3 Muscle Groups You Didn’t Realize You Activate Just By Walking

If you’ve ever gone on a long walk with a friend or a great podcast, you know that the miles can fly by. Once you get home, however, your body may feel worked in unexpected places. Walking is generally considered a great exercise for the glutes, hamstrings, and hips—but according to walking coach and ACE-certified trainer Michele Stanten, walking challenges quite a few unexpected muscle groups as well.

While walking probably feels as easy as breathing to you now, remember: There was a time when you literally didn’t know how to do it. The movement pattern is fairly intricate, in fact, and requires more muscle engagement than you may think. Every gait cycle is made up of two mini-cycles: the “stance” and the “swing,” according to American Bone Health, an organization for Osteoporosis Education and Awareness.

During the stance phase of walking, your heel strikes the ground, the entire foot touches down, the weight moves into the ball of the foot, and your big toe begins propelling you off the ground. The swing phase then accelerates the movement of the heel forward before helping you place your heel carefully down for the next step.

During the gait cycle, so many muscles of your legs are hard at work—and not just the obvious ones. “Everybody thinks of walking as a lower body, leg workout. And you are definitely working your leg muscles—your quads, hamstrings, calves, and glutes,” says Stanten. That said, there’s more to your stride. In fact, when you pay a little attention to each step, you’ll see that walking is a full-body workout.

Below, Stanten names the three unexpected muscle groups you’re working on during your afternoon stroll around your neighborhood. Plus, how to send them a little extra engagement love now that you know they’re supporting you mile after mile.

3 unexpected muscle groups you work while walking

1. The anterior tibialis

This muscle runs along the outside of your tibia, or shin bone. “When we’re just walking at our usual pace and we’re not challenging ourselves, most of the time we don’t even notice that muscle,” Stanten explains. “But what happens when you start to speed up is walkers tend to feel [the anterior tibialis] and they’ll get that burning sensation.”

After a long, challenging walk, the anterior tibialis will likely feel fatigued, a sensation that’s easy to confuse for shin splints. “This muscle is responsible for pulling your toes up. So when you swing your leg forward and you land on your heel, your toes are up, and that shin muscle is working. The faster you walk the more steps you’re taking, and the harder it’s working,” says Stanten.

2. Abdominal muscles

When you’re walking, your midsection has to hold your body upright—and that requires some serious muscle engagement. According to Stanten the spinal stabilizers, the erector spinae, multifidus, and the quadratus lumborum (QL)—which are muscles of the back and pelvis—are hard at work while you walk.

“What those are doing is really supporting your body,” she says. “As you pick up the pace with walking, you start to get some of the hips swivel. So there is a little bit of rotation with walking. So the abdominal muscles are also working in that capacity.”  With that in mind, you can pay a little more attention to engaging your core as you move forward (particularly if you’re taking on a big hill, or bracing yourself on the downhill).

3. The upper back muscles

Stanten is a big fan of getting your arms into the action while your run. When you bend them at a 90-degree angle to help you propel your body forward, you’re engaging the muscles of the upper back (including the rhomboids at the back of the scapula). “If you’re bending your arms, swinging your arms, and driving those elbows back, you really start to work those muscles. That nice powerful arm swing can help to power your walk,” says Stanten.

A more intentional arm swing will leave your back muscles feeling strong—if a little bit fatigued. So go ahead, walk with a little bit more of an arm drive and see how you feel.

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