8 Best Supplements For Cutting (In 2023)

Losing weight without losing muscle mass is a very tight line to try and walk, and even those of us with the metabolism of gods know that it's quite easy to cycle cutting and bulking the same 20 pounds every year. Somehow though, there is a way, and that's thanks to the incredible dietary supplements for cutting that we're presenting for you today.

It's not quite as simple as going on a calorie deficit when you're in the gym trying to maintain mass. You need to be very particular with what you eat in order to get that coveted lean muscle mass that requires cutting. This can lead to the dreaded diet of having a fish and a rice cake for breakfast, fish at 11 o'clock, then fish and a rice cake... and you get the idea.

best fat cutting supplements

It's obviously a bland and difficult kind of regime to stick to strictly and can lead to a lot of mental stress as your willpower battles with the overwhelming urge to eat the birthday cake at the office party. This is where the best supplements for cutting come into play, as they quite often employ clever formulas that have a proven ability to stimulate your fat metabolism to avoid muscle tissue being used for energy by the body.

The question remains, however, how would you possibly choose what's going to work best for you? There are so many options and so much jargon that it's incredibly easy to fall into the traps of the less scientifically backed but cheaper options because of how clever their marketing and label design is at both stretching the truth and obfuscating it from the consumer.

This is where we come in, as we've used our industry expertise and excellent research skills to narrow down the very best cutting supplements, taking into account different situations people may be in, so if you forgive the clickbait, you may be surprised at some of the supplements for cutting that we've chosen for you today.

SFS Pick

best supplement for cutting

Instant Knockout Cut

Overall Score

SFS Women Pick

best supplements for cutting without losing muscle

Hourglass Fit

Overall Score

SFS Men Pick

top cutting supplements


Overall Score

8 Best Supplements for Cutting

  1. Best Overall Supplement For Cutting - Instant Knockout Cut
  2. Best For Cutting Supplement For Women - Hourglass Fit
  3. Best Cutting Supplement For Men - Testofuel
  4. Best Premium Supplement For Cutting - Hunter Burn
  5. Best Preworkout For Cutting - Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Advanced
  6. Best Meal Replacement For Cutting - Instant Knockout Complete
  7. Best Sleep Aid When Cutting - RestAgain
  8. Best Whey Protein For Cutting - MyProtein Impact Whey Isolate

1. Best Overall Supplement For Cutting - Instant Knockout Cut

best cutting supplements
Overall Score: 5.0

Instant Knockout Cut has emerged as the best overall cutting supplement on the market due to its potent formula and effectiveness in shedding body fat. It is a thermogenic fat burner designed to increase your metabolism, suppress appetite, and boost energy levels. They're often regarded as one of the best fat burners, period, but when it comes to cutting for trained athletes, there's nothing better, as it's designed for people who train to preserve muscle tissue while in a calorie deficit and target the other issues that people who train aggressively will be facing, like maintaining energy levels while working out. The key ingredients in Instant Knockout Cut include:

  • Green Tea Extract

  • Cayenne Pepper

  • Glucomannan

  • Caffeine Anhydrous

  • Vitamin B6 and B12

  • Chromium

  • Zinc

  • Piperine

Green tea extract is a popular ingredient in dietary supplements for cutting due to its many benefits. It contains compounds like EGCG that increase calorie expenditure and support a higher metabolic rate, as well as promote fat oxidation for energy.¹ It also helps control cravings and reduce overall calorie intake while including caffeine for an energy boost and improved focus during cutting phases. Green tea extract is a valuable ingredient for weight loss efforts and for promoting a leaner physique.

Cayenne pepper is a highly beneficial ingredient for dietary supplements used in weight loss programs. It contains capsaicin, which can increase metabolism and promote fat oxidation, leading to more calorie burning.² The compound also helps in suppressing appetite and reducing food cravings, which aids in portion control, helping you lose fat quicker. Cayenne pepper's thermogenic properties raise body temperature, thereby enhancing thermogenesis and promoting fat burning. Additionally, it provides a natural energy boost, which is advantageous during cutting phases when calorie intake is reduced. In conclusion, the inclusion of cayenne pepper in dietary supplements can significantly support weight loss efforts by boosting metabolism, curbing appetite, and providing an energizing effect.

