What Exercises Can Be Used for the Triceps?

Those interested in developing the muscles in their arms will want to spend adequate time on their triceps muscles. The triceps muscle, which anatomically is called the triceps brachii, is located at the back of your upper arm. When completing triceps strength training exercises, allow yourself at least 48 hours of rest between training sessions so that your triceps muscles can adequately recovery.


The triceps inserts at the olecranon process of your ulna, which is one of your long forearm bones. It then runs up your arm and fans out into three different heads, originating at your scapula and two different locations on your humerus, or upper arm bone. Your triceps primarily extends or straightens your elbow joints, but it also assists in extending the shoulder, according to "Women'sHealth" magazine.


Exercises that effectively develop your triceps focus on movement about your elbow joint, forcing you to extend your elbows against resistance, according to ExRx.net. Common triceps exercises include isolation exercises, which specifically develop the triceps, and compound exercises, which also incorporate other joints and muscles into the movement. Triceps isolation exercises include overhead triceps extension, lying triceps extension and triceps kickbacks. Compound exercises, which also develop your shoulders, but are effective at building strength and size in the triceps, include military pushups and dips.

Isolation Techniques

To perform overhead triceps extension, hold a dumbbell with both hands and your straight arms over your head. Bend your elbows to drop the dumbbell back behind your head. Then extend your elbows to bring the dumbbell back up to starting position. For the lying triceps extension, lie on your back on a bench, holding a single dumbbell with both hands and extending your arms straight, directly up toward the ceiling. Bend your elbows to drop the barbell directly toward your forehead. Stop just short of the dumbbell touching your forehead, then extend your elbows to return the dumbbell back to starting position. You train one arm at a time when completing triceps kickbacks. Place one knee and that same side hand on a bench, so that your torso is parallel with the bench. Hold a dumbbell with the other hand and lift your arm up so that it's parallel with the bench as well, set right alongside your torso. Bend your elbow to lower the dumbbell down towards the floor, and then extend your elbow to bring the dumbbell back to starting position.

Compound Techniques

To complete military pushups, bring your hands in to a more narrow position so that they're set directly underneath your shoulders. As you lower your body down, keep your elbows in to your torso. Military pushups are more difficult than regular pushups, so expect that you'll complete fewer repetitions than usual. To complete dips, sit on a bench and place your hands on the edge of the bench at your sides. Extend your legs out on the floor, or to increase the intensity, place your feet up on a second bench or box. Slide your hips forward so that they clear the bench and you are forced to hold your body up with your arms. Bend your elbows to lower your hips down below the bench, then extend your elbows to bring your hips back up.

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