Using an Exercise Ball for Fitness

If you are looking for a fun way to get into shape, exercise balls are the answer. Therapists and fitness gurus are now recommending exercise balls for increasing core strength and stability. Also referred as to 'Swiss Balls', these are ideal solutions for professional and home use.

What is an Exercise Ball?

Exercise balls are big inflatable balls made of strong PVC, plastic, or solid foam rubber. It was invented in 1963 by Aquilino Cosania, an Italian plastics manufacturer and toy maker. It is most often used in physical therapy, athletic training and exercise, and can also be used for weight training. They have been used by physical therapists since the 1960s to cure various problems. These balls generally come in five different sizes, ranging from about 17 inches (45 cm) to about 34 inches (85 cm) in diameter. The ball is also known by a number different names, including swiss ball, balance ball, fitness ball, gym ball, stability ball, Pezzi ball, pilates ball, or yoga ball.

What are the benefits of these balls?

The benefits of these exercise balls are immense. They include:
  • It helps strengthens core muscles. When you sit on the exercise ball, your abdominal and back muscles are constantly engaged and active in order to maintain proper posture and balance on the ball. This results in better strength, endurance and injury prevention for the center of the body.
  • Just sitting on an exercise ball is a great way to improve your posture. Use it when sitting in front of a computer or watching television. To increase the challenge, raise one foot off the ground and try balancing.
  • Sitting on the exercise causes your body to make small muscular contractions to correct balance. With regular training, your balance and coordination improves.
  • It works brilliantly when it comes to rehabilitation exercises.
  • Using the exercise ball as 'weight bench' while doing weight training adds difficulty to the movements and incorporate the muscles of your butt, legs and abs.
  • It makes exercise fun! They add variety to your workouts and prevent boredom in any program.

Which one should I buy?

Effectively performing exercise ball activities requires careful selection of the right exercise ball size. A general rule is that when sitting on the ball, make sure your hips are level or just slightly higher than the knees - creating an angle of 90 degrees or slightly greater at the hips and knees. Different companies recommend diverse sizes, but the following are general guidelines when buying one:
  • People shorter than 5'4" should use a 55 cm ball.
  • People between 5'5" and 5'11" should use a 65 cm ball.
  • People between 6'0" and 6'7" should use a 75 cm ball.
Also make sure that your ball is durable and has anti-burst properties.

Points to remember:

  • When starting to sit on the exercise ball, you might feel a bit uncomfortable. To get comfortable and used to it, place it near a wall and put your hand on the wall for support, and have a seat. As you feel more stable, take your hand off the wall and practise sitting while raising your arms to the sides, then overhead.
  • For better balance on the ball, place your feet wide apart for a more stable foundation.
  • To reduce the risk of injury, keep the floor clear of debris in the event that you should slip from the ball.
  • Do not use an under inflated ball. There should only be a small amount of give when you sit on it.
  • Do not allow your shoulder and back to sag when sitting upright on the ball.
  • You should not use the ball if you have acute pain in your back, spine injuries or spinal diseases.
  • Don't try to repair the ball if punctured. Just buy a new one.
  • If you are a recently injured person avoid using the ball.
  • If you're going to use the ball as a substitute for chair, assess the desk height.
  • Do not substitute beach balls, department store children's toys or other non-exercise-specific balls for the exercise ball.
You can do various exercises sitting on the ball. Getting the right exercise ball size can make a huge difference. With the right equipment, you'll have more fun working out. So start doing your exercises on an exercise ball and watch the results!

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