4 10k Training Tips

10K training is a difficult process that requires high amounts of commitment. In order to achieve optimal results when it comes to training for a 10K, be sure to start by undergoing a physical. Once you are approved to start an exercise program, get the gear necessary to achieve great results, eat right and cross-train using a variety of types of modalities, including pools, bikes and ellipticals.

1. Have a Physical

One of the most important steps when it comes to training for a 10K involves undergoing a physical. Making sure that you are actually healthy enough to participate in an event such as this is essential not only in achieving great results, but also in ensuring safety while training for the event. If you are considering participating in a 10K, be sure to schedule an appointment with your primary care physician before starting an exercise program. In addition to giving you a clean bill of health, your doctor can also offer suggestions on optimal 10K training techniques.

2. Get the Gear

Another important step when training for a 10K involves obtaining the right kind of gear. You'll need a good, high quality pair of walking or running shoes, and you may want to consider purchasing a heart rate monitor and pedometer. A heart rate monitor can determine your heart rate, and provide guidance regarding a possible increase or decrease in intensity rates during training. A pedometer can help to track total distances covered, as well as give an estimate on the total number of calories burned over the course of your exercise session.

3. Eat Right

Though good nutrition is always important for individuals who are participating in regular physical activity, those who are training for a 10K may need to focus even more on their diets. As with other forms of cardiovascular exercise, consuming adequate amounts of calories is essential. Without enough calories to support the demands of exercise, decreases in muscle mass begin to occur. This can result in significant impairments in performance. Those who are training for a 10K should consume at least .8 grams of protein per day per kilogram of body weight. Including foods that are rich in complex carbohydrates is a great way to increase calorie consumption.

4. Cross-Train

Individuals who are interested in 10K training should be sure to cross-train on a regular basis in order to get the best results. Cross-training is a technique in which an alternative form of the traditional style of exercise is performed a few times a week to prevent athlete boredom and potential overuse injuries. Individuals who are training for a 10K may want to use a bicycle for cross-training once or twice a week. Those who don't own or can't obtain access to a bicycle may swim, hike or use an elliptical. All of these forms of exercise are great examples of cross-training modalities that can provide beneficial results for those training for a 10K.

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