7 Fitness Tests Every Man Should Do

Ask 10 experts for their definition of fitness, and you'll hear 10 different answers. That's because (to paraphrase a great American philosopher) "Fitness is as fitness does." The way you define the word depends on the type of performance you expect. Some athletes need to develop a particular type of fitness over all others—powerlifters at one extreme, marathoners at another—but most of us are at our best when we achieve balanced fitness
In other words, we're good at everything a healthy, active man needs to be able to do. On those points the experts are in agreement. You need core stability. You need lower-body strength and power to run, jump, and lift heavy objects off the ground. You need torso strength to lift your own body weight in repeated challenges. And you need enough endurance to run a mile without stopping for defibrillation. Of course, there are always men who need to go beyond the standards of guys like us.
Take Ironman world champion Craig Alexander: To compete in events that can be timed with a sundial, he needs to engineer extreme cardiovascular fitness. Then there's San Francisco 49ers' linebacker Patrick Willis. UFC fighter Josh Koscheck. Chicago Blackhawks captain Jonathan Toews. These are men whose sports require unique combinations of speed, strength, power, and agility. You'll find their workout secrets along with our Men's Health Fit tests—feats that guys like us can and should be able to pull off. If you can pull them off well, then you're more than merely fit. You'reMen's Health Fit.

Sculpt a Hard Core

Part One: Core Stability
Fitness begins in the middle of your body. That's also where it ends, if your core isn't strong and stable. Not only do the muscles in your torso defend your spine against unwanted movements—the twists and jolts that produce injuries—but they also enable the movements you do want. They're the linchpins that allow coordinated actions of your upper-and lower-body muscles.
So we'll start with the plank, a fundamental test of core stability and endurance. The average guy should be able to hold a basic plank for 60 seconds, says strength coach Nick Tumminello, whose workout DVDs include Strength Training for Fat Loss & Conditioning. If you aspire to beMH Fit, you should be able to do a more challenging version for the same amount of time.
Test #1
You'll need something long, solid, light, and straight, like a broom handle or dowel. Assume a basic plank position, with your weight resting on your forearms and toes. Your body should form a straight line from neck to ankles. You want your feet hip-width apart and your elbows directly below your shoulders. Have a friend set the dowel along your back. It should make contact at three points: the back of your head, between your shoulder blades, and your tailbone. Hold that position. Stop if your body loses contact with the dowel at one of these three points.
If you can hold your position for 60 seconds, stop and rest for two minutes. Then do the plank with your feet on a bench. (You won't be able to use the dowel, because it will slide off.) Nailed it? Rest two minutes and try this version: With your feet back on the floor, move your arms forward so your elbows are beneath your eyes instead of your shoulders. If you can hold this one for 60 seconds, congratulations: You're MH Fit.
The Scorecard
Below average You can't hold a basic plank 60 seconds 
Average You go 60 seconds 
Above average You can hold a plank 60 seconds with your feet elevated on a bench 
MH Fit You can hold a plank with your arms extended for 60 seconds

The Strongman

Patrick Willis, 25
240 pounds
The average NFL play lasts four seconds. During that time, 49ers linebacker Patrick Willis might have to throw a 315-pound lineman out of the way, jump 39 inches to hurdle a halfback, or race 40 yards to slam down the ball carrier. He has sumo-grade strength, NBA-worthy hops, and sprinter speed. The all-pro usually pancakes his man. Willis has led the league in tackles for two of his first three years (he was second the other year). "I know that I've been blessed genetically," he says, "but I also know that I need to work hard to maximize my potential." That's the key: Can you make the absolute most out of what you have?
To do this required a work ethic so rigorous that it drew praise from 49ers coach and curmudgeon Mike Singletary—the equivalent of squeezing sweat from a rock. Willis says he seeks to improve every day, every play, every repetition. His workouts focus in equal parts on speed, agility, and strength; they're heavy on multimuscle exercises, with low rep counts. "I do squats and bench presses at weights that will help me on the field. So for bench, I'll rep out weights similar to the offensive players I'll have to handle. I'll do 225 pounds for six reps—that's a running back. Then 275 pounds for five reps—a big tight end. Then finish with 315 for another four reps—that's my offensive lineman. I take a similar approach to squats."

