Why is Weight Important for Health in the Human Body?

Having a healthy weight is important to maintain good health. If you become underweight or overweight, you could develop serious health conditions -- some of which could result in death. If you're unsure of what body weight is right for you, consult with your physician and, if necessary, ask him for recommendations on ways to reach a healthy body weight.

Maintain Body Temperature

One reason it's important to have a healthy body weight is to help regulate your body temperature. Hypothermia, or a low body temperature, is one symptom of anorexia. Anorexia is an eating disorder that primarily affects women, but men may also have it. When you suffer from anorexia, you may exercise compulsively, starve yourself or use laxatives to achieve a low body weight. Anorexia involves thinking that you're fat even when your body is thin and fragile. When your body temperature is low, you will feel cold. This can also cause poor circulation and slow certain functions, such as breathing, until your normal body temperature returns.

Avoid Chronic Illnesses

If you eat too much and become overweight or obese, you can develop certain chronic health conditions. Common chronic health conditions related to obesity include diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol and arthritis. You may also develop asthma and sleep apnea from fat encasing your lungs and air passageways. Americans spent roughly $2 trillion in 2010 on healthcare expenses, according to the Council on Foreign Relations. Weight-related chronic conditions take up a large majority of healthcare expenses.

Avoid Heart Disease

Certain chronic illnesses related to obesity, such as hypertension and high cholesterol, can lead to heart disease. Heart disease is the number one cause of deaths in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC. The CDC reports that approximately 785,000 Americans experienced a new coronary attack in 2010 and an additional 470,000 people had a recurrent heart attack.

Mental Health

You may not think of mental health when it comes to having a healthy weight, but you should. Weight issues may lead to depression. This can occur whether you're over- or underweight. TeensHealth states that obese individuals are more prone to depression and low self-esteem. If you exercise regularly and are of a healthy body weight, you may be less likely to develop low self-esteem and depression and instead have more self-confidence.

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