Top 5 Abdominal Exercises to Achieve the Perfect Six-pack Abs

Most men wish to have a perfect set of abs. They try several diet regimen, exercise and supplements to attain the best asset that any woman go after. Using various gym equipment could be effective in shaping abdominal muscles. However, these machines might give untoward effects such as straining of the muscles and tearing delicate connective tissues. Thus, people nowadays look for a more conventional and strain-free workout that can lose excess flabby mass around the stomach and shape the abs. There are several crunches and sit-up exercises that can be performed to attain a flatter stomach. Listed below are some of the effective abdominal exercises used by most male individuals to have that six-pack abs.

Exercises for Upper Abdomen
1.      Crunches. Crunches are one of the common abdominal exercises utilized by most men. It is performed by lying down on the floor with knees bent. The movement starts by curling the shoulders toward the pelvis. The hands can be placed either behind the neck, beside the neck, or crossed over the chest.
2.      Arm Extension Crunches. This is one of the modified versions of traditional crunches. This is done by lying on the floor with knees flexed. Then, stretch the arms straight above the head and perform the usual crunches. Hold on in a contracted position in a few moments and resume to its normal position. This can be done for 15 to 20 times.
3.      Supported Crunches. This is one of the most effective abdominal workouts for men. It is done by lying down on the floor with hands folded below the neck. Keep the legs supported such that the knees make a 90 degree angle with the legs. Curl up, just like in traditional crunches, and elbows should come in an inward direction once going up. Then, hold on the contracted position for few seconds. This routine can be repeated for 15 to 20 times.
Exercises for the Lower Abdomen
4.      Pelvic tilt. Aside from shaping up the lower abs, pelvic tilt helps in reducing pain intensity and pain duration when a person experiences round ligament pain. Pelvic tilt is done by lying down on the floor and folding the knees. Keep the feet and shoulder width apart from each other. Then, lift up the lower torso and hold in this position for few seconds. This can be done for 15 to 20 times for at least 2 repetitions.
5.      Chair leg lifts. A chair is needed to execute the exercise. First, sit upright on the stool. Make sure that the back is flat and well-rested. Then, extend the arms and place it on the legs. Contract smooth muscles by inhaling and lifting the knees up towards the location of the chest. Hold the position for at least five seconds. After that, exhale and lower the knees back slowly. The feet must be rested on the ground. This is done for 8 to 10 times.
Though these abdominal exercises are safe and easy to perform, it is best to train under a qualified exercise instructor or a physical therapist. They are the resource people who can help you professionally by suggesting the right routine and the number of times the stomach exercises should be perform to attain best results. These exercises, when done in combination with a healthy diet higher protein content, will surely give men the perfect six-pack abs.

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