways to treat her body. Her life took on a new direction after reading The Raw Family by the Boutenkos. Angela swapped her calorie-packed greasy carbs diet overnight for a 100% raw lifestyle.

Weight Loss

The weight began to burn off at an astonishing rate - in the first year alone, she lost around 105lb. As the pounds slipped away, her body came to life. She says that every time she looked in the mirror, it was like seeing someone different. Suddenly she could see her collar bone again for the first time in years, feel her ribs down her side, long-term acne was clearing, and her clothes and jewelery all became loose.
Before / After

While obese, Angela walked with only the bottom half of her legs, as her thighs were so large they were wedged together. As the weight fell away, it was like her legs doubled in length. Every day was an adventure of discovering new activities she could now participate in more easily, like exercise and shopping for nice clothes.

Raw Food Lifestyle

In 2004 Angela set-up a website (Raw Reform) in order to share her experiences. Angela is delighted that as a 100% raw foodist, she no longer gets ill. There were points during her teenage years when she was taking up to 15 different allopathic medicines at a time to try to suppress all the symptoms she was experiencing. Now she has been through many layers of detox and says that she has never felt better.Her thyroid is now also completely naturally balanced. She came off the thyroid medication she had been on for around 13 years when she went raw (switching instead to homeopathic remedies and seaweed) and now her thyroid is completely balanced naturally, with daily kelp supplements and regular seaweed meals.

The Last Word

Angela likes to say to people 'If I can do this, I believe anyone can. It's simply a matter of choice. Just six years ago I was nearly 300lbs, morbidly obese, always ill, miserable, with no interest in my health and eating my way into the grave with junk foods. Now I'm one of the healthiest people I know. All I really did was change my way of eating, by bringing it more into alignment with nature.'Angela has spend the last 6 years exploring and promoting raw foods and natural health care for weight loss. Angela offers books, retreats, consultations and lectures internationally on raw foods. You can find her website here and blog here.

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