Reach the Next Level

Begin and end each workout with two sets of the plank variation you couldn't hold for 60 seconds. Hold as long as you can on each set, rest two minutes, and repeat.
Once you've mastered these variations, try an even harder version, the marching plank. Assume a standard plank position, but with your feet elevated on a bench. Bring one knee toward your chest, without shifting or moving anything else. Return that foot to the bench, and then bring the other knee toward your chest. Continue "marching" for 60 seconds.
When that's easy, try marching planks with your feet against a wall. If you can do that for 60 seconds, record it on video. You'll be a fitnesssensation on YouTube.
Part Two: Core Stability + Mobility
If fitness were measured by how good people looked standing still, then competitive bodybuilders would be judged the greatest athletes on the planet. Core stability in a static position like a plank is just one step on the path toward core fitness—an important part, but hardly the only one.
Here's a tougher test: Can you maintain your core stability while also mobilizing the joints above and below your spine? The overhead squat gives you a quick way to find out. If you've seen Olympic weightlifting, you know what the overhead squat looks like. It's based on the snatch, one of the two Olympic lifts. But instead of starting with the weight on the floor, lifting it overhead, and then standing up, you start with the weight overhead and then descend into a squat, keeping your arms and torso straight.
The need for core stability is obvious; if you can't keep your torso upright, you can't perform the exercise. But you also see which joints above and below your core are too dysfunctional to allow a full range of motion.
"The overhead squat helps you identify weaknesses in your hips, knees, and ankles," says Alwyn Cosgrove, C.S.C.S., coauthor of The New Rules of Lifting for Abs, which is due out in December. It's also a test of the mobility of your shoulder blades and the strength of the muscles supporting them.
Test #2
As with the basic plank, you'll need a broom handle or dowel for this test, the overhead squat. Stand in front of a mirror with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding the dowel straight above your shoulders with your hands wide (about 11/2 times shoulder width) and your elbows locked. Push your hips back and lower yourself into a squat as you keep the dowel directly above your head, your knees over your toes, and your heels on the floor. Go down as far as you can without changing the position of your lower back, leaning forward, pulling your knees inward, or rising up on your toes. A word to the wise: This test is much harder to complete with perfect form than you think, so don't take it lightly.
The Scorecard
Below average You can't bend your knees 90 degrees without leaning forward
Average You can bend your knees more than 90 degrees, but only if your heels come off the floor
Above average You can do a full squat (top of your thighs parallel to the floor) with your heels on the floor and without leaning forward
MH Fit You can perform a perfect overhead squat with a 45-pound Olympic barbell

Reach the Next Level

The test involves moving into the bottom position. But to improve, you need to do the exercise, which means going down into that position and then back up again. Do overhead squats as part of your warmup before each workout. First, work on range of motion with perfect form, trying to go lower each week while keeping your heels on the floor, knees over your toes, and the rod or bar straight over your shoulders. Try for one or two sets of 10 reps. Once you master the form, start adding weight in 10-pound increments.
While you're perfecting your overhead squat, Cosgrove also suggests adding two stability-building core exercises to your program: kneeling lifts and chops. The lifts target your core from the bottom up, while the chops target it from the top down. This combination will strengthen your core, giving you the foundation to improve in all other exercises.
The Power Broker
Josh Koscheck, 32
175 pounds
One round of a UFC bout can zoom by in a violent blur of kicks, punches, and slams. But for the fighter in the octagon, those are the longest five minutes on earth, especially if he's on the carotid-compressing end of a blood choke. Mixed martial arts demands a high-octane blend of strength, speed, agility, power, and stamina. To forge that kind of fitness, Josh Koscheck, emphasizes whole-body exercises that bump up his heart rate to 180 beats a minute. "I need power even when I'm exhausted," says Koscheck, a brown belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu who was an NCAA wrestling champion at 174 pounds. "I push my muscles to fatigue, and then bang out more reps." Koscheck sharpens his fighting for four hours a day, but his workout revolves around six 6-minute power circuits. He may do 12 bench presses, 30 seconds of box jumps, 10 single-arm rows per side, 20 sledgehammer tire slams, 60 seconds of battling rope waves, and 60 seconds of running on a treadmill set at a 9 percent incline. Then he'll push a weighted sled for 50 feet...and then rest for 60 seconds. He repeats that five times. "I work out at maximum intensity because that's how it is in a fight. Any weaknesses will be exposed."

