Complete P90x Exercises

P90X claims to get you absolutely ripped in just 90 days. The home workout program features a wide range of workouts that target all aspects of fitness including strength, power, flexibility and cardiovascular fitness. The program is based around a theory of muscle confusion whereby a constantly changing workout schedule stops muscles getting used to certain routines. This confusion is designed to avoid the plateau effect that many people experience in which strength gains become smaller over time. The P90X system is aimed at people already in good physical condition as the intense and demanding nature of the workouts can be impossible for those who are out of shape.

Strength Exercises

There are five traditional strength workouts on the P90X program. Chest and Back is based around pushups and pullups and uses variations on those classic moves to work the muscles in different ways. The Shoulders and Arms workout features 12 different exercises including shoulder presses, upright rows, tricep extensions and in and out bicep curls. Legs and Back employs various squats and lunges as well as calf raises and pullups. The Chest, Shoulders and Triceps routine involves 24 different exercises including chair dips, floor flys and one-armed pushups. Back and Biceps includes a veriety of curls, pullups and bent over rows.

Cardio Routines

While the intensity of all the P90X workouts is likely to get your heart rate up significantly, the program features routines that deliver a more cardio focused workout. Kenpo X is a routine that uses punching and kicking combinations to improve endurance, coordination and balance while giving you a highly intense cardio workout. Plyometrics will also help shed some calories using more than 30 different jumping exercises that help to improve athletic performance while raising your heart rate. Cardio X is a low impact aerobic routine that borrows from Yoga, Kenpo, Core and other workouts.


Yoga is more than just a flexibility workout but one of its main focuses is improving your range of motion. P90X's Yoga X workout includes poses such as the "Tree," "Royal Dancer," and "Standing Leg Extension." The positions help improve your flexibility, posture, balance and strength. X Stretch is a more traditional flexibility workout that employs both static and dynamic stretches in order to prevent injury and help you continue making progress with the other workout routines.

Core Workouts

P90X is renowned for its Ab routine, Ab Ripper X. The routine is based around 11 moves including the seated bicycle, wide leg situps and oblique v-ups. P90X trainer Tony Horton claims that with all the variations, you are "performing 300 moves" during the routine. While Ab Ripper X is designed to give you sculpted abs, Core Synergistics is designed to build core strength through total body exercises that engage your core. The result is greater stability through the lumbar spine and trunk muscles which allows you to push yourself harder with a lower risk of injury.

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