TRT Before And After: What To Expect & Real-Life Results

Testosterone, the primary male hormone, plays a vital role in our bodies. It influences everything from muscles and bones to mood and sex drive, even in women. The trouble is our hormone levels decline as we age, leading to issues like fatigue, low libido, and mood swings.

Luckily, there's a treatment called Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT). TRT aims to restore hormonal balance and help us return to looking and feeling like our old selves. And in some cases, even better.

In this article, we'll explore what TRT is, how it works, and what to expect. Most importantly, we'll take a look at real-life results, so you get a good idea of how TRT can help you.

Whether you're curious about TRT or considering it as an option, this guide will give you the knowledge to make an informed decision before starting your TRT journey.

Table of Contents:

  • What is Testosterone?
  • What Is TRT?
  • How Does TRT Work?
  • How Long Does TRT Take To Work?
  • When To Start TRT
  • TRT Before And After: Everything You Need to Know
  • What Happens After Your First Testosterone Injection?
  • What To Expect: First Week Of TRT
  • Before And After TRT: Everything to Know About The First 90 Days
  • TRT Results After 3 Months
  • Is TRT Safe?
  • How To Get Prescribed Testosterone
  • FAQs

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Before TRT / 5 Months After Starting TRT (source)

What is Testosterone?

TRT stands for Testosterone Replacement Therapy. Testosterone is a hormone produced in the testes in males and smaller amounts in the ovaries and adrenal glands in females. It is a crucial hormone that plays various roles in the body.

In males, testosterone is responsible for developing male sexual characteristics during puberty, such as the growth of facial and body hair, deepening of the voice, and increased muscle. Additionally, it plays a role in sperm production and overall sexual function.

Testosterone is present in much smaller quantities in females than in males but still plays an important role. It contributes to maintaining bone density, muscle mass, sex drive, and overall well-being in women.

Testosterone levels naturally decline as people age, and in some cases, individuals may experience testosterone deficiency or low levels, leading to various symptoms such as fatigue, reduced sex drive, erectile dysfunction, mood changes, and decreased muscle mass.

What Is TRT?

TRT is a hormone replacement therapy, a medical treatment designed to address testosterone deficiencies by administering exogenous testosterone. It involves providing the body with additional testosterone through various methods, such as injections, patches, gels, or pellets.

TRT aims to restore testosterone levels to a normal range, alleviating symptoms associated with low testosterone and improving overall quality of life.

how long for trt to work

How Does TRT Work?

TRT supplements the body with synthetic testosterone to address the natural decline of aging. The most common form of TRT is through testosterone injections, which involve injecting a prescribed dosage of testosterone into the muscle tissue.  

Testosterone replacement therapy injections typically contain a form of synthetic testosterone, such as testosterone cypionate or enanthate. These synthetic versions are structurally similar to the natural testosterone the body produces. The injections come in various concentrations, and a healthcare professional determines the appropriate dosage based on each person's needs and hormone levels.

Once the testosterone is injected into the muscle tissue, it gradually enters the bloodstream, and the body can utilize it as needed. The injected testosterone restores testosterone levels in the body, which can help alleviate symptoms associated with low testosterone, such as:

  • Fatigue and decreased energy levels
  • Low libido and sexual dysfunction
  • Mood swings and irritability
  • Reduced muscle mass and strength
  • Difficulty in concentrating and memory issues
  • Changes in body composition, leading to increased body fat

    A healthcare professional can administer TRT injections in a clinic or medical office. However, most individuals self-administer the injections at home. The frequency of injections can vary depending on the type of testosterone used and the individual's response to treatment. In general, injections are given every one to two weeks.

    When testosterone levels are restored to normal through testosterone replacement therapy, many individuals experience significant improvements in their symptoms.

    Energy levels increase, fatigue diminishes, and mood stabilizes. Libido and sexual function often improve, leading to a better overall sense of well-being.

    TRT can also help reverse the loss of muscle mass and strength, making engaging in physical activities easier and creating a significant before and after effect. We talk about this in more detail in our article: The Ultimate Guide to Using TRT For Bodybuilding.

    While TRT can be highly effective in addressing low testosterone symptoms, it's essential to undergo regular follow-up appointments and blood tests to monitor hormone levels and ensure safety.

    Overseeing the treatment's progress allows healthcare professionals to adjust the dosage if necessary and manage any potential side effects.

    trt weight loss before and after

    How Long Does TRT Take To Work?

