Pull ups are one of the best bodyweight exercises for the upper body, point blank period. However, we do believe your training should include variety of exercises in order to make continuous progress.
That’s where pull up alternative exercises come into play. Whether you can do a pull up or not, it’s important to train using a mixture of exercises. In the post we’ll cover 13 of the best alternatives to pull ups that work similar muscles, helping you to build a strong back and eventually become a pull up professional.
Table of Contents:
- What's A Pull Up?
- Why Are Pull Ups Important?
- Can Pull Ups Be Replaced With Alternatives?
- 13 Best Pull Up Alternatives
- Who Should Do Pull Up Alternatives?
- How Often Should You Do Pull Up Alternative Exercises?
- Pull Up Alternative Workout
- Pull Up Progression Plan
- Pull Up Muscles Worked
- Benefits of Pull Ups
- FAQs
What’s a pull up?
The pull up exercise is one of the quintessential body weight exercises that can tell you a lot about your fitness level with regards to your upper body strength. A pull up, and most pull up variations, refers to a closed chain movement where you start in a dead hang on a bar with a pronated grip (palms facing away) then you pull your body up until your chin is above the bar and your elbows are by your torso.
People are often confused about what the difference is between pull ups and chin ups. And still to this day, depending on who you ask, you’ll get a different answer.
For example, if you ask us, Guinness Book of World Records or countless other trainers in the fitness industry they’ll say that pull ups are done with a pronated grip while chin ups are done with a supinated grip (palms facing towards you). However, if you speak with the Us Marine Corps or the World Pull up Organization, they’ll consider both grips as pull ups.
To keep everyone on the same page, from here on out we’ll consider pull ups using an overhand or pronated grip while chin ups use a supinated or underhand grip.
How to Do a Pull up
- Reach up and grab the bar with both hands using an overhand grip (palms facing away) slightly wider than shoulder width apart
- Start from a dead hang where your arms are straight
- Retract your shoulder blades and pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar and your elbows are by your torso
- Briefly pause at the top while squeezing shoulder blades down and in
- Slowly lower yourself down until you’re back to the dead hang position
Why are pull ups important?
There are so many great pull ups benefits. Pull ups are an important exercise because it’s a bodyweight exercise that demands you lift your entire body mass upwards. Pull ups strengthen multiple muscle groups in one exercise making it an efficient and effective exercise to help build functional power in the upper body.
We’ve all seen movies where the character is struggling to hang on to a ledge, bridge or landing gear of a helicopter. Now imagine yourself in a situation like that, would you be able to pull yourself up if you needed to?
If you can’t do a pull up yet, pull up alternatives will help get you to that point. If you can already do pull ups then exercise alternatives to pull ups can help you do more and/or build up more upper body strength.
Can pull ups be replaced with alternatives?
Pull ups are one of the best upper body exercises around and shouldn’t be replaced but there are a number of pull up alternatives that should be added to your workout plan. In reality, pull ups should be done in conjunction with other horizontal and vertical pulling exercises if you really want to build up your back.
We recommend that if you can do pull ups you should do them. However, not all people can perform full unassisted pull ups. Don’t worry we have you covered, we summarize a pull up progression plan that will get you on the right track to performing pull ups on your own.
13 Best Pull Up Alternatives
The following 13 pull up alternative exercises and variations will hit your lats plus a handful of other muscles that are also involved with executing a perfect pull up. You'll also see we included alternatives to pullups that can be done at home with no pull up bar or other equipment.
1. Inverted Row:
This bodyweight exercise is a perfect alternative exercise for pull ups because it uses the same muscles as a pull up. There’s a reason why the inverted row is part of the pull up progression plan. All you need is a low bar, railing or even a sturdy table to perform this exercise if you’re not at the gym.
The beauty of inverted row is that they’re easier to do compared with a pull up. They also allow for multiple tweaks to make the exercise easier or harder. You can readjust your body positioning to change difficulty and the angle in which you target the lats.
