Fitness Model/Bodybuilder Tuan Tran Talks With

How did you get started with bodybuilding?

Too be honest, I never wanted to bodybuild. I did not know much about the sport and didn’t watch Pumping Iron till 2005. My best friend, Chris Heitman, always wanted to be a bodybuilder, so he asked me to help him with that considering I was already a personal trainer at the time. However, I felt that there was a lot of information that the books were not able to cover.
So in order for me to become a better coach/trainer for anyone who wanted to do bodybuild, I felt that I had to go through the process myself. And in 2006, I entered the sport of bodybuilding.

Where does your motivation come from?

There are many things that motivate me. From making my family proud, to becoming a role model for others to do it without the use of performance enhancing drugs, to train others to be on par if not surpass me in the sport. As I told one competitor at one of my competitions, “not only am I looking to win and become a champion in bodybuilding, but I also want to create champions as well”. I love the challenge it brings on all the different levels when it comes to fitness and diet.

What workout routine has worked best for you?

Just too many to go through, and neither one is more important than another. However, I will say this. I do a lot of mobility exercises, dynamic stretches, myofascial release and ice down my joints. Treatment of the body is just as important as training it because once you suffer an injury, the training ends and the body’s regression begins. So that is something more people should be aware of.

Ab Workout Crazy Hardcore Exercise

If you have to pick only 3 exercises, what would they be and why?

Of course Barbell Squats below parallel, Barbell Deadlifts and the Bench Press. These are the biggest and baddest movements when it comes from the 3 kings of bio mechanics of the Squat, the Pull, and the Push.
No other 3 exercisers will engage more muscle fibers create more tension with it comes the pulling, squatting, or pushing.

Push Ups For 1 Min or Failure, Burnout Sets

What is your diet like?

Just depends on what I am training for. It changes every month, or depends on how my weight is changing as well. Also, if I am trying to get my body fat below 5% body fat for bodybuilding or get my weight to be 198 at exactly at 10% body fat for powerliftng.
All I can really tell you is that first, I find out what my BMR is. Then, depending on my goals and the stress factors of my workouts and normal day to day living, I modify my calories to fit the demands. But 1 thing that does stay pretty consistent all year, is that I keep my protein at 1 gram for lbs of body weight I am. Other than that, Nutrition is a science. The more you educate yourself, the more power and freedom you have in changing your body. Remember, food is the greatest tool when it comes to controlling your body’s hormonal functions for every time you eat or drink anything, there is a hormonal response of some kind.
You just better know if it is one to make your body move in the right or wrong direction.

They say that the pre and post-workout meals are the most vital meals for the day, what do yours consist of?

Depends on your somato type (body types). The 3 main extreme ones are endo, ecto, and meso-morphs. Also, you can traits of 2 and rare, all 3. The scoring is a 1-1-7, 1-7-1, and 7-1-1. I am a strong meso, slight endo. So the pre and post workout meals are not super important when I am not training for anything. But when I am in contest mode, then I put effort into them. For powerlifting, I do 20 grams simple, 20 grams complex carbs and 20 grams of BCAA/Glutamine/Whey pre workout.
After training, about the same but protein is up to 40 grams. In bodybuilding, it changes every 3 to 4 weeks.

When trying to cut down do you prefer to use HIIT or just normal cardio?

I do both. because of my somato type (body type), conditioning is very difficult, so I have to do HIIT to build up my vascularity, but I still have to do normal fat burning cardio (nothing over 65% om my max heart rate) to help shed the fat off.
400 Meter Intense Sprint & Walk Cardio Program

What is your supplementation like?

Multi vit, whey protein, glucosamine conjointant. My stomach cannot handle too much meat in a day, so whey protein is a life saver…lol. The multi vit is just a great way to make sure the body is running 100%. As much processing as are food and produce are going through these days, I highly doubt we are getting the nutrient dense food we need on a day to day basis. Glucosamine conjointant keep my joints happy. So those are my all year supplements. Everything else just depends on what mode I am in.

Favorite Bodybuilders?

Believe it or not, I really do not have a favorite. But my favorite types of bodybuilders are the drug free ones. I believe that it is the harder path and where bodybuilding as a sport should head towards if we truly want the respect of our peeps and the people. Looking like a side show act is not going to do that.
And no matter how hard the non natural, drug users are training (which I know they are training hard, the drugs do not do the work, they just add to it) people will always denounce their efforts and say they only reason they look that way is because of the drugs.

Favorite Quote?

“Those who never take risk will never have to worry about success” – Uknown

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