12 Ways to Burn More Calories in Less Time

We all know that if we want to lose weight then we have to burn off more calories than we take in. But, in this modern world, science and technology have saved us time and sweat to do many things. Thus, we end up doing less and eating more and becoming fatter.
With your hectic schedule and busy work day it can be really hard to get in a good workout. Thus people are always on the lookout for ways to burn up more calories in less amount of time. There are many ways to remove those annoying calories and lose weight. You are able to make losing weight quicker and simpler by boosting your metabolic speed and burning more calories. Here are just a small number of practices you can embrace to burn more calories in less time:
  1. Build muscle: Building muscles is one of the best ways to lose more calories fast. Your body requires approximately 6 calories to sustain a sustain a pound (or 0.45 kg) of muscle. So the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn. There are a lot of weight lifting exercises to build up your muscle mass.
  2. Interval Training: If you are looking to burn fat and become more toned, then varying your exercise intensity is critical. Varying your workout's intensity will stimulate your body to burn more calories and induce a greater cardiovascular response. Every five to six minutes into your walk, run for one minute. Every five to six minute into your jog, run hard for a minute. If you cycle, every five minutes into your bike ride, pedal hard for a minute on a higher gear.
  3. Eat little but frequently: Eat five to six small meals each day. Eating something small and nutritious every 3-4 hours will keep your metabolism running smoothly and efficiently, which in turn helps your body to burn more calories.
  4. Drink Green tea: Green tea has been shown to have calorie-burning properties. A study conducted at University of Geneva found that green tea contains catechin polyphenols - plant chemicals - that may boost metabolism. If you don't like green tea then you can also burn calories by drinking caffeinated black tea. Caffeine makes people more active and can cause metabolic body changes that will burn more calories. It is also an appetite suppressor, so it will stop you eating lots during snack times.
  5. Don't skip breakfast: Always have a healthy and energetic breakfast. The earlier in the day you eat, the earlier in the day your body begins burning calories.
  6. Keep moving: Don't just sit still. Keep moving at all times. Choose an active lifestyle over a sedentary one. Shake your foot if you keep your legs crossed; drum your fingers, tap your feet etc. Anything that gets your body moving.
  7. Reduce the temperature: Shivering burns calories, so spend more time outside when it's cold. When your body is cold, it must expend more energy to get warm.
  8. Eat spicy: Eating hot spices might speed up your metabolism temporarily (for up to 3 hours). Just half a teaspoon of cinnamon per day can help boost metabolism and keep blood sugar levels in check. 3-4 chilies will boost your metabolism even more. It makes food taste a lot better as well so it is an easy bonus that you can use. However, it is important to take spicy foods moderately especially if you have sensitive stomach or you simply have a low tolerance for them.
  9. Eat more protein: Protein requires a more complex chemical breakdown by your body in order to be digested and used as fuel. Eat a portion of protein at every meal and as part of your snacks and you will increase the total number of calories you burn each day. Eating protein also helps to prevent muscle loss while dieting.
  10. Embrace inconvenience: Take the longest route. Whenever you have to go somewhere, go out of your way. Those few extra steps will help you burn more calories.
  11. Squeeze Ball: A very effective way to burn calories and work out your hands (particularly your forearm) is to squeeze a small ball. You can use a squeeze ball while you are watching TV, talking on the phone or anytime you are dormant. If you don't have a aqueeze ball, just make and loosen a fist repetitively.
  12. Swing arms while walking: It may not seem like much work, but swinging your arms while walking can burn up to 5-10 percent more calories. Also, it will gave a better aerobic workout and engage more muscles. To burn more calories while walking you can also vary try to your terrain like walking on a hill.
Apart from burning calories, you should also focus on reducing the intake. Reduce the calorie intake slowly. Begin by reducing your daily calorie intake by 150 to 300 calories. As you reduce your daily calories, you should be able to observe a stark difference in the mirror. Simple things like these can make a huge difference to your diet and to your waistline.

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