Glucomannan is a natural, water-soluble dietary fiber derived from the konjac root that is commonly used in dietary supplements for cutting. Its unique properties support weight loss efforts by promoting a feeling of fullness and satiety, reducing appetite, controlling food cravings, and aiding in portion control.³ Simply put, it swells up to 50 times its size in the stomach, stopping you from overeating. It can also delay gastric emptying, slowing down digestion and absorption to further promote a sense of fullness and aid in weight management. As a low-calorie and low-carbohydrate ingredient, glucomannan is a valuable addition to cutting supplements for individuals looking to achieve their weight loss goals. Simply put, it makes you feel full, making it one of the best ingredients in weight loss aids and fat burners.

Caffeine anhydrous is, due to its stimulating properties, a very common ingredient in dietary supplements for cutting and has a great potential for impact on weight loss efforts. As a concentrated form of caffeine, it offers several benefits, including increased energy levels, mental focus, and alertness, as well as boosting metabolism and thermogenesis.⁴ These effects can contribute to weight loss and achieving a leaner physique.

Vitamins B6 and B12 are clever inclusions in dietary supplements for cutting due to their roles in metabolism and energy production. Vitamin B6 helps break down stored glycogen, releasing glucose for energy⁵, while vitamin B12 is essential for the synthesis of red blood cells and DNA, as well as the proper functioning of the nervous system.⁶ Including these vitamins in a cutting supplement can help maintain optimal energy levels, enhance endurance during workouts, and prevent fatigue and weakness. By supporting energy metabolism and promoting the efficient utilization of nutrients, they aid in achieving weight loss goals effectively whilst subsiding issues of feeling low energy.

Chromium is a trace mineral found in dietary supplements for cutting that helps regulate blood sugar levels and control appetite.⁷ By enhancing insulin sensitivity, it helps prevent energy crashes and cravings associated with fluctuating glucose levels, which is especially helpful during cutting phases. Chromium also has appetite-regulating effects, reducing cravings and promoting satiety. It is a valuable addition to a cutting supplement that aids in weight loss efforts and maintains overall metabolic health.

Zinc is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in metabolism and immune function.⁸ This trace mineral is involved in various enzymatic reactions that aid in the breakdown and utilization of macronutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. By promoting proper metabolism, zinc can optimize energy production and utilization during cutting phases. Zinc also supports a healthy immune system, which is vital for overall well-being, especially during intense training and calorie restriction. Maintaining a robust immune response is crucial for preventing illness and promoting recovery during cutting phases. Zinc can be an important ingredient in dietary supplements for cutting because it supports metabolic function, immune health, and overall wellness during weight loss efforts. Also, even a small deficiency can cause testosterone drops, stifling muscle building and making it harder to lose weight and burn fat.

Piperine, the bioactive compound found in black pepper, is gaining popularity as a valuable ingredient in dietary supplements for cutting due to its potential impact on metabolism and nutrient absorption.⁹ Studies have shown that it can enhance the bioavailability of certain nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, by increasing nutrient absorption. This can be particularly beneficial during cutting phases when nutrient intake may be restricted. Additionally, piperine has been suggested to have thermogenic properties, potentially increasing metabolic rate and calorie expenditure. With its ability to boost metabolism, piperine may support weight loss efforts and promote fat burning. Its inclusion in a cutting supplement can enhance nutrient absorption and potentially aid in achieving a leaner physique during a calorie-restricted diet. Overall, piperine is a promising addition to cutting supplements for those looking to optimize their nutrient absorption and support their weight loss goals.

As you can plainly see, Instant Knockout Cut stands out from other fat burners due to its well-researched and carefully formulated blend of ingredients. By incorporating this cutting supplement into your regimen, you can expect to see significant improvements in fat loss and overall body composition.

Customer Experience

The customer reviews are a testament to the fat burner as well, with many people saying this is what really gave them the edge when cutting to allow them to retain more muscle mass than they ever had before. This comes as little surprise, seeing as the parent company has an almost flawless record when it comes to dietary supplements and, in turn, has earned a fantastic reputation for delivering stellar, high-quality, and no-nonsense products.


Considering this incredible product comes in at only $65 for a month's supply, it'd plain be dishonest for us not to recommend it as the best overall option. It's exactly what you need from cutting supplements at a very reasonable price, and you can purchase your own by visiting the Instant Knockout Cut website.

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Instant Knockout Cut utilizes the latest advances in natural weight loss understanding to produce a supplement that is in the corner of professional athletes around the world. The trademark combination of 9 potent fat fighters...