Standing up taller with a taller bar makes it easier while the more you bring your feet out under the bar coming closer to parallel with the floor, the harder it gets. You can also place your feet on a raised platform to make it more difficult.
How To:
- Set up bar at desired height
- Sit under the bar the reach up and grab the bar with both hands using an overhand grip slightly wider than shoulder width
- Bring your feet out so that your body is in a straight line with your core engaged and hips up
- Retract your shoulder blades and pull your lower chest up to the bar
- Slowly lower to starting position
- Repeat for desired reps
Note: Keep your body in a straight line throughout the movement, don't let your hips sag.
Suspension Trainer Inverted Row
This exercise is the same as the above except for the fact you will be forced to use more stabilizer muscles to pull your body upwards.
2. Wide Grip Lat Pull Down:
A great alternative to pull up exercise is the lat pull down as it mimics how a pull up works. However, rather than pulling weight up with your lats, you’ll be pulling it down. Lat pull downs are great to get extra volume in this range of motion even after you’re fatigued from pull ups.
You can really focus on contracting and squeezing your lats when doing lat pull downs. Also, for people who can’t yet do an unassisted pull up, the lat pull down is perfect because you can set the weight or resistance at an amount that’s manageable.
How To:
- Set knee pads at correct height, sit down and set pin in weight stack
- Reach up to grab the bar with an overhand grip using both hands wider than shoulder width apart
- Pull down on the bar while keeping your back straight and chest up until you elbows are at your sides and the bar is at your upper chest
- Slowly let the bar return to starting position
- Repeat for desired reps
Note: Keep your core engaged and head forward throughout the movement and try to control the bar on the up back up in a 2-3 second timeframe to get maximum eccentric contraction and longer time under tension.
3. Bent Over Rows:
There are numerous bent over row variations, but the bent over row takes the cake for building muscle and adding size to the back. You can perform bent over rows with either an overhand or underhand grip.
With the overhand grip you’ll be hitting the upper back muscles more like the rhomboids and the traps. With underhand grip your emphasize the mid back and lats more.
How To:
- Slightly bend at the knees and hinge forward so that your torso is over the bar
- Keeping a neutral back, grab the bar using an underhand grip with hands shoulder width apart
- While maintaining the bent over position, pull up through your elbows until the bar reaches your upper abs
- Slowly lower the bar to starting position where your arms are fully extended
- Repeat for desired reps
Note: Engage your core and maintian a neutral back throughout the movement.
Smith Machine Bent Over Row
This is the same exercise as above but you'll be able to focus more on your lats as you're removing some need for stabilizing muscles to work due to the fixed movement on the machine.
4. Lat Push Down:
The straight arm lat pushdown (aka pulldown) is an exercise that works the lats without elbow flexion. This exercise will also hit the posterior deltoid, teres major and a little of the triceps.
How To:
- Set up the bar on the cable machine higher than head height
- Reach up and grab the bar with both hands using an overhand grip wider than shoulder width apart
- Step back so that your arms are fully extended and there’s a stretch in your back
- Keep a slight bend in your elbows and knees with your chest up and back arched to stretch your lats
- Push the bar down towards your hips until the bar reaches your thighs
- In a slow controlled manner let the bar return to starting position
- Repeat for desired reps
Note: Make sure to focus on using your lats to drive the bar down rather than your triceps.
5. Single Arm Lat Pulldown:
This is a great unilateral exercise that works the lats and other muscles involved in pull ups. You can really get a good stretch in the lats with this one plus work the lower lats more.
By doing single arm exercises like this you’ll be able to notice if there’s any weakness on one side vs the other. If you do spot a muscle imbalance on one side then you can work on improving it until both sides are equally strong. This exercise allows for a complete range of motion which can help stimulate new muscle growth.
