Your Workout isn't Over Until - 5 Tips to Maximize Your Post-Workout Time

Sure you ran, you cycled and you lifted; but before you hit the showers, pat yourself on the back and walk out the door, take some time to cool off. Chill out time after exercise helps bring your heart and breathing rate back to normal and can prevent dizziness as well as reduce the risk for injury.
The experts at Life Fitness have some suggestions on ways to maximize your post-workout minutes.

Exercise Cool Down: Ease your body and heart rate back down to a near resting rate by walking or taking it slow. Life Fitness cardio products do the work for you by reducing the intensity of your routine in the minutes following your workout.
Immediately After Your Workout: It takes time to replace the fluid and electrolytes you lost during your workout, so drinking 50% more fluid than you lost in sweat will enhance rapid recovery. If you hydrate throughout the day though, you will maximize fluid retention after your workout. Water is usually enough to replace fluids after an average workout. But beware -- avoid caffeine, carbonation and high sugar drinks to prevent dehydration.
10 Minutes After: Stretch out tense muscles. Stretching increases flexibility which might be able to improve performance on even the simplest of tasks such as tying shoes or lifting packages. To get the most from your static stretching, hold each position for at least 20 - 30 seconds.
30 Minutes After: Help your body rebuild its muscle tissue by enjoying a protein-rich snack shortly after your workout. Yogurt, cottage cheese, protein bars and nuts are good options that help give you a post workout boost.
Beyond: Continue to eat well balanced meals and drink fluids regularly throughout the day. After an intense workout, reward yourself. This doesn't mean hitting the all-you-can-eat buffet, but enjoying healthy activities that satisfy you. Whether it's time with friends, a bubble bath or a movie - you've earned it.

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  1. Nice tips you have shared, which is knowledgeable and it help us to increase our workout time. Thanks for sharing this great post. fitness camps in London