2. Best For Cutting Supplement For Women - Hourglass Fit

best supplements for cutting and toning female
Overall Score: 5.0

Hourglass Fit fat burners are specifically formulated for women who want to cut body fat while maintaining lean muscle mass. This cutting supplement is designed to help women achieve their fitness goals without the use of harsh stimulants or synthetic ingredients. Hourglass Fit's key ingredients include:

  • Glucomannan
  • 5-HTP
  • Green Tea Extract
  • Capsimax (Cayenne Pepper)
  • Chromium Picolinate
  • Vitamin B6 and B12

There are many shared ingredients, so in the interest of not repeating ourselves too much, we won't be focusing much on shared ingredients, though, of course, their effectiveness is no different.

Hourglass Fit's formula focuses on appetite suppression, mood enhancement, and metabolism-boosting to help women achieve their cutting goals. Glucomannan, a natural fiber, helps to suppress appetite and keep cravings at bay, while Green tea extract and Capsimax work together to increase metabolism and promote fat burning. Chromium picolinate also once again makes an appearance, helping to regulate blood sugar levels and reduce cravings.

For new inclusions here, 5-HTP is a naturally occurring amino acid that is considered beneficial in women's dietary supplements for cutting. It acts as a precursor to serotonin, a neurotransmitter involved in mood regulation and appetite control.¹⁰ By increasing serotonin levels, 5-HTP may help promote a positive mood and reduce emotional eating often associated with cutting phases. Moreover, it has been suggested to have appetite-suppressing effects, potentially reducing food cravings and supporting portion control. Its inclusion in a women's cutting supplement may aid in maintaining a healthy mindset, managing appetite, and overcoming the challenges of sticking to a calorie-restricted diet.

With its carefully selected blend of ingredients, Hourglass Fit is a powerful and effective cutting supplement for women, designed to help you achieve a lean, toned physique.

Customer Experience

Once again, the customer experience seems overwhelmingly positive. The general consensus is that Hourglass Fit is what really works for women, helping to shift stubborn belly fat and get that hourglass figure that is so highly coveted.


As fat burners go, the pricing is very fair, considering you're getting one of the highest quality fat burners that are available today for just $60 for a month's supply. This also comes with a free and easy-to-follow video program worth $149, alongside detailed nutrition E-Books for a four-month body transformation that anyone can follow. These are only included if you purchase the two-month supply and up, so be sure take advantage and visit their website today.

  • +Feel full for longer and with less food
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Hourglass Fit melts away fat revealing a toned, shaped, sexy physique. Get the flat stomach and Hourglass waist you’ve always wanted...

3. Best Cutting Supplement For Men - Testofuel

best cutting supplement
Overall Score: 5.0

Testofuel is a testosterone booster that is specifically formulated for men who want to cut body fat and maintain muscle mass during their cutting phase. With its unique blend of natural ingredients, Testofuel helps to increase testosterone levels, which can lead to increased muscle mass, improved workout performance, and enhanced fat burning. The key ingredients in Testofuel include:

  • D-Aspartic Acid

  • Vitamin D

  • Oyster Extract

  • Ginseng

  • Fenugreek

  • Magnesium

  • Vitamin B6

  • Vitamin K2

  • Zinc

D-Aspartic Acid (D-AA) is an amino acid that can help boost testosterone levels, making it a useful ingredient during cutting phases. Studies show that D-AA supplementation can enhance testosterone production in men, leading to improved muscle mass, strength, and recovery.¹¹ Maintaining lean muscle mass while reducing body fat is crucial during cutting, and adequate testosterone levels play a significant role in achieving this goal. By promoting healthy testosterone levels, D-AA can aid in preserving muscle mass, improving athletic performance, and supporting overall body composition during cutting.

Oyster extract is believed to have the potential to increase testosterone levels, which can be beneficial for those in cutting phases.¹² This is due to the extract being rich in essential minerals, particularly zinc, which plays a crucial role in testosterone production and regulation. By providing a natural source of zinc, oyster extract supplementation may support healthy testosterone levels, which are important for maintaining muscle mass, promoting fat loss, and supporting overall body composition goals during cutting. Additionally, testosterone is linked to increased energy, improved strength, and enhanced recovery, all of which can be advantageous during calorie restriction.

Ginseng is an herb that has gained popularity due to its potential to boost testosterone levels.¹³ This can be particularly beneficial during cutting phases, as healthy testosterone levels are crucial for muscle growth, strength, and recovery. Ginseng contains bioactive compounds called ginsenosides, which are believed to stimulate testosterone production, thereby supporting muscle preservation and improving overall body composition. In addition to this, ginseng is known for its adaptogenic properties, which can help mitigate the negative effects of stress and fatigue that are often associated with calorie restriction during cutting. By promoting hormonal balance and providing an energy boost, ginseng can aid individuals in staying focused and motivated throughout their cutting journey.

