Does Vitamin D Boost Testosterone?

Testosterone is a powerful sex hormone, and, hands down, the most potent compound for increasing muscle mass, improving body composition, and improving quality of life.

As the primary male sex hormone, having proper testosterone levels is critical for living life to the fullest. Unfortunately, this mighty hormone peaks for men in their 20s, after which it begins a gradual decline. This decline in testosterone levels can be attributed to several factors, aging being one of them.

Another proposed factor in low testosterone levels is vitamin D deficiency. But, can this single vitamin really treat low testosterone? Let's find out.

Table of Contents:

  • What Is Vitamin D?
  • What Is The Link Between Low Vitamin D And Testosterone?
  • Does Vitamin D Help Boost Testosterone?
  • What Is The Best Source Of Vitamin D For Testosterone?
  • How Much Vitamin D Should You Take To Boost Testosterone?
  • How Long Does It Take For Vitamin D To Boost Testosterone?
  • 4 Best Benefits of Vitamin D Supplementation
  • Vitamin D vs Other Testosterone Boosting Ingredients
  • What Is The Best Supplement For Boosting Testosterone?
  • FAQs

vitamin d and testosterone

What Is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a water-soluble prohormone that is critical in various physiological processes.

One of the primary sources of vitamin D is simply going outside and getting some sunlight exposure. When exposed to the sun, we begin synthesizing a compound known as cholecalciferol, or D3, in the top layers of our skin.

Understanding the role of sunlight exposure on vitamin D levels is crucial, as few food sources deliver meaningful amounts. Fatty fish, such as salmon, are among the only foods with naturally high vitamin D content. Many dairy products, such as milk, have been fortified with vitamin D thanks to efforts to keep our collective levels in check.

But besides these and fish oils, vitamin D can be hard to find in other food sources.

What Is The Connection Between Low Vitamin D And Testosterone?

Vitamin D plays a critical role in various processes within the human body. The most well-known is its role in our bone health. Low vitamin D levels place you at an increased risk of weakening bones and fractures.

Other possible areas where vitamin D may have a positive impact are:

  • Weight loss
  • Schizophrenia
  • Depression
  • Cognition
  • Diabetes
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Male fertility

So, how exactly does vitamin D trigger the release of testosterone? Well, the exact mechanisms aren't totally understood, but one of the more popular theories surrounds vitamin D's role in producing luteinizing hormone (LH).

LH is responsible for stimulating testosterone production through Leydig cells, and it's been found that these specialized cells possess the specific vitamin D receptor. A recent study explains that Vitamin D may have an important role in the production of sex hormones.

This idea comes from studying the presence of special receptors for vitamin D (called VDR) and enzymes that process vitamin D. These receptors and enzymes are found together in various cells involved in male reproductive functions, such as Leydig cells, Sertoli cells, germ cells, spermatozoa, and the cells lining the male reproductive tract.

This suggests that vitamin D might influence the production and regulation of sex hormones in males¹.

Other existing theories suggest that vitamin D influences testosterone levels through secondary means, such as improving sleep and relieving stress. However, it still seems the most likely possibility is through the influence of Leydig cells.

vitamin d and testosterone

Does Vitamin D Boost Testosterone?

When discussing strategies for how to increase testosterone, this question contains some nuance we must dig through.

For example, one study from 2011 examining what happened when men with a vitamin D deficiency and low testosterone used vitamin D supplementation saw a vitamin D and testosterone increase². Another showed an association between sex hormone-binding globulin and vitamin D in men with fatty liver disease and postmenopausal women.

However, a similar study from 2017 failed to replicate this positive effect in healthy men with normal testosterone levels³.

A larger 2012 looked at the effect of vitamin D supplementation in a range of men and found that positive influences did indeed exist, but only to restore lower levels to normal⁴. In other words, supplements raise testosterone levels only if your vitamin D levels are subpar.

That said, there's a decent chance you're deficient, at least if you live in the US. One biomarker product that tracks readings from its members states that only 12-14% of their users have adequate amounts⁵. Other studies have shown that 41.6% of the US population has a vitamin D deficiency⁶.

Considering all of these facts, there's a good chance your vitamin D levels are low, meaning there's a good chance you could benefit.

What Is The Best Source Of Vitamin D For Testosterone?

Your primary concern for vitamin D is getting enough sun exposure. Without sunlight, you simply won't have healthy levels.

On top of seeing the sun regularly, include plenty of foods such as fortified dairy products and fatty fish in your diet. Fish oil supplements can help raise vitamin D levels as well.

Finally, there's the obvious and most direct method of ingestion: vitamin D supplements. Vitamin D supplementation has been shown to increase levels and improve health markers. As we saw above, vitamin D supplementation successfully raised vitamin D levels in men with low levels.