Build Lower-body Strength + Power

Test #4
Part One: Lower-body Strength
In textbooks, there's a line that separates strength and power. Strength is the ability to generate force, while power is the speed at which you can generate force. In reality, the two are intimately connected. Top athletes train for both, lifting heavy weights for pure strength and 
The vertical jump is the most popular way to measure lower-body power, but the standing broad jump is easier to measure because it requires no specialized equipment. The broad jump is the best test of your ability to use strength and power in a single movement, says Martin Rooney, P.T., C.S.C.S., of the Parisi Speed School.
Stand with the tips of your toes behind a line on the ground. Your feet should be slightly less than shoulder-width apart. From this position, swing your arms backward as you crouch, and then thrust your arms forward as you jump forward as far as you can. Land on both feet; otherwise the jump doesn't count. Practice a few times to get the hang of it, and then give it your best shot. Mark the spot where your heels landed (if one foot lands in front of the other, mark the shorter distance), and then try a few more times. Measure the distance from the starting line to the spot where your heels hit on your best jump.
The Scorecard
Below average You jump less than 6 feet
Average 6 to 7 feet
Above average 7 to 8 feet
MH Fit more than 8 feet

Reach the Next Level

The strength you build on a ground-based exercise like the dead-lift will help with your launch. But for multiple jumps, dives, and dashes, you need two additional types of exercises—one type that helps you improve your speed, and another that develops balanced strength in both your legs, says Bret Contreras, C.S.C.S., a strength coach in Phoenix.

The Speed Machine

Jonathan Toews, 22
210 pounds
Imagine a sprint: a heart-pounding, lung-punishing blast for 45 to 60 seconds. Factor in that you're on ice, racing on aluminum blades as you try to control a slippery puck with a stick while defenders seek to splatter your face against the boards. Then repeat 20 times. That's a typical game for Chicago Blackhawks captain Jonathan Toews, who last season became the youngest player ever to win both the Stanley Cup and an Olympic gold medal. "The cardio and strength demands of an NHL game are unlike any other fitness challenge," Toews says. "You have to be strong, explosive, and perfectly balanced because you're essentially on one leg most of the time. And if your core isn't strong, every hit will knock you down." Toews prepares for this demolition derby with full-body exercises that challenge his balance and focus on strength (deadlifts and pushups), explosiveness (box jumps and skater hops), and endurance (lunges and squats). "My training won't necessarily make me look more muscular," he says, "but it means I can control my body better than anyone else on the ice. In the end that's what matters."

Master Your Body Weight

Part One: Whole Body
The bench press is the best sizeand strength-building exercise for your chest. And yet the lowly ground-based pushup actually works more muscles, even if it doesn't allow you to hit certain ones with maximum intensity. Like the bench press, the pushup works your chest, shoulders, and triceps to exhaustion. It's also a core exercise, forcing muscles in your abdomen, hips, and lower back to work hard to keep your spine in a safe position. But the biggest benefit of the pushup may be the way it forces the web of muscles surrounding your shoulder blades to man up and support your shoulder joints, which can become dysfunctional on a steady diet of bench presses.
This test, courtesy of Martin Rooney, may be humbling for you, particularly if you're at your best with your back on a bench and a barbell in your hands.