Fenugreek is an herb that has been associated with potential benefits for increasing testosterone levels, which can be advantageous during cutting phases.¹⁴ It contains compounds such as saponins and furostanolic saponins that may help stimulate testosterone production. Fenugreek supplementation may assist in preserving muscle mass, enhancing strength, and promoting fat loss during cutting by supporting healthy testosterone levels. It is crucial for maintaining muscle mass, which is vital for a lean and toned physique. Fenugreek has also been linked to improved insulin sensitivity and glycemic control, which can be beneficial for managing blood sugar levels during a calorie-restricted diet. Furthermore, this herb may have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that support overall health and well-being.

Magnesium is essential for maintaining overall hormonal health, including testosterone production.¹⁵ While it does not increase testosterone levels directly, it supports the enzyme reactions involved in testosterone synthesis and regulation. Magnesium helps convert cholesterol into pregnenolone, a precursor to testosterone and promotes the binding of testosterone to its receptors. Maintaining optimal magnesium levels can help individuals maintain healthy testosterone levels during cutting phases, which is important for preserving muscle mass, supporting metabolism, and achieving overall body composition goals during calorie restriction. Additionally, magnesium is involved in energy production, muscle function, and recovery, making it advantageous during intense training sessions. Therefore, incorporating adequate magnesium supplements into a balanced diet can support overall hormonal health and help individuals achieve their fitness goals.

Although Vitamin K may not have a direct impact on cutting, it plays an important role in overall health and can support various processes relevant to cutting phases; specifically, vitamin k2 supports hormone levels. Standard vitamin K can be converted into K2, but you lose 90% of the vitamin, so supplement K2 is helpful while cutting, as it's not prevalent in our diets at the best of times.¹⁶ It is essential for blood clotting, which is important for preventing excessive bleeding during potential injuries that may occur during intense workouts. Vitamin K also aids in maintaining bone health by supporting proper calcium utilization, which is crucial during cutting phases when individuals may be at risk of losing bone density due to reduced calorie intake. Ensuring sufficient vitamin K levels through a balanced diet or supplementation can help support overall health and mitigate potential risks associated with cutting, particularly in terms of injury prevention and bone health maintenance.

These ingredients work synergistically to boost testosterone levels in the body, resulting in improved muscle growth, increased energy levels, and enhanced fat burning. Testofuel is an excellent cutting supplement for men who want to maintain muscle mass while shedding body fat.

Customer Experience

Customers love Testofuel, and they've garnered quite the reputation as one of the best ways to supercharge your natural testosterone production, giving you entirely new levels of strength, determination, and confidence. If you're struggling with keeping up with cutting because you either lack the resolve to see it through or find your strength dropping too much to keep up with your training regime, Testofuel may very well be the solution you've been looking for, even if they're not specifically weight cutting supplements.


A month's supply will set you back $65, which is surprisingly cheap, considering similar test boosters typically fall somewhere between $70 and $90 for a monthly supply. Similarly to Hourglass Fit, if you purchase the 2-month supply or higher, it comes with a complimentary video program named Boss Lean Mass, which comes with detailed nutrition E-books as well for a 4-month body transformation. Check it out for yourself by visiting the Testofuel site.

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Testofuel is considered to be a revolutionary, exhaustively researched muscle building supplement with one very focused aim...to smash down the barriers to growth by opening your testosterone floodgates...

4. Best Premium Supplement For Cutting - Hunter Burn

best weight cutting supplements
Overall Score: 5.0

Hunter Burn is a premium cutting supplement that combines potent ingredients to help you achieve your cutting goals. Formulated with a unique blend of natural ingredients, Hunter Burn targets fat loss, appetite suppression, and energy enhancement to help you reach your desired physique. The key ingredients in Hunter Burn include:

  • Matcha Green Tea
  • Cayenne Pepper
  • Glucomannan
  • White Kidney Bean
  • L-Theanine
  • Vitamin D

The powdered form of green tea known as Matcha has unique properties that make it a helpful addition when cutting. Matcha is rich in antioxidants, particularly catechins, like epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). These antioxidants have been associated with potential benefits for weight loss and metabolism. Matcha also contains caffeine which can boost energy levels and support focus during cutting phases when individuals may experience fatigue or reduced energy levels. Additionally, matcha has been suggested to increase thermogenesis and fat oxidation¹⁷, leading to increased calorie expenditure and potentially aiding in fat loss. Its inclusion in a cutting regimen can provide a natural energy boost, enhance metabolism, and contribute to achieving weight loss goals.