How To:
- Set cable with stirrup at head height the grab the stirrup with a neutral grip
- Get into half kneeling position with your active side’s shoulder aligned with the cable and your arm fully extended so that there’s a stretch in the lats
- Pull down through your elbow until your elbow is to your side while squeezing your lats at the bottom
- Slowly let the cable return to starting position where your arm is fully extended
- Repeat for desired reps then switch sides
Note: Change up your grip to overhand for more emphasis on the upper back or underhand to target the lower lats more.
Cable Crossover Lat Pulldown
This is a similar exercise to the single arm lat pulldown but you'll get more of a stretch in this version due to the wide grip positioning.
6. Close grip V Bar Pulldown:
This lat pull down variation requires a neutral grip that forces your elbows to be drawn down and tucked to your sides. This movement leads to greater shoulder extension. You’ll also be leaning back slightly so that you can pull more weight which can lead to building stronger lats, making the V bar pull up a great alternative exercise.
How To:
- Set up V bar on the cable machine
- Get into position on the seat then reach up to grab the bar with a neutral grip
- Keeping your core tight pull down through your elbows while concentrating on squeezing the lats as you lean back slightly until your hands are at your upper chest
- Slowly return to starting position by reversing the movement
Note: Don’t round your back to pull the weight down, keep your chest up as you pull down.
7. Close Grip Chin Up:
With the close grip chin up you’ll use the same muscles as you would for a pull up but you’ll redirect some of the tension to the arms. In this movement you’ll hit your lower lats and biceps more. This exercise should be easier to pull off compared to a traditional pull up making it a great pull up alternative.
How To:
- Reach up to grab the bar with both hands using an underhand grip with your hands 3-6 inches apart
- Starting from a dead hang with your shoulders depress, pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar
- Slowly lower to starting position with arms fully extended
- Repeat for desired reps
Note: Remember to keep your head straight throughout the movement to avoid straining your neck.
8. Assisted Pull Ups:
Assisted pull up are exactly what the name suggests, pull ups that are done with some type of assistance. Assisted pull ups are great for beginners who can’t complete a pull up or can’t do enough pull ups to get a good workout in. You can do assisted pull ups in three ways; with a machine, with bands or with a partner.
Let’s take a brief look at each of these options:
Pull Up Assist Machine
With the pull up assist machine you should first determine what a good starting weight to choose in the weight stack. For example, if you set the weight at 50lbs then it will take 50lbs off your bodyweight.
The amount of weight you choose will be largely dependent on how close you are to being able to do an unassisted pull up. If you’re far away then you will probably start somewhere with the weight around half your bodyweight or more.
Try doing a set of 6-12 reps and if it’s too easy/hard then make necessary adjustments. Over time you should gradually lower the amount of counter weight until you’re able to do unassisted pull ups. You should be able to do at least 5 reps of unassisted pull ups before you move one from the assisted versions.
How To:
- Set the pin in desired weight stack amount
- Get into position by grabbing the bar over head with both hands using an overhand grip (pictured above is the chin up with underhand grip) slightly wider than shoulder width apart
- Place your knees on the padded platform
- Lower down to start at a dead hang position
- Retract your shoulder blades and pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar and your elbows are by your torso
- Briefly pause at the top while squeezing shoulder blades down and in
- Slowly lower yourself down until you’re back to the dead hang position
Pull Up Assisted With Bands
The second way of performing an assisted pull up is with the help of loop resistance bands.
Loop resistance bands are a great tool to assist with pull ups because there’s the capability to change the amount of assistance by using different bands or band combos. Bands are also nice because you can carry them with you to use at the gym, at home or even outside at a park.
Start with a heavier resistance band then work your way down to the lighter resistance band as you progress. Overall, the resistance band pull up is a perfect alternative for beginners.