    The time it takes for TRT to work can vary from person to person. Some individuals may begin to experience improvements in their symptoms relatively quickly within a few weeks of starting TRT.

    These early changes often include increased energy levels, improved mood, and enhanced libido. However, it's important to note that the full benefits of TRT may take several months to become apparent.

    Research indicates noticeable body composition improvements occur between 12-16 weeks1. For more information on timing, check out our article: How Long Does TRT Take To Work?

    The rate of progress with testosterone replacement therapy depends on various factors, including the individual's age, the severity of testosterone deficiency, overall health, and how well their body responds to the treatment.

    Being patient and consistent with TRT is essential, as the therapy aims to restore hormonal balance over time. Ensure you take all your dosages on time without missing any.

    Regular follow-up appointments and blood tests are crucial during the initial months of TRT to monitor hormone levels and confirm that the treatment is progressing as expected.

    The dosage or treatment plan may be adjusted based on individual responses and potential side effects.

    trt before and after 3 months

    When To Start TRT

    TRT is designed for people with low testosterone levels experiencing symptoms. Since T-levels decrease with age, it can significantly benefit individuals over fifty.

    That said, age alone shouldn't be the main reason for starting testosterone replacement therapy. If you are experiencing symptoms, the next step is to have blood tests to confirm low testosterone levels before starting TRT.

    Some bodybuilders and athletes may use testosterone replacement therapy to improve muscle development and performance, but it should only be done under medical supervision.

    When you work with a TRT clinic, you can get a prescription for pharmaceutical-grade testosterone. This is significantly more consistent and higher quality than most underground testosterone.

    However, TRT may not be suitable for individuals with certain conditions like prostate cancer or breast cancer, severe sleep apnea, or untreated heart conditions.

    TRT Results: Before And After

    Anytime you start something new, it is natural to have questions about what to expect. And what better way to figure out what TRT will do than to look at real-life experiences?

    The following sections will answer any questions you have regarding the benefits of TRT, as well as what to expect from your first shot through 90 days and beyond.

    trt before and after face
    Before TRT / 3 Months After Starting TRT (source)

    1) What Happens After Your First Testosterone Injection?

    After receiving your first testosterone injection, you might experience various effects, but the specific outcomes can vary from person to person. Initially, some individuals may feel a slight pinch or discomfort at the injection site, which is a normal and temporary sensation.

    In some instances, there might be an immediate boost in energy or mood due to the sudden increase in testosterone levels. However, the full effects of testosterone injections generally take some time to manifest.

    Depending on the type of testosterone administered, it can take anywhere from 40 minutes to seven days to reach peak concentrations2.

    After the first shot, one Reddit user said: "I felt more relaxed than ever in my life. The T just feels right in my body. It's as if T was the missing puzzle piece in my life." (source)

    Another Reddit user said, "I felt better within 3 days. I was very fatigued and taking naps every day. Had very little interest in hobbies that usually like. Once I started on test I felt amazing again. Fatigue went away. No more naps. Have a ton of energy and mood increased significantly." (source)

    2) What To Expect: First Week Of TRT Treatment

    Over the first week, you may notice significant improvements in symptoms like increased energy, improved mood, and enhanced libido. Patience during this period is essential, as everyone's body responds differently to the treatment. If you don't see immediate changes in the first week, it doesn't mean you won't.

    Following the first week, your TRT clinic will schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress, assess your response to the treatment, and check your hormone levels. This regular monitoring ensures that your TRT is proceeding as expected and allows for any necessary adjustments to the treatment plan.

    A Reddit user shares his experience: "My test was in the 100’s. Had been for a while. Within the first couple weeks on TRT It felt like I’d woken up from a long hibernation. Like my brain and body had been set on autopilot and I was just a passenger. It was like the autopilot broke and I was thrust into the driver seat. I felt alive. More primal. More confident. More alert. I’ll never allow myself to feel that dead inside again." (source)

    3) Before And After TRT: Everything to Know About The First 90 Days

    During the first 90 days of testosterone replacement therapy, individuals can experience significant changes and improvements in their overall well-being.

    In the initial weeks, most people will notice increased energy levels, reduced fatigue, and an overall boost in motivation and drive. This surge in energy often leads to enhanced productivity and a more active lifestyle. Additionally, mood swings or irritability may stabilize as hormonal imbalances and fluctuations begin to level out.