White kidney bean extract has the potential as a supplement for those looking to cut weight due to its impact on carbohydrate metabolism. It contains alpha-amylase, an enzyme inhibitor that can interfere with the breakdown and absorption of carbohydrates.¹⁸ This leads to a reduction in calorie intake from carbohydrates and can be especially helpful during cutting phases when individuals are managing their carbohydrate consumption. By supporting carbohydrate control, white kidney bean extract may contribute to weight loss efforts and help achieve a leaner physique.

L-theanine is an amino acid found in green tea that can be a valuable supplement during cutting phases.¹⁹ It promotes relaxation without causing drowsiness and can help mitigate the stress and reduced energy levels that often accompany calorie restriction and intense training. L-theanine has also been suggested to enhance cognitive function, including attention and concentration, which can aid in adhering to a calorie-restricted diet and staying on track with fitness goals. By supporting mental well-being and cognitive performance, L-theanine can be a valuable addition to a cutting regimen, helping individuals navigate challenges and maintain a positive mindset throughout their weight loss journey.

As you can see, Hunter Burn's formula is designed to boost metabolism and increase thermogenesis, resulting in higher calorie expenditure and fat loss. The addition of matcha green tea and cayenne pepper provides a powerful combination of metabolism-boosting ingredients, while glucomannan and white kidney bean help suppress appetite and reduce the absorption of carbohydrates. L-Theanine helps to improve focus and reduce stress, while vitamin D supports overall health and well-being.

With its premium formula and high-quality ingredients, Hunter Burn is an excellent choice for those who are looking for a cutting supplement that delivers results.

Customer Experience

Hunter Burn is one of the most popular weight loss supplements for cutting thanks to its ability to reduce the impact of carbs, meaning you could still eat your favorite meals and simply suffer less for it. This is reflected in the customer reviews, as people are impressed by the combination of the rest of the formula that leaves you with a fantastic supplement that is able to burn fat without initiating any form of muscle breakdown.


Being a premium product, Hunter Burn is a little more expensive than the other options at $90 for a month's supply, but this is because they've used cutting-edge ingredients such as white kidney bean extract. You do get a free bottle if you purchase three, so if you think that Hunter Burn will give you the edge you need when cutting, give it a go by going to the website.

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best cutting supplements bodybuilding

Hunter Burn is a luxurious, high-end fat burner for those who will only settle for the best. Its formula has been engineered to give you larger amounts of key ingredients for an unparalleled...

5. Best Preworkout For Cutting - Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Advanced

best cutting pre workout supplement
Overall Score: 5.0

Many of you may already be using pre-workouts, but Optimum Nutrition Pre-Workout is designed to help you get the most out of your workouts during the cutting phase. With a unique blend of ingredients to boost energy, focus, and endurance, this pre-workout supplement is perfect for those who want to maintain muscle mass while shedding body fat. The key ingredients in Optimum Nutrition's Pre-workout include:

  • Caffeine
  • Beta-Alanine
  • L-Citrulline
  • Creatine Monohydrate
  • L-Tyrosine

Beta-alanine is a popular ingredient in pre-workout supplements due to its ability to convert into carnosine, which acts as a buffer in the muscles during high-intensity exercise.²⁰ Carnosine helps regulate acidity levels in the muscles, delaying fatigue and allowing individuals to push through intense workouts for longer periods. This increased endurance and delayed fatigue can be particularly beneficial during cutting phases when individuals are often faced with reduced energy levels due to calorie restriction. Beta-alanine can aid in burning more calories, preserving muscle mass, and achieving overall body composition goals by enhancing workout performance.

L-citrulline is a popular ingredient in pre-workout supplements that can benefit individuals during cutting phases. This amino acid plays a crucial role in the urea cycle, which helps eliminate ammonia from the body and is also involved in the production of nitric oxide (NO), which promotes blood flow and nutrient delivery to the muscles.²¹ By increasing blood flow, L-citrulline can enhance oxygen and nutrient supply to the muscles during intense workouts, which can improve endurance and performance. Additionally, L-citrulline may help reduce muscle soreness and enhance recovery by aiding in the clearance of metabolic waste products. During cutting phases, individuals may experience fatigue and reduced energy levels, but L-citrulline supplementation can support workout performance, allowing for more effective training sessions and better maintenance of muscle mass.