In addition, forms of vitamin D, such as D3, have been shown to increase vitamin D levels and cancer mortality⁷. Again, D3 is the form of vitamin D that is absorbed through sun exposure.

One of my favorite vitamin D supplements is Nature Made D3. These deliver 2000IU of your body's preferred forms of vitamin D, D3, in easy-to-swallow soft gels. They're simple and easily absorbed by your body, making them one of my top picks.

does vitamin d boost testosterone

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that supports a healthy immune response, helps improve Calcium absorption, and supports muscle health. Nature Made® Vitamin D3 2000 IU (50 mcg) softgels help raise and maintain healthy...

Looking for more great options? Check out our article on the 13 Best Vitamin D Supplements!

How Much Vitamin D Should You Take To Boost Testosterone?

Unfortunately, there is no exact dose of vitamin D you need to take to boost your testosterone naturally. Remember, a vitamin D deficiency causes low testosterone levels, so your goal is to raise your levels to a healthy range.

It's important to note here that the maximum daily allowance for vitamin D is 4,000 IU⁸. While you shouldn't exceed this, as taking too much vitamin D can cause a build-up of calcium in the blood, that doesn't mean you can't get close.

In one study from 2011, a group of men took 3,332 UI daily, and results showed their serum testosterone concentrations and free testosterone levels all increased².

How Long Does It Take For Vitamin D To Boost Testosterone?

It's not an exact science to determine just how long one needs to wait until they see an increase in testosterone. It could take anywhere from 5 days to 5 weeks to see elevated levels, not to mention the time it takes to experience the benefits.

All that said, when looking at most studies, four weeks of consistent vitamin D intake seems to be a reasonable time frame to truly feel the results.

does vitamin d3 increase testosterone

4 Best Benefits Of Vitamin D

Correcting a testosterone deficiency is only one possible benefit of vitamin D. Let's take a minute to look at all the other reasons you may want to look into supplementation.

We should note that most of these are caused by a vitamin D deficiency rather than vitamin D supplementation alone. In other words, supplementing with vitamin D will only provide meaningful results if you are experiencing low testosterone levels.

1) Improves Skin Health And Acne:

One of vitamin D's functions is that it acts as an anti-inflammatory drug. Interestingly, its role seems to directly combat inflammation that produces acne. In addition, vitamin D has antimicrobial properties as well.

For example, a study from 2016 found that when people who suffered from acne took vitamin D supplementation, their acne improved significantly⁹.

2) Improves Erectile Dysfunction:

Vitamin D plays a major role in optimizing the function of our endothelial cells.

It does this by both promoting repair mechanisms and protecting against oxidative stress. Endothelial cells form the inside of blood vessels and help to regulate blood flow. As such, vitamin D has been found to impact erectile dysfunction significantly10.

3) Fight Cardiovascular Diseases:

Cardiovascular diseases are a major health risk plaguing the general public. Anything that could prevent or mitigate this risk would greatly benefit.

For years, vitamin D deficiency has been suspected of contributing to cardiovascular diseases. Unfortunately, the evidence still isn't strong enough to prove a meaningful relationship. However, a casual relationship does exist as low vitamin D is often seen with higher incidences of cardiovascular issues¹¹.

As this is a pretty big concern, I think it's important enough to consider. For best results, pair your vitamin D supplement with a workout split and LISS cardio.

4) Cognitive Function:

Vitamin D plays a crucial role in our brain health and cognition due to its role in blood flow and protection against oxidative stress. It's so important that vitamin D deficiency is a contributing factor to major dementia, such as Alzheimer's disease¹².

What's exciting is that research suggests that vitamin D levels can even be linked to cognition in healthy adults¹³.

Areas that see improvement are:

  • Verbal memory
  • Verbal working memory
  • Learning memory
  • Attention
  • Executive function
  • General cognitive function

Vitamin D vs Other Testosterone Boosting Supplements

Although vitamin D appears to be a very promising compound in terms of testosterone production, it's not the only compound that has been catching the attention of researchers. Here is how vitamin D compares to some other minerals and herbs that could give you the boost you need.

1) Zinc And Vitamin D For Testosterone:

Consuming zinc is essential to support our immune system, metabolism, wound healing, growth, and sense of taste and smell. There's also evidence that zinc can play a role in testosterone production.

For example, one study showed that zinc could have a similar effect to vitamin D14. If you're suffering from a zinc deficiency, zinc supplementation can help increase serum testosterone levels. You can read more about this in our article: Does Zinc Increase Testosterone?

In 2022, an extensive meta-analysis was conducted to review the literature on the relationship between testosterone and zinc15. Not only did they conclude a relationship between low levels of both existed, but they also found that supplementation with zinc can help raise testosterone levels.