How To:
- Loop the band over the bar to set the anchor point
- Get into position by grabbing the bar over head with both hands using an overhand grip (pictured above is the chin up with underhand grip) slightly wider than shoulder width apart
- Step your foot onto the band then place your other foot on top to lock it in place
- Retract your shoulder blades and pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar and your elbows are by your torso
- Briefly pause at the top while squeezing shoulder blades down and in
- Slowly lower yourself down until you’re back to the dead hang position
Partner Assisted Pull Ups
This version of the assisted pull up requires you to have an extra set of hands. You can use this pull up alternative if you don’t have a pull up assist machine or bands at your disposal. You just need someone willing to hold your legs as you perform the pull ups.
How To:
- Reach up grab the bar with both hands using an overhand grip hand slightly wider that shoulder width apart
- Bend at the knees to lift your feet behind you. Have your partner hold your ankles to help push you upwards
- Follow same cues from regular pull up
9. Dumbbell Pullover:
The dumbbell pullover is good for stretching the lats while the shoulders are extended. This exercise is a hybrid that will work your lats and your chest.
The first part of the lift targets the lats while your pecs become involved as the weight moves past your head. Your triceps with also get a nice workout with this one without having to constantly press down and extend at the elbows like most triceps exercises.
An important note on form: You can position your body two ways with this exercise, either fully lying on the bench or perpendicular to the bench with only your upper back in contact.
How To:
- Grab a dumbbell then get into position with your upper back against the bench and your head hanging off the edge
- Hold the dumbbell by making a triangle with your hands with your palms against the weight or by gripping the handle with a neutral grip
- Start with the weight directly over your head with your arms straight towards the ceiling
- Reach the dumbbell behind your head, keeping a slight bend in your elbows, until your arms are stretched behind you
- Pull up and over your head back to starting position
- Repeat for desired reps
Note: Keep your arms stationary without movement in your elbows.
10. Seated Cable Row:
This exercise is great for the lats as it mimics the bent over row. The big difference here is that you’re in a seated position which removes the lower back muscles from assisting with the lift. This means you can really hone in on using your lats to lift the weight. This variation of the seated row can be executed with multiple grips and equipment.
Looking for similar exercises? Check out the Best Seated Cable Row Alternatives!
How To:
- Set up chosen attachment to pulley
- Sit down then grip the bar using an underhand grip then push your butt back so that your arms are fully extended and there’s a bend in the knees.
- Pull back through your elbows without leaning or rocking backwards until your hands are at your sides
- Slowly return to starting position
- Repeat for desired reps
Note: Keep your back straight and dont rock your bodyweight to pull the weight, focus on using your lats.
11. Renegade Row:
The renegade row is a fantastic pull up alternative with dumbbells. This full body exercise works some of the same muscles of a pull up including the obliques, rhomboids, lats and triceps. An added benefit of this exercise is that while building upper body strength you’re also improving balance and stabilization in the core and shoulders.
How To:
- Set up two dumbbells (preferably hex dumbbells rather than round) on the floor shoulder width apart
- Get in to position with your hands on the dumbbell handles and your shoulders stacked above
- Row one side upward by pulling back through the elbow while balancing on your other hand and feet until the lifted dumbbell is at your ribs
- Slowly return to starting position then repeat movement with the other arm
- Repeat for desired reps alternating with each arm
Note: Spreading your legs out further with make this exercise easier by giving you a wider base. Try to use hex dumbbells so the dumbbells don’t shift.
12. Dumbbell Kroc Row:
The Kroc row is also called the single arm row is perfect to move your lats through a wide range of motion. Because you're only using one arm at a time you can really focus on the mind-muscle connection. This unilateral exercise will also work the core as you will have to stabilize yourself throughout the motion.
How To:
- Grab a dumbbell with your left hand using a neutral grip
- Place your right hand and knee on the bench with your left leg to the side of the bench
- Your shoulders should be slightly higher than your hips.
- Start with your left arm fully extened then pull through your elbow until your hand is next to your ribcage
- Slowly lower the weight to starting position
- Repeat for desired reps then switch sides
- Keep your hips forward and core engaged throughout the movement.