Creatine monohydrate is a popular ingredient found in pre-workout supplements that can offer numerous benefits during cutting phases. When consumed, it is converted into phosphocreatine, which is stored in muscles and used as a quick source of energy during high-intensity exercise.²² This increase in phosphocreatine levels leads to enhanced ATP availability, allowing individuals to perform more intense exercises that stimulate muscle growth and preserve lean muscle mass during cutting. Additionally, creatine monohydrate promotes cellular hydration, resulting in increased muscle volume and fullness. Incorporating creatine monohydrate into a pre-workout routine during cutting can support performance, muscle preservation, and the attainment of a lean and defined physique.

L-tyrosine is an amino acid that is essential in producing neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. These neurotransmitters play a significant role in regulating mood, focus, and stress response. L-tyrosine can be beneficial during cutting phases of training as calorie restriction and intense training can lead to increased stress and fatigue, affecting mood and cognitive function.²³ L-tyrosine supplementation helps replenish depleted neurotransmitter levels during periods of high stress, which can improve mental clarity, focus, and mood. This can help individuals maintain motivation and mental resilience during cutting, leading to enhanced overall workout performance. By promoting a positive mindset and reducing the perception of fatigue, L-tyrosine can assist individuals in achieving their fitness goals and optimal results during cutting phases.

Caffeine provides a boost of energy to help you power through your workouts, while beta-alanine helps to improve muscular endurance and reduce fatigue. L-Citrulline is a powerful nitric oxide booster that can help to increase blood flow and improve muscle pumps during your workout. Creatine monohydrate is well-known for its ability to enhance muscle strength and power, while L-Tyrosine can help to improve focus and mental clarity during intense training sessions.

By incorporating Optimum Nutrition's Pre-workout into your cutting regimen, you can expect to see improved workout performance and better results in the gym.

Customer Experience

As a pre-workout, many people have stated that Optimum Nutrition's offering has provided them with more energy and better gains than any other pre-workout, and there's a surprising amount of people that have said when cutting in particular, this pre-workout is miles above the competition in helping to keep people going through the difficult, low energy days that come with cutting.


You get 20 servings for $43.99, but with it being one of the best pre-workouts for cutting, it's worth the extra money. It's quite likely a lot of people reading this take some of the ingredients included here separately, like creatine supplements, but here it's all provided in one convenient package. 

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ON's Gold Standard Pre-Workout unleashes amplified energy, focus, and supports enhanced endurance to help you reach the pinnacle of your game, crush your next set, get that last rep, and achieve some true gains...

6. Best Meal Replacement For Cutting - Instant Knockout Complete

best supplement stack for cutting
Overall Score: 5.0

When cutting, maintaining a calorie deficit is crucial for achieving fat loss. Meaning cutting supplements are only one part of the solution. One effective way to control calorie intake is by using a meal replacement shake that provides essential nutrients without excess calories. Instant Knockout Complete is the best meal replacement for cutting, as it contains a balanced blend of high-quality protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats to support muscle growth and fat loss. Key ingredients in Instant Knockout Complete include:

  • Whey Protein Isolate
  • Brown Rice Protein
  • Pea Protein
  • Oat Flour
  • Flaxseed

The combination of whey protein isolatebrown rice protein, and pea protein in a meal replacement shake provides numerous benefits for individuals who are cutting. The inclusion of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) plays a crucial role in stimulating muscle protein synthesis and aiding in muscle recovery and preservation.²⁴

Whey protein isolate is renowned for its high-quality protein content, rich in essential amino acids, including BCAAs such as leucine, isoleucine, and valine. Brown rice protein and pea protein complement whey protein isolate by providing additional plant-based protein sources with their own unique amino acid profiles. Together, these proteins offer a complete range of essential amino acids necessary for muscle maintenance and growth.

The inclusion of BCAAs further enhances the muscle-building and recovery benefits of the shake, as they support muscle protein synthesis, reduce muscle soreness, and improve exercise performance.

This comprehensive blend of whey protein isolate, brown rice protein, pea protein, and BCAAs in a meal replacement shake provides a diverse amino acid profile that promotes optimal muscle preservation, recovery, and overall success in achieving cutting goals.

