How Long Does TRT Take To Work?

Testosterone replacement therapy is not something you undertake lightly. It requires rigorous testing and costs a considerable amount of money. So, if you're going to head down the TRT therapy route, you clearly have a need for it. And you're probably desperate to see results. So, how long does it take for TRT to work? Let's investigate.

This article will cover the following:

  • How Long Does TRT Take To Work?
  • Full TRT Timeline
  • What is TRT?
  • Forms of TRT
  • TRT FAQs
  • Summary

how to get trt

How long does TRT take to work?

The short answer to the question of how long it takes for the effects of hormone replacement therapy for men to kick in is that it depends. Such variables as the type of medication, its dosage, and method of application, along with your own physiology and how your body responds to the treatment, all affect the timeline of effects. However, we are able to provide some general guidelines relating to the specific effects that you can expect from starting TRT.

1. Libido

One of the first things you'll notice when you suffer from the symptoms of low enough testosterone levels is diminished sexual desire and/or erectile dysfunction. The good news is that improved libido and sex drive are some of the quickest effects you'll receive from testosterone replacement therapy. According to the research, you should experience a significant improvement in your sexual desire and sexual satisfaction within 3-4 weeks of starting treatment.

A 2014 meta-study analyzed study results spanning back 35 years to determine the average timeline for sexual performance-related effects to appear. The researchers found that an increase in sexual interest appeared after 3 weeks, plateauing at the six-week mark. There were no further increments beyond this peak level.¹

Improvement in the frequency and strength of erections may take a little longer. Testosterone treatment will boost red blood cell formation and improve blood flow by improving the markers of inflammation and promoting the production of nitric oxide, which is s blood vessel dilator. The improved blood flow will lead to better. More frequent erections that are able to be sustained for longer. It may take 1-3 months for these effects to evidence themselves.

2. Mood

Of all the effects of testosterone replacement therapy, mood enhancement is the one that will differ the most in terms of how long you will notice an improvement. While most people should see an improvement in their mood, helping to lift feelings of anxiety and depression within 3-6 weeks, others may take up to six months to see an effect.

3. Body Composition

You will only achieve changes in body composition if you combine TRT with regular exercise and a healthy eating plan. However, your hormone treatments should give you more energy so that you feel more motivated and prepared to take on an exercise program.

To lose weight, you will have to reduce your daily caloric intake below your maintenance level and undertake a calorie-burning exercise routine. By doing so, you should expect to see a gradual loss of body fat after three to four weeks. Building muscle takes a little longer. By increasing your consumption of protein-rich foods and complex carbohydrates and undertaking a progressive weight training program, you should see consistent lean muscle and strength within three to four months.

4. Insulin sensitivity

Testosterone replacement therapy can improve insulin sensitivity in people who are insulin resistant. Although the exact mechanism for this effect is not fully understood, TRT's ability to help lose body fat, promote muscle protein synthesis and boost energy expenditure are contributing factors. As we've already noted, these effects may take from three weeks to several months to kick in. As a result, the effect on insulin sensitivity will follow a similar timeline. However, some research shows that improvements in insulin sensitivity can occur within a week of starting hormone replacement therapy. It all depends on how your unique body responds to the treatment.²

Full TRT Timeline

Here's a general overview of the effects you can expect when you begin testosterone therapy:

First Week:

  • Possible improvements in insulin sensitivity

First Month:

  • Increased energy levels

  • Improved mood

  • Increased libido

First Three Months:

  • Muscle growth

  • Reduction in body fat

  • Improved memory and mental clarity

Three to Six Months:

  • Enhanced physical performance

  • Improved insulin sensitivity

  • Changes in body composition

  • Increased bone density

Six to Twelve Months:

  • Continued muscle development

  • Stable mood and well-being

Beyond One Year:

With ongoing TRT, the positive effects on energy levels, mood, muscle mass, lean body mass, composition, and cognitive function can be maintained as long as treatment is continued and monitored appropriately.