- For it to be a true Kroc row, you can use momentum and go heavy and high reps.
Kroc Row with Bands
Follow the same cues from above except for the set up below:
- Stand on the band with your front foot then loop around your other foot
- Bring your other foot back behind you so that your leg is straight
- Reach down to grab the band with the hand on same side as back leg and place your inactive hand on your knee for added stability
- Follow cues from above exercise
13. Towel Rows:
The towel row is a great at home pull up alternative because you don’t need anything except for yourself, a towel and a sturdy anchor point. With this no bar pull up alternative make sure you have a good grip on the towel, a longer towel will enable you to move through a larger range of motion.
How To:
- Wrap your towel around a secure anchor point then grab it with both hands using a neutral grip
- Put your feet close to the bottom of the anchor point then lean back until your arms are fully extended
- Pull through your elbows until your hands are at your sides
- Slowly return to starting position
- Repeat for desired reps
Note: You can also do this exercise on a vertical column for the anchor point. To make the exercise more difficult you should anchor the towel lower and lean back more.
Single Arm Towel Row
This version of the towel row will work one side of the body at a time but you'll follow the same cues as above. The biggest difference here is that it will be more difficult to perform becuase you're using one arm. You'll also need to focus on anti-rotation to keep your body aligned without having your inactive side leaning back.
Bent Over Towel Rows
With the bent over towel row you will execute with the same body positioning as the bent over row. The key focus point here is to apply force and contraction to the muscles as you pull your hands away from each other and pull your elbow upwards. Constant tension is needed to reap the beneifts of this because not weight is being moved.
Related: Best Back Exercises With A Towel (No Bar Needed)
Who should do alternative pull up exercises?
In short, everyone should be performing pull up alternatives whether or not they can do a regular pull up. The key to building strong functional muscles is to use variety in terms of reps and sets, load, grip, body positioning, equipment used and tempo.
The pull up alternatives we provide in this post give you a range of exercises that can be done at home or the gym.
How often should you do pull up alternative exercises?
In general, you should target major muscle groups twice a week. This also pertains to pull up alternative exercises. You should have at least 24 hours rest between workout sessions. Depending on what your end goal is, your sets and reps will change.
Go for lower reps higher weight of 1-5 reps for strength and power. Use a rep range of 6-12 for hypertropy and strength gains and 12-20 for muscle gain and endurance. As we mentioned before it's beneficial to mix up rep and sets ranges to keep the workouts fresh and your muscles responding to new stimuli.
Pull Up Alternative Workout
This workout consists of pull up alternative exercises that work your back and other major upper body muscles through a range of motions and with different grips. We based this workoutu around the idea that you're looking to gain muscle size.
Note: Take 60-90 seconds rest between sets.
Exercise |
Sets |
Reps/AMRAP Range |
Wide Grip Lat Pull Down |
3 |
8-10 |
Kroc Rows (each side) |
3 |
6-8 |
Assisted Pull-Ups |
1 |
Dumbbell Pullover |
3 |
10 |
Inverted Row |
3 |
10-12 |
Pull Up Progression Plan
For some of you that are reading this, you’re here because you want to learn a good alternative to pull ups. But, others might want to know how to work their way up to doing a pull up. If you’re part of the latter then you can check out our full Pull Up Progression Plan.
To summarize how to follow a 9+ week pull up progression plan:
Week |
Exercises and Progression Steps |
Sets and Reps/Durations |
Weeks 1-3 |
Practice Australian pull-ups or bodyweight inverted rows, starting at a high angle |
3 x 10 |
Progress to moving feet down to bar halfway between navel and chest |
3 x 10 |
Progress to full inverted rows |
3 x 10 |
Weeks 3-4 |
Continue inverted rows |
3 x 10 |
Add dead hangs with 3 grips (close, normal, wide) |
9 sets (3 sets each grip) x 10-60 seconds |
Add shoulder depressions |
5 x 10 |
Weeks 5-8 |
Band-assisted pull-ups (start heavy, work to lighter bands) |
5 sets x max reps |
Add negatives (start chin over bar, lower slowly to dead hang) |
5 x 8 |
Week 9+ |
Try unassisted pull-ups |
2-3 sets to failure |
What muscles do pull ups work?