Test #5
Assume a pushup position with your hands directly below your shoulders, your feet hip-width apart, your weight resting on your hands and toes, and your body in a straight line from neck to ankles. Lower your body until your chest is about an inch above the floor, pause for 1 second (this is essential), and then return to the starting position. Complete as many consecutive pushups as you can while maintaining strict form.
The Scorecard
Below average fewer than 15 pushups
Average 16 to 29 pushups
Above average 30 to 44 pushups
MH Fit 45+ pushups

Reach the Next Level

You can boost your pushup performance by doing just two workouts a week, Rooney says. The first day, do 6 sets of 10 pushups: two sets using regular form, two sets with your feet elevated on a bench, and two sets with your hands close together. Rest two minutes between sets.
The second day, do three sets of 20 to 25 pushups (or as many as you can), resting 90 seconds between sets. After the three sets, rest for three to five minutes, and then do one set of as many pushups as you can.
Retake the test after eight weeks.
Part Two: Upper Body
Just as the bench press has replaced the pushup in many exercise programs, so has the lat pulldown replaced the chinup. And that's a shame. Both exercises hit the featured muscles in the upper and middle back—the lats, lower trapezius, and rear deltoids—but the chinup goes lower and deeper. Because you're hanging from a bar rather than sitting on a padded seat, you force muscles in your middle back to work with the muscles in your hips and lower back to keep your spine in a safe position. "Chinups are a great test of upper-body strength and endurance, core stability, and spinal stabilization," Cosgrove says. Pulldowns are certainly easier, but as with so many things in life, limited effort produces limited rewards.
Test #6
Grab a chinup bar using a shoulder-width, underhand grip. Hang at arm's length. Pull your chest up to the bar, pause for 1 second, and then slowly lower your body back to the starting position and repeat. A repetition counts only if you start from a dead hang with your arms straight.
The Scorecard
Below average fewer than 3 chinups
Average 3 to 7 chinups
Above average 8 to 10 chinups
MH Fit over 10 chinups

Reach the Next Level

Cosgrove recommends doing this routine twice a week: Start with half the number of chinups you were able to complete in the test (round up to the nearest whole number), and do three or four sets in each workout. So if you did 5 or 6 in the test, you'll do sets of three. Rest 90 seconds between sets. Each week, cut 15 seconds from your rest period. That means in week 7 you'll do one continuous set of as many chinups as you can. Whatever that total is, it'll be much bigger than the number of chinups you completed in the test.
Part Three: Cardio
No movement is more fundamental to human survival. Yet running is still misunderstood by many. Most of us know that running is an aerobic activity, meaning that we use oxygen to release the fuel we need to keep moving forward. (Sprints, on the other hand, are anaerobic; you're working too fast for your muscles to use oxygen, so you have to rely on chemicals within your muscles to provide energy.) But it's also a test of the endurance of your muscles themselves, says Joe Dowdell, C.S.C.S., owner of Peak Performance in New York City. A champion swimmer, for example, might have off-thechart aerobic capacity in the pool, but on the road he's no better than the rest of us unless he also conditions his legs to pound the pavement.
The mile run tests you in both areas. You need aerobic fitness to complete the distance in a reasonable time, and you need muscular fitness to ensure that your legs keep going.