For a longer look at what TRT can do for you, check out our article on the Best TRT Benefits.

trt side effects

What is TRT?

Testosterone Replacement Therapy is a medical treatment whereby testosterone is administered to people with low testosterone levels according to a set treatment plan. TRT must be prescribed by a doctor after rigorous testing to determine that the patient suffers from hypogonadism (testosterone levels that are below 300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL)).

In recent history, the option to get testosterone online legally has become a reality. Check out our article on Where to Buy Testosterone Online.

The goal of TRT is to return a person's testosterone levels to normal testosterone levels. By doing so, they will experience improved energy levels, increased muscle mass and strength, enhanced libido, improved mood, and better overall quality of life.

Forms of TRT

There are several ways to deliver testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), each with benefits and things to keep in mind. Let's examine the various TRT procedures and some important considerations regarding each:

1. Injections

Testosterone injections are normally given intramuscularly, either by a medical expert or by the patient themselves. A consistent supply of testosterone injection into the body is provided through injections, which are typically administered every one to two weeks. Intramuscular testosterone injections have been used for a very long time in TRT and are economical. Some people's hormone levels may fluctuate between injections, which can cause a variety of symptoms.

Intramuscular injections of testosterone often have a rather rapid onset of effects. Some people may begin to experience symptom improvement within a few weeks after starting testosterone shots. Nevertheless, when the interval between injections lengthens, the effects could start to fade.

2. Transdermal Patches

Transdermal patches are applied to the skin, typically on the upper body or scrotum. They continuously release testosterone over the course of the day. Convenience and constant hormone levels are provided with patches. However, some people could get skin rashes or find the patches difficult to wear and replace frequently.

Transdermal patches deliver testosterone continuously, maintaining steady hormone levels. As testosterone levels stabilize, it could take a few weeks to a few months to get the full effects of transdermal patches.

3. Topical gels

Topical gels are rubbed onto the skin, usually on the shoulders, upper arms, or abdomen. They enter the bloodstream after being absorbed through the skin, which releases testosterone. Topical testosterone gels offer stable hormone levels while being simple to apply and absorb. To avoid the spread of testosterone to others, it's necessary to avoid skin-to-skin contact following application.

Although the timing of the effects can change, topical gels still offer a constant release of testosterone. Some people might notice effects within a few weeks, while others might need several months to detect a difference.

4. Buccal Tablets

By resting against the gum and letting them dissolve, buccal tablets transfer testosterone to the oral mucosa. They are typically administered twice a day, in the morning and the evening. Buccal pills provide comfort and reliable hormone levels. Some people, however, may end up with mouth or gum inflammation.

The benefits of buccal tablets, which are normally taken twice daily, become apparent over time when testosterone gradually permeates the oral mucosa. It can take a few weeks to a few months to get the maximum results.

5. Pellets

Testosterone pellets are inserted subcutaneously during a minor surgical operation, generally in the buttocks or hip region. Testosterone is released gradually over the course of three to six months. In contrast to frequent dosing, testosterone is continuously released from pellets. This process is more intrusive than other types of TRT and can be more expensive.

Under the skin implants gradually release testosterone over the course of several months. It may take a few weeks or even months before you get the full effects as hormone levels settle and reach their appropriate levels.


What should I expect my first week of TRT?

During the first week of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT, your body will become used to the medication. Your doctor will assess your symptoms during this time to assess the efficacy of the treatment and make any needed changes to the dosage.

During the first week, you may experience discomfort or soreness at the injection site if you are having testosterone injections. This happens frequently, but it will pass in a few days. Some people claim to feel more energized and generally more at ease, but the excitement and expectation around the start of therapy may be to blame for this initial surge.