Pull ups work a variety of muscles in the upper body including:
Primary muscles (movers):
Here's a look at the muscle groups working hardest during the pull up, in addition to the pull up alternatives we discussed above.
- Latissimus Dorsi: This is the largest muscle in your back. This paired broad, flat triangular muscle stretches across the width of your mid and lower back. Commonly referred to as the lats, the scientific name in fact comes from Latin latissimus meaning “broadest” and dorsum meaning “back”. A well-built lats creates the tapered V look. The main functions of the latissimus dorsi are adduction, extension, transverse extension, flexion from an extended position and medial rotation of the shoulder joint.
- Biceps Brachii: This two headed muscle is comprised of the long head and short head that act on both the elbow and the shoulder joint. In the case of pull up the biceps help turn the forearm out so that your can grip the bar with a pronated grip. It also helps the lats pull us upwards. The narrower the pull up grip the more your biceps will be engaged.
- Brachioradialis and brachialis (forearms): These muscles found in the forearms play a role in pull ups. The brachioradialis is a forearm flexor when the forearm is semi-pronated, or when the palm is perpendicular to the ground like in a pull up position. The brachialis and the brachioradialis work in concert with the biceps to flex the forearm at the elbow.
- Infraspinatus: This is a rotator cuff muscle that acts as a stabilizer of the glenohumeral joint during shoulder abduction.
- Lower Trapezius: The traps are a large triangular muscle in the upper back that stretches from the base of the skull to the lower thoracic vertebrae of the spine and laterally to the spine of the scapula. Retracting the scapula is the main function of the traps. The lower lat muscle fibers assist in depressing the scapular which is the opposite movement of shoulder shrugs.
Secondary muscles:
The muscles worked don't end with the primary movers! The secondary muscle groups targeted include:
- Rear Deltoid: This muscle found on the back of the shoulder helps to pull our shoulders back during pull ups. At the bottom of a pull up it’s important to release the tension and come to a dead hang so that the rear delts and shoulders have to work harder to generate the momentum to lift your body upwards. We suggest staying in the dead hang for an extra minute or two at the end of your reps to give your shoulders a much-needed stretch.
- Rhomboids: This back muscle found in the middle of the upper back between the shoulder blades is vitally important in providing stability to the shoulder girdle and with arm movements. The rhomboids help to pull the scapula back during a pull up.
- Levator scapulae: This long slender muscle starts at the top of the spine and runs down the sides of the neck to the scapula. The main function of the levator scapulae is to elevate the scapulae.
- Pectoralis Major/Minor: These muscles that form the chest primarily help with pushing or pressing movements. However, when performing pull ups the pecs help to assist the lats as you pull up towards the bar.
Finally, here's a list of the stabilizer muscles working during pull ups and pull up alternatives.
- Rotator Cuff Muscles: (infraspinatus, supraspinatus, subscapularis and teres minor): These muscles work to stabilize the shoulder joint while doing pull ups.
- Triceps: This three headed muscle on the back of the upper arms is responsible for extension of the elbow. While doing pull ups the long head of the triceps help pull your body towards the bar.
- Obliques: Located along the side of the rectus abdominis in the abdomen area. These muscles help with bending and twisting of the trunk. Hanging from a bar while doing a pull up engages the obliques.
- Erector Spinae: The erector spinae is a collection of muscles; the iliocostalis, longissimus, and spinalis located in the center of the back that are centered around the spine. The primary function is trunk extension, think of deadlifts or back extensions. While doing pull ups these muscles help to keep the body using proper posture.
