Aerobic Fitness Test for the USAFA

The United States Air Force Academy is a four-year accredited college located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. It's difficult to gain admittance to the academy, and one of the main challenges is to pass the two physical requirement tests, including the aerobic fitness test. Cadets must pass the aerobics test to be admitted, and then must keep up their fitness level as they will be tested routinely in the same manner.

USAFA Fitness Tests

The United States Air Force Academy requires its cadets to take a physical fitness test and aerobic fitness test each semester. The tests are meant to promote physical fitness and recognize those cadets who excel physically. The cadets who score the maximum points on either test become part of the 500 club, and those who receive the maximum score on both tests are considered to be part of the 1000 club.

Aerobic Fitness Test

The aerobic fitness test consists of a 1.5 mile run and cadets must finish the run in a minimum amount of time to pass. Cadets will receive a basic training program once they apply to the academy so that they understand how to prepare for the fitness test. The academy recommends participating in intense team and individual sports like basketball, football, swimming and wrestling and to complete distance running


The aerobic fitness test is scored differently for men and women. Cadets either score a pass or a fail. Cadets must score over the mean running time in order to pass the test. To receive the highest score, they need to finish their 1.5 mile at or under the maximum time. The mean score running time for men is 11:15 and the maximum time is 7:45. The mean score for women is 13:31 and the maximum time is 8:55.

Continued Training

After successful admission to the academy, cadets learn how to get in and stay in shape. As cadets enter, they must participate in a five-week physical training program meant to introduce cadets to the military and to explain what is expected of them physically. The physical fitness components of the basic cadet training program consist of running, participation in competitive sports and other strenuous exercises.

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