The first week may bring about some changes in your mood or emotional swings. Your body is adjusting to the exogenous testosterone, which is the likely cause of these hormonal changes. In most cases, these mood swings pass with time. Mild fluid retention can occur in some people, causing slight weight gain or bloating temporarily. It may be brought on by hormonal changes, but it usually goes away as your body becomes used to the medication.

TRT may impact certain people's sleep patterns. While some people may suffer modest disruptions or changes in their sleep habits, you may see increases in sleep quality, such as longer or deeper slumber.

How do I maximize my TRT results?

Here are some tips to get the most from your TRT:

Work with Your Doctor: Work closely with a qualified healthcare expert who specializes in hormone therapy to follow medical advice. They will evaluate your particular requirements, keep track of your development, and modify your treatment plan as appropriate.

Consistency and Adherence: Consistently follow the TRT procedure that has been suggested for you. Apply gels or patches as suggested, follow dosage instructions for drugs, and schedule injections according to the manufacturer's recommendations.

Regular Monitoring: Schedule routine follow-up visits with your healthcare practitioner to check your hormone levels, evaluate your progress, and discuss any issues you may have.

Lifestyle Changes: By managing your stress levels and following a well eating a well-balanced diet, you will enhance the effects of TRT. Avoid tobacco and excessive alcohol consumption.

Workout Frequently: Stick to a regular workout schedule that includes both resistance and cardiovascular training. Exercise can increase the effects of TRT by boosting energy levels, encouraging muscular growth, and improving body composition.

Be Patient and Set Realistic Expectations: Recognize that it can take some time for TRT's effects to become completely apparent. Individual reactions can differ, and it might take several weeks or months before the desired effects show up. TRT aims to bring about long-term advantages rather than sudden, dramatic changes.

How should I feel on TRT?

On testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), your feelings can change depending on a number of factors, including your initial hormone levels, general health, and treatment response. Many people report feeling more energized and less fatigued. TRT may help with better mood stability and a sense of overall well-being.

TRT frequently results in an increase in sexual function and libido. In addition to increasing overall sexual satisfaction, it can increase erectile function and sexual desire. TRT can also promote muscle protein synthesis, which results in increases in muscular growth and strength.

Once you start testosterone therapy, can you stop?

Yes, you can stop testosterone therapy after starting. A healthcare provider with expertise in hormone therapy should be consulted before deciding whether or not to discontinue testosterone therapy (TRT). You might be able to stop TRT if your testosterone levels have returned to a normal range and you no longer need it.

To establish if stopping TRT is right for you, regular hormone level monitoring and continued symptom assessment are crucial. If you were prescribed TRT to treat a certain medical problem, like hypogonadism, it would not be appropriate to stop the treatment without consulting a doctor. Without effective management, stopping TRT might result in the return of symptoms and other health issues related to low testosterone.

If you and your healthcare practitioner decide to stop TRT, it is essential to continuously check your hormone levels to make sure that your levels of testosterone stay within a healthy range.

trt before and after


Testosterone therapy effects should start to evidence themselves within 3-4 weeks of beginning treatment. These effects with become increasingly powerful until the 6-12 month mark, at which time they will plateau. However, the individual response to TRT depends on a range of variables, including your own physiology, the form of administration, and dosage. It is important to have realistic expectations, remembering that TRT is designed to bring about gradual, long-lasting effects.

If you're serious about TRT, we highly recommend contacting the folks at Fountain TRT to get started. You can also find some other options on our list of the Best Online TRT Clinics.


  1. Corona, Giovanni, et al. "Testosterone Supplementation and Sexual Function: A Meta-Analysis Study." The Journal of Sexual Medicine, vol. 11, no. 6, June 2014, pp. 1577–1592
  2. Kapoor, D, et al. "Testosterone Replacement Therapy Improves Insulin Resistance, Glycaemic Control, Visceral Adiposity and Hypercholesterolaemia in Hypogonadal Men with Type 2 Diabetes." European Journal of Endocrinology, vol. 154, no. 6, June 2006, pp. 899–906

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