Benefits of pull ups
The point of the post is to highlight pull up alternatives which will also have the similar benefits of pull ups. Below are some of the best benefits of pull ups.
1) Build Strong Back:
The primary movers in pull ups are the back muscles especially the lats. A strong back can help improve your posture and make every day tasks easier to complete. Plus a well-built back looks great on both men and women.
2) Work Multiple Muscles:
Pull ups are one of the best compound exercises that you can do. This bodyweight compound exercise activates many muscles in order to complete the movement. Besides the major back muscles, pull ups also work the shoulders, core and arms.
Working multiple muscles in unison will result in better coordination and more strength overall. If you’re in a rush and want to get an effective upper body workout in then pull ups can be a staple exercise in your arsenal.
3) Boost Grip Strength:
Holding your bodyweight up on a bar then performing a pull up requires you to have a grip that’s strong enough so you don’t slip and fall. Building grip strength is one of the most important and most neglected parts of many people’s training programs.
The old saying, “you’re only as strong as your grip” is true. Most people’s grip will give out before the main muscles they’re training. For example, with deadlifts you’ll see that many people can’t do them without wrist straps because of weak grip. All your upper body lifts will improve if your grip strength does.
4) Burn Calories:
Pull ups are a compound exercise where many muscles are engaged which requires more oxygen and calories to be burned. Your lungs and heart work harder which will improve your cardiovascular capability.
Also, because pull ups are a great exercise to build lean muscle mass, you will boost your metabolism. The more muscle mass you have the more energy they require even at rest.
5) Versatile:
Pull ups can be done with only two things; your bodyweight and a bar. Not all exercises are created alike, pull ups have some amazing health benefits and you can do them or similar exercises that work the same muscles by doing pull up alternatives.
Remaining questions regarding pull ups or pull up alternatives? Let's answer them here!
How many pull ups should I be able to do?
There are no exact formula regarding how many pull ups you should be able to do but we can look at the averages for different groups of people below:
- Children: 6-12 should be able to do 1-2 pull ups
- Teenagers: Boys 13-18 should be able to do 3-8 pull ups. Girls 13-18 should be able to do 1 pull up or 1 5-9 second flexed arm hang (hang with chin above the bar)
- Adults: Men should be able to do 8 pull ups but if they can do 13-17 this would be considered strong and fit. Women should be able to do 1-3 pull ups while 5-9 reps would be thought of as strong and fit.
Can I train my back without a pull up bar?
Yes, you can train your back without a pull up bar with a variety of exercises and equipment, many of which we featured in this article. Resistance bands offer a range of back exercises that will work back muscles like a pull up would. You can also use other traditional gym equipment to train your back such as the cable machine for lat pull downs or the Smith machine for bent over rows, dumbbells for single arm rows, barbells for Yates rows and even towels for row variations.
Why Can’t I do a pull up?
There could be a number of reasons why you can’t currently do a pull up. Let’s remember that pull ups are a hard exercise but with the right work ethic and training plan you will be able to do pull ups in a few months. A few reasons why you me be unable to perform a pull include injury, being overweight, a lack of grip strength, improper strength, a weak back, and an overly wide grip.
What can I substitute for Crossfit pull ups?
Crossfit makes a few recommendations for pull up alternatives including jumping pull ups, negative pull ups, ring rows, pull-downs and assisted pull ups. Regardless of the exercise you choose, make sure you follow the proper form to get the most from the exercise.
Pick A Pull Up Alternative & Get To Work!
Pull up alternative exercises can help you to build strength and muscle. Use some of these exercises in your training program and you're sure to see your pull up ability improve.
No more excuses, even if you don't have a pull up bar or you're working out at home without access to a cable machine or barbells/dumbells you can still do some pull up alternatives. Grab some bands or a towel and get to work!
Looking for some low-cost equipment to perform your pull up alternatives? Check out these 11 Best Resistance Bands! And, once you master the pull up, you'll want to add one of these Best Outdoor Pull Up Bars to your home gym!