    What To Expect During The First 30 Days:

    Around the one-month mark, some individuals might start noticing improvements in their libido and sexual function. Increased sex drive and better sexual performance are common effects of TRT for those experiencing low testosterone-related sexual issues.

    before and after trt therapy
    Source: Hone Health

    What To Expect Between 30-60 Days:

    Around the second month, changes in body composition may become more apparent. Individuals often notice an increase in lean muscle mass and strength and a decrease in body fat. These physical changes can contribute to a more sculpted and toned appearance.

    What To Expect Between 60-90 Days:

    As the third-month approaches, the effects of TRT on bone density may begin to manifest. Increased bone density is a crucial benefit of TRT, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and related fractures.

    It's important to remember that individual responses to TRT can vary, and not everyone will experience the same results within the first 90 days.

    Some changes might be more gradual, while others may occur more rapidly. Follow-up appointments with regular blood tests are essential during this period to monitor progress, adjust the treatment plan if necessary, and ensure overall health and safety.

    As the body adapts to the treatment, individuals can look forward to further improvements in their physical and emotional well-being in the months beyond the initial 90 days.

    The First 90 Days: Real TRT Before And After Results

    Let's hear from someone who documented his experience with his first 90 days of testosterone replacement therapy. Danny Bossa shares his experience in the video below, explaining that one of the main benefits he experienced in his third month was a significant increase in strength.

    In fact, Bossa states that he was surprised when he could do 12 bicep curls with 35-pound weights, and could then jump to 10 curls using 40-pound weights. "I just felt I was getting stronger across the board," Bossa stated in the YouTube video.

    4) What to Know About TRT Results After 3 Months

    Beyond the initial 90 days of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, individuals can continue to experience ongoing and evolving improvements in various aspects of their physical and mental health.

    While the first 90 days can bring significant changes, the effects of TRT can extend into the long term with continued treatment.

    Physically, individuals may witness further progress in body composition, such as increased muscle mass and decreased body fat, especially with regular exercise and proper nutrition.

    trt therapy before and after
    Before TRT / 5 Months After Starting TRT (source)

    Mood stability and emotional well-being tend to persist as TRT maintains hormonal balance, contributing to a more stable and positive outlook on life.

    Energy levels and vitality often remain elevated, allowing individuals to sustain an active and fulfilling lifestyle. The positive impact on libido and sexual function continues, enhancing intimate relationships.

    With consistent exercise and healthy habits, muscle and strength gains achieved during the first 90 days can be maintained and further developed. The same can be said for reduced body fat.

    Regular follow-up appointments with a healthcare provider remain crucial to monitor progress, adjust the treatment plan if necessary, and ensure overall health and safety.

    As the body adapts to testosterone replacement therapy, individuals can look forward to sustained and improved physical, emotional, and sexual well-being, ultimately leading to an enhanced quality of life beyond the initial 90 days.

    David de las Morenas, owner of the YouTube channel @howtobeast, documented his 3-month experience taking testosterone. The video is posted here so you can see his results for yourself, but his biggest takeaway was that taking testosterone gave him significant strength and muscle gains.

    Is TRT Safe?

    Undergoing testosterone replacement therapy can absolutely be safe and effective when supervised by a qualified healthcare professional. Before starting TRT, a thorough evaluation is necessary to determine if it's medically suitable for an individual.

    Properly administered TRT can help alleviate low testosterone symptoms while improving overall well-being. However, it's important to be aware of potential side effects, including acne, fluid retention, mood changes, and changes in cholesterol levels.

    Regular follow-ups and blood tests during TRT are crucial to monitor hormone levels and overall health. Working closely with a hormone therapy clinic is essential to ensure safety and effectiveness.

    How To Get Prescribed Testosterone

    The first step to getting prescribed testosterone therapy is to consult a healthcare professional.

    Start by scheduling an appointment with a primary care physician, an endocrinologist specializing in hormone therapy, or a TRT clinic. Choosing a reputable and experienced provider with a track record of success in administering TRT is essential.

    And if the idea of trekking to the doctor's office for appointments seems incredibly inconvenient (we get it!), there's a much better approach you can take.

    Using an online TRT clinic takes a lot of the hassle out of getting prescribed testosterone. You can speak with a healthcare provider from the comfort of your own home and get the process started quickly.

    During the consultation, be open and honest about any symptoms you are experiencing that may be related to low testosterone levels. The doctor will conduct a comprehensive evaluation, which will likely include a blood test to measure hormone levels.

