The Beachbody Challenge is Having a Transformation of its Own!

Recently, CEO Carl Daikeler shared his vision for the future in an Open Letter titled “Can We Start Again, Please?” In it, he lays out what our transformation from “Beachbody” to “BODi” – really means.

If you haven’t already, read it now. It’s important.

Our transformation as a company goes far beyond a name change. It’s not a superficial update.

In fact, it represents a rejection of monetizing the envy of the superficial and comparisons which are the legacy business model of the Imperfection Economy.

For decades, the fitness industry has sold the idea that “if you look good, you will be happy.” We just don’t believe that’s true.

“You’re not happy because you look good,” says Carl, “You’re happy when you FEEL good.”

The truth is that you can feel good and have positive self-esteem throughout your whole transformation journey. Feeling good isn’t reserved for the “end” of a fitness program or when you take your “after” photos.

Your success starts the moment you begin to appreciate and embrace yourself for exactly who you are today, understanding what’s truly important to you, and working toward enhancing that feeling.

This kind of success is the future of the fitness and nutrition industry, and at the heart of the category of HEALTH ESTEEM.

And as we explore success through the lens of Health Esteem, we’re reimagining our primary vehicle for rewarding and recognizing customer success stories – the Beachbody Challenge transformation contest.

Over the last 11 years, nearly 500,000 customers have submitted their transformation results to the contest — including their inspirational “before and after” photos.

And since the formation of this company, we celebrate every time we “help people achieve their goals to lead a healthy fulfilling life,” the company’s enduring mission statement.

But now our evolution from a platform called Beachbody to one called simply “BODi,” opens the door for us to celebrate a broader spectrum of success that occurs throughout the entire journey – long before the visible results are captured in an “after” photo.

And that’s why the Beachbody Challenge transformation contest will be retired at the end of the current contest period.

The entry period to submit a transformation story into the Preliminary Round of the last Beachbody Challenge ends on New Year’s Eve, December 31, 2022, at midnight PT. 

After a round of Online Voting in June 2023, the final pair of Grand Prize winners will be announced in summer of 2023.

And we can’t wait to share our plans to celebrate BODi Stories and the achievement of high Health Esteem in the New Year. It will be focused on inspiration, overcoming obstacles, and how it feels to be healthy. We will celebrate the heart of the journey, and we will reward people who so generously share their stories with us to inspire others.

More information to come in early 2023, but in the meantime, see how good it feels when you take your eye off the end, and focus on taking care of yourself today. Appreciating that you are worth the effort, that a high Health Esteem isn’t a herculean climb, but a series of tiny choices made throughout the day every day… the most important of which is how kind you are to yourself, even as you push yourself.

The Beachbody Challenge has been an adventure. We’re so excited to enter this new age of Health Esteem, and celebrate the adventure of enjoying who you are at the same time as you seek to achieve your goals and lead a healthy fulfilling life. This is Health Esteem.

The post The Beachbody Challenge is Having a Transformation of its Own! appeared first on The Beachbody Blog.

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