Oat flour is a great ingredient to use in a meal replacement shake, especially for those who are cutting. Oats are whole grains that provide complex carbs, fiber, and essential nutrients, offering sustained energy release and helping to regulate blood sugar levels and keep hunger at bay.²⁵ The high fiber content of oat flour also contributes to appetite control during a calorie deficit. Beta-glucan, a soluble fiber found in oats, supports heart health and promotes satiety. Oat flour also contains vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which are essential for overall health during a cutting phase. The slow-digesting nature of oat flour ensures a steady release of nutrients, including carbohydrates, which can help fuel workouts and support muscle preservation.

Incorporating Flaxseed into this meal replacement shake is a genius move for those who are cutting weight. It is rich in essential fatty acids, particularly omega-3 fatty acids, which have numerous health benefits, such as reducing inflammation, promoting brain function, and supporting heart health.²⁶ Flaxseed also provides healthy fats that help with satiety and appetite control, high fiber content to regulate digestion and feelings of fullness, and plant-based protein to maintain lean muscle mass during a calorie deficit. The combination of healthy fats, fiber, and protein in flaxseed helps stabilize blood sugar levels, reduce cravings, and provide sustained energy throughout the day. Including flaxseed in a meal replacement shake can promote overall health, aid in weight management, and enhance the success of cutting efforts.

Instant Knockout Complete provides a complete source of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats, along with essential vitamins and minerals, to support overall health during the cutting phase. By replacing one or more meals with Instant Knockout Complete, you can easily control your calorie intake while ensuring your body receives the nutrients it needs to function optimally.

Customer Experience

People tend to only really complain that it only comes in one flavor, but where's their creativity? Many people have claimed this is one of the best bases for fruit smoothies and shakes they've tried, but for a lot of us, we don't really care about the flavor anyway, not when you're getting results. That being said, a lot of people have praised the flavor; it's just the lack of options people are unhappy with. Other than that, it's all praise, as people recount their stories of weight loss and how instant knockout complete helped them on their weight loss journey.


At $118, the price is high, but that's because this formula is the absolute best there is when it comes to helping people shift weight without losing muscle. In fact, it was designed from the ground up with that very ideal in mind, so if you want to add a meal replacement shake to your cutting regime, Instant Knockout Complete is the way to go. Visit the official site to find out for yourself.

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Instant Knockout Complete is a 100% nutritionally complete meal replacement shake that’s convenient, nutritious and delicious. Developed to work alongside...

7. Best Sleep Aid When Cutting - RestAgain

best supplements for cutting fat
Overall Score: 5.0

Sleep is an essential component of the cutting process, as it allows the body to recover and repair itself after intense workouts. Poor sleep can negatively impact muscle growth, fat loss, and overall performance. And seeing as a lot of people struggle to sleep whilst dieting down, no list of the best supplements for cutting would be complete without a sleep aid. RestAgain is the best sleep aid for those undergoing a cutting phase, as it contains a blend of natural ingredients designed to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality. Key ingredients in RestAgain include:

  • Ashwagandha
  • GABA
  • L-Theanine
  • Magnesium
  • Valerian Root
  • 5-HTP
  • Melatonin

Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb that can be included in sleep aids due to its ability to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality. It helps the body adapt to stress by reducing the negative impact it can have on sleep and supports the balance of stress hormones. Ashwagandha also possesses anxiolytic properties that can help calm the mind and reduce anxiety, leading to more restful sleep. Additionally, it increases the production of GABA, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate sleep and promote feelings of relaxation. By enhancing GABA activity, ashwagandha can induce a state of calmness and help individuals fall asleep faster and experience deeper, more rejuvenating sleep.²⁷ Ashwagandha supplements can also provide a host of other benefits.

GABA, or gamma-aminobutyric acid, is a useful ingredient in sleep aids due to its ability to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality. As an inhibitory neurotransmitter, it helps regulate brain activity and reduce neural excitability, leading to a calming effect that can quiet racing thoughts and promote tranquility.²⁸ GABA plays a crucial role in the sleep-wake cycle by initiating and maintaining deep sleep stages, and supplementing with it can enhance sleep by reducing latency and increasing total sleep time. It can also alleviate symptoms of anxiety and stress, resulting in a more restorative sleep experience. Incorporating GABA into sleep aid formulations is a valuable strategy for supporting relaxation, promoting healthy sleep patterns, and improving overall sleep quality.