    The healthcare professional will discuss the available treatment options if the evaluation indicates low testosterone levels and symptoms that could benefit from TRT, which can be administered by injections, patches, gels, or pellets.

    The choice of method will depend on individual preferences and medical considerations. Once the appropriate treatment plan is determined, the doctor will prescribe TRT.

    Regular follow-up appointments and blood tests will be scheduled to monitor hormone levels and side effects. If any issues arise, the doctor will adjust the dosage as needed.

    If you're ready to get started, I highly recommend working with Fountain TRT. They kick-start your TRT journey by providing you with a free personalized TRT evaluation. After the evaluation, a Fountain provider will then review the results with you in a 1-on-1 video call.

    During your consultation, the provider you're working with will review your symptoms, in addition to scheduling blood work so they can examine your testosterone levels. After completing the blood work, you and your provider will come up with a treatment plan personalized to meet your needs.

    trt before and after

    We help men boost their testosterone up to a healthy, normal level using testosterone therapy. With our online doctor’s visits, treatment is a breeze. Start your personalized evaluation...

    Fountain TRT is amazing, but they're not the only online clinic available! Check out our article on the 8 Best Online TRT Clinics to discover the perfect fit for you.


    Here are some answers to common questions about TRT.

    Do you feel testosterone shots right away? 

    The effects of testosterone shots may vary from person to person. Still, some individuals may notice changes like increased energy or mood shifts within a few weeks after receiving the injection.

    What does testosterone do in females? 

    Testosterone in females is crucial in maintaining bone density, muscle mass, sex drive, and overall well-being. You can learn more about this in our article that discusses low testosterone in women.

    How much testosterone should a woman take? 

    The appropriate dosage of testosterone for women depends on various factors and should be monitored by a healthcare professional. It is usually much lower than the typical dosage given to men.

    Will I lose belly fat on TRT? 

    Testosterone replacement therapy can impact body composition, potentially reducing overall body fat (and belly fat) in some individuals when combined with proper diet and exercise. 

    How long does it take to lose weight on testosterone? 

    The time it takes to lose weight on testosterone can vary based on individual factors, such as diet, exercise routine, metabolism, and overall health. It is not solely dependent on TRT.

    Is 0.5 ml of testosterone a week enough? 

    The appropriate dosage of testosterone varies for each individual, and it should be based on specific needs and hormone levels.

    Do I have to be on TRT for life? 

    Not necessarily. TRT is often used to address testosterone deficiencies and sometimes a hormonal imbalance, and its duration can vary depending on the underlying condition and the individual's response to treatment. That said, TRT is typically a long-term commitment. 

    How long can you be on TRT? 

    The duration of TRT can vary based on medical necessity, treatment effectiveness, and ongoing assessment by a healthcare provider. However, you can be on TRT indefinitely. 

    Does your body stop producing testosterone if you take supplements? 

    If you take exogenous (external) testosterone medication, your body's natural testosterone production can be affected and may potentially decrease. However, this is unlikely to occur with over-the-counter testosterone-boosting supplements. 

    trt before and after pictures
    Before TRT / 14 Months After Starting TRT (source)

    Before And After Testosterone: The Results

    In closing, embarking on testosterone replacement therapy can be a life-changing journey for individuals experiencing symptoms of low testosterone. Throughout this article, we've explored what to expect at various stages of TRT, from the first week to beyond 90 days.

    As you begin TRT, be prepared for potential changes in energy levels, mood, libido, body composition, and overall well-being. Remember to communicate openly with your healthcare provider, attend (even if it's virtually) regular follow-up appointments, and adhere to personalized treatment plans to ensure the best possible outcome.

    TRT can significantly improve physical, emotional, and sexual health, ultimately leading to an enhanced quality of life. Now that you understand the potential benefits, you can make an informed decision and have a brighter and more vibrant future.

    Ready to get your TRT journey started? Find the perfect provider for you by visiting our article on the 8 Best Online TRT Clinics!

    before and after TRT

    We help men boost their testosterone up to a healthy, normal level using testosterone therapy. With our online doctor’s visits, treatment is a breeze. Start your personalized evaluation...


    1. Saad, F., Aversa, A., Isidori, A. M., Zafalon, L., Zitzmann, M., & Gooren, L. (2011). Onset of effects of testosterone treatment and time span until maximum effects are achieved. European journal of endocrinology.
    2. Shoskes, J. J., Wilson, M. K., & Spinner, M. L. (2016). Pharmacology of testosterone replacement therapy preparations. Translational Andrology and Urology.

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