The Endurance King

Craig Alexander, 37
154 pounds
You'd think Aesop's moral about slow and steady winning the race would apply to the Ironman. But to notch his second consecutive world championship in Hawaii last year, Craig Alexander averaged 65 seconds per 100 yards in the water for 5 miles, 25 mph on the bike for 112 miles, and 6:24 per mile on his feet for 26 miles. Hardly tortoise-slow. His overall time was 8 hours, 20 minutes, and 21 seconds. The key to training your body to be fast and steady is efficiency. "I constantly strive to sharpen my technique and nudge my lactate threshold higher," says Alexander. Your lactate threshold is the point at which your muscle cells cannot clear lactate (a byproduct of metabolism) as fast as it's being produced, forcing you to hit the brakes. Alexander's daily training involves drills to hone his swimming stroke, pedal motion, and running form. He also does 45 minutes of ab work and savage intervals. He might bike for three hours (faster than his race pace for the final 90 minutes), and follow that up with five 5-minute running intervals at the fastest speed he can maintain, with two minutes of recovery in between. If you imagine your body as an engine, high-intensity intervals soup it up to run with greater fuel efficiency. "I know the competition is gunning for me," says Alexander. "To keep winning, I have to keep improving."
Test #7
It's best to test yourself outdoors on a track or flat stretch of trail or pavement where your distance can be accurately measured. If you choose to run on a treadmill, make sure you elevate it to 2 degrees to make up for the mechanical assistance you're receiving from the moving belt. Once you're sure of the distance, start your stopwatch and take off.
The Scorecard
Below average You need 12+ minutes to run a mile
Average 9 to 12 minutess
Above average 6 to 9 minutes
MH Fit You run a mile in under 6 minutes

Reach the Next Level

Use this running primer from Dowdell to cut minutes off your time. Twice a week, warm up for 5 minutes—easy jogging if you're an accomplished runner, three minutes of walking and two minutes of jogging if you're average to below average on the mile run. Once you've warmed up, do this interval routine: Pick up your pace for 60 seconds, and then follow that with a 60-second walk and then a two-minute jog. That counts as one interval. Do three or four intervals each workout your first week. In subsequent weeks, add one interval to your workouts. So if you completed four intervals in week 1, you'll do five in week two, six in week three, and so on. When you reach eight intervals, reduce your walking time to 30 seconds. Run hard for 60 seconds, walk for 30 seconds, and jog for two minutes. After 8 weeks of interval training, take the mile-run test again.
moving lighter objects at high velocities to develop power. The result is the ability to move fast (an expression of power) and hit hard (a demonstration of iron cojones... and the strength to haul them around).
"The deadlift might be the best indicator of your overall strength because it's applicable to almost any real-world task, such as moving a couch or lifting boxes," says Mike Robertson, C.S.C.S., coowner of Indianapolis Fitness and Sports Training. It's a "posteriorchain" exercise, meaning it develops strength in your rear-body muscles: hamstrings, glutes, spinal erectors, trapezius. These are the muscles you depend on most when you run, jump, or stand your ground while someone's trying to run or jump over you. They're also among your biggest and fastestgrowing muscles—so adding more pounds to your deadlift almost guarantees that you'll pack more muscle onto your frame.
Test #3
Load a barbell and set it on the floor. Stand over the bar with your feet shoulder-width apart and toes pointed forward. Bend at your hips and knees, grab the bar overhand with your hands just outside your legs, and roll it up to your shins. Push your hips back, flatten your back, and tighten your entire body from feet to hands. Pull the bar straight up until you're standing upright with the bar against your thighs. Lower it to the floor, keeping it as close to your body as possible.
Start with a light weight to warm up, and then add weight for each subsequent lift until you reach your maximum.
The Scorecard
Below average You lift less than your body weight 
Average You lift 1 to 1 1/4 times your body weight
Above average You lift 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 times your body weight
MH Fit You lift more than 1 1/2 times your body weight

Reach the Next Level

The best way to improve your deadlift is to deadlift. But that doesn't mean you should limit yourself to one version. Robertson recommends the straight-leg deadlift, which targets your glutes and hamstrings more directly. Stand holding a barbell at arm's length in front of your hips with your feet hip-width apart and knees slightly bent. Push your hips back, keeping your lower back naturally arched, until the bar is just below your knees. Thrust your hips forward and return to the starting position, squeezing your glutes at the top of the lift. Keep your knees at the same angle throughout the movement; this ensures that the glutes and hamstrings do the work. Do three sets of six reps twice a week, using progressively heavier weights. Retest yourself on the traditional deadlift after eight weeks.
Part Two: Lower-body Strength + Power
Unless you're a competitive lifter, there aren't many sports in which your feet stay on the ground. Most involve leaps and sprints, and springing off one or both legs for maximum height, distance, and velocity.

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