Valerian root is a popular ingredient in sleep aids due to its ability to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality.²⁹ It contains compounds that interact with GABA receptors in the brain, resulting in a calming and sedative effect. By increasing GABA levels and inhibiting the reuptake of GABA, valerian root helps reduce anxiety and quietens an overactive mind, making it easier to fall asleep. Additionally, it relaxes the muscles, relieving tension and promoting physical relaxation. Studies have shown that valerian root can decrease the time it takes to fall asleep and improve overall sleep quality. As a natural alternative to synthetic sleep aids, valerian root provides a gentle and non-habit-forming solution for people seeking restful sleep. Its inclusion in a sleep aid can calm the nervous system, induce relaxation, and support a healthy sleep-wake cycle.

Melatonin is a hormone that is naturally produced by the body in response to darkness and plays a crucial role in regulating the sleep-wake cycle. Supplementing with melatonin can help individuals support and enhance their natural sleep patterns by regulating their body's internal clock. Melatonin has antioxidant properties and can help reduce inflammation, indirectly contributing to better sleep quality. Several studies have shown that melatonin supplementation can reduce sleep latency, increase total sleep time, and improve overall sleep quality. It is especially beneficial for individuals who have difficulty falling asleep or adjusting to changes in their sleep routine. Incorporating melatonin into a sleep aid formulation can help promote a restful and rejuvenating sleep experience, making it a valuable ingredient for those seeking to improve their sleep patterns and overall sleep quality.³⁰

These ingredients work together to promote relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety, and regulate sleep-wake cycles, allowing for a more restful and rejuvenating sleep. By incorporating RestAgain into your cutting regimen, you can ensure that your body has the necessary rest and recovery it needs to support muscle growth and fat loss.

Customer Experience

Difficulty sleeping is a universal human experience, and many of these experiences are had when people are dieting or otherwise under some kind of stress. Cutting is a prime time for this, but losing sleep during this process can be critical, which is why so many people have turned to RestAgain, and everyone is raving about it. There are people making claims that RestAgain is the one supplement that finally helped them to nod off on those difficult nights without feeling groggy in the morning.


One bottle of RestAgain will cost you a very reasonable $52.49 as it's currently on sale. Once the sale subsides, you'll be charged $69.99, which is more in line with other premium sleep aids, but none of them can compete with RestAgain's flawlessly scientific formula. Find out for yourself by checking out RestAgain.

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  • +More restful sleep
  • +Better muscle recovery
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No more fighting to get to sleep, no more tossing and turning, tackle the problem head on with a powerful dose from 8 of the best natural sleep suplements available over the counter...

8. Best Whey Protein For Cutting - MyProtein Impact Whey Isolate

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Overall Score: 5.0

Whey protein isolate is an excellent supplement for cutting, as it provides a high-quality source of protein without excess calories, carbohydrates, or fats. MyProtein Impact Whey Isolate is the best whey protein for cutting, as it contains over 90% protein content and is low in carbs and fats. Key features of Impact Whey Isolate include:

  • 21g of protein per serving
  • Less than 1g of carbohydrates and fat per serving
  • Rapidly absorbed for quick muscle recovery
  • Available in multiple flavors

Incorporating Impact Whey Isolate into your cutting regimen can help ensure that you're getting the necessary protein intake to support muscle growth and recovery without consuming excess calories that would hinder fat loss.

Customer Experience

It's very common for most gym goers to have some form of protein supplements in their rotation, and it's definitely more prevalent than cutting supplements, but Impact whey protein isolate seems to stand above the rest. Lots of people have vouched for its mixability, its delicious flavors, and, most importantly of all, the ability to help gain muscle.


Initially, $64.99 might seem a bit steep for a protein powder, but remember that this is one of the purest forms available and, as such, interferes with your cutting regime a lot less than most protein supplements will. 

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  • -Quite expensive
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Impact Whey Protein provides your body with convenient, high-quality protein, which contributes to the growth and maintenance of muscle mass — making sure you’re getting the protein...


Achieving a lean and toned physique during the cutting phase requires a combination of proper diet, exercise, and supplementation. The cutting supplements mentioned in this guide are specifically designed to support fat loss, muscle preservation, and overall health during this challenging process. By incorporating these supplements into your cutting regimen, you can optimize your results and achieve the physique you've always wanted. Remember to always consult with a healthcare professional before beginning any new supplement regimen, and ensure that you are following a well-balanced diet and exercise plan to maximize your results.

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Instant Knockout Cut utilizes the latest advances in natural weight loss understanding to produce a supplement that is in the corner of professional athletes around the world. The trademark combination of 9 potent fat fighters...

Interested in more supplement recommendations? Check out our articles on the Best Supplements For Muscle Growth and the Best Supplements For Men Over 40.


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