Yoga Breathing Exercises to Burn Fat Around the Stomach

There are a lot of things possible today and depending upon the way you look at it - everything is possible; or in other words, nothing is impossible. Stomach fat or midriff fat is one of the most annoying accumulation of fat and one of the most stubborn while trying to shed. It is also a fact that the midriff fat or stomach fat is a great health hazard - particularly indicating cardiac problems. Most of the people who suffer from this malady would be in high danger of heart attack and paralytic strokes.

What Are Breathing Exercises

You must have heard of yoga. Yoga is an ancient Indian exercise regime which involves a certain discipline in breathing and exercising inner and outer muscles and organs in the body and can help in getting rid of stomach flab fast. Yoga involves specific methods of breathing combined with body postures which are called asanas, the combination of which are known to combat a wide variety of maladies that plague humans. These yoga exercises can be easily accomplished by everyone - without regard to body weight, medical history, sex or age. Yoga, if performed correctly claims to perform feats close to miracles. However, it is very important that the beginner learns yoga from a certified guru (teacher) because any of the postures or breathing exercises can be extremely harmful if done incorrectly.

Yoga For Stomach Fat Reduction

Some exercises that are highly beneficial for reduction of baby fat from stomach are described below. Remember, you should not attempt any of these on your own unless you have been shown and guided by a certified yoga master or guru.
Pavan Muktasan (Release or Regulation of Air) - Lie down on your back and take a deep breath. Bend your left leg at the knee and catching the toes, bring it to touch your stomach while at the same time you lift your head to touch the bent knee. Keep the right leg straight and your breath in. Count 10 and return to the original position. Leave your breath. Repeat with the other leg.
Dhanurasan (The bow posture) - Lie down on your stomach. Catch your ankles by bending your knees and then push outwards (up) to make your body look like a bow. Pull your head back as much as it goes. Keep for 10 seconds and release posture.
Bhunagasan - lie on your stomach and keep your hands right under your shoulders. Push your upper body backwards using only the back muscles not your hands. In case you find it difficult to ignore the hands, try keeping them over the hips.
All the above yoga exercises are extremely beneficial in reducing stomach fat. These need to be initially done in the presence and under the guidance of a yoga guru. There are many, many more other yoga exercises or postures that are helpful in reducing midriff fat and stomach flab. However, as with all other exercises, yoga too needs to be practiced on a daily basis regularly, preferably outdoors, at the crack of the dawn.

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