Regarding vitamin D or zinc, both have importance in testosterone production.

Interested in boosting your T with zinc supplementation? Check out our article on the 9 Best Zinc Supplements!

2) Ashwagandha and Vitamin D For Low Testosterone:

Ashwagandha is an adaptogen that comes from the Ayurvedic medicine practice. An adaptogen is a substance that helps the body deal with both mental and physical stress. By "adapting" to the specific stressors, ashwagandha can help return the body to homeostasis.

In terms of increasing testosterone levels, studies aren't conclusive yet show plenty of promise. It's theorized that by increasing our luteinizing hormone, ashwagandha can improve testosterone levels.

As luteinizing hormone stimulates testosterone production, more of it can lead to higher levels. You can learn more about this in our article: Ashwagandha and Testosterone: What's The Connection?

Vitamin D and ashwagandha both have their T-boosting benefits, but ashwagandha may take the gold medal. Check out the 7 Best Ashwagandha Supplements to find the best one for you!

3) Fenugreek and Vitamin D For Low Testosterone:

Fenugreek is a green herb from the Mediterranean region used for various medicinal needs, such as increasing testosterone levels. Studies have shown a relationship exists between the two, and it may work by increasing DHEA, free testosterone levels, and serum testosterone concentrations16.

To learn more about fenugreek, head to our article that discusses the connection between Fenugreek And Testosterone. Interested in more great vitamins, herbs, and minerals that will boost your T? Check out our article on the 8 Best Supplements That Increase Testosterone!

What Is The Best Supplement For Boosting Testosterone?

We just examined multiple vitamins and herbs, all of which play a role in improving your T levels. So, which is best?

And my answer to that is why pick one when you can find a supplement that includes multiple testosterone-boosting ingredients? Testosterone boosters are made up of multiple natural ingredients, like some of the vitamins, minerals, and herbs I just discussed, that can help with this goal.

The purpose of testosterone boosters is to support your body in increasing its testosterone levels naturally, and the best part is that all the ingredients used are available over-the-counter. These boosters work in an interesting way by addressing any deficiencies in micronutrients that might be present in your body.

As these nutrient deficiencies are corrected, your testosterone levels tend to rise gradually. This increase in testosterone can bring about various benefits, such as more energy, a higher sex drive, increased muscle and bone mass, and improved overall body composition.

I recommend TestoPrime, as it not only contains vitamin D but also several other powerful ingredients, including several I just discussed, such as ashwagandha extract, fenugreek, and zinc. It can help increase your testosterone levels naturally, leading to benefits like improved body composition, better gains in the gym, and an increased sex drive.

does vitamin d help boost testosterone

TestoPrime is an all-natural testosterone support that can help any man take control of his youthful vitality with a flood of new and natural testosterone...

Interested in more great testosterone-boosting supplements? Check out our article on the 7 Best Testosterone Booster Supplements!


Let's take some time and get into common, specific questions regarding vitamin D and testosterone.

Does vitamin D increase testosterone in females?

The studies that exist show a similar relationship that occurs in men. That is, women with low levels can benefit from vitamin D as well.

Is vitamin D3 the same as vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a bioactive form of two versions of vitamin D; D2 and D3. D3, also known as cholecalciferol, is the form of vitamin D you get from the sunlight.

Does vitamin D increase hair growth?

It can. In addition to all its other benefits, Vitamin D is a follicle-stimulating hormone.

Does vitamin B12 increase testosterone?

Vitamin B12 has been found to play a role in areas such as testicular health and can help increase testosterone levels in men with low levels.

What are the signs you need vitamin D?

Signs you need vitamin D include a depressed mood, fatigue, anxiety, stress, weakness, and sore muscles.

how much vitamin d to increase testosterone

Does Vitamin D Boost Testosterone? Our Verdict

After examining all the studies and considering all the nuances, we can safely say that vitamin D plays a major role in improving and maintaining healthy testosterone levels.

If you're a healthy man who already has high levels and gets plenty of vitamin D, extra supplementation likely isn't going to do anything for you. However, adding a vitamin D supplement can benefit you if you're not getting enough vitamin D. 

Further, considering the plethora of other vitamin D functions, unless you know your vitamin D status, adding it to your dietary supplements is the easiest way to ensure your intake is where it should be.

Ready to increase your testosterone levels using vitamin D? Check out our article on the 13 Best Vitamin D Supplements! Or, for those interested in a supplement that contains multiple T-boosting ingredients, head to our article on the 7 Best Testosterone Booster Supplements!

does vitamin d3 increase testosterone 

TestoPrime is an all-natural testosterone support that can help any man take control of his youthful vitality with a flood of new and natural testosterone...


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