Does Exercise Make You Eat More?

Do you believe that exercise is a poor way to lose weight? Perhaps a hard session at the gym makes you feel like eating everything in sight.
There are certainly mixed thoughts on this one. Some people don't even want to look at food following a workout. But, others feel totally starving post-workout.

It really seems like a bit of a cruel joke if you're trying to lose a few pounds, and all the exercise does for you is to make you feel hungrier.
Studies have actually shown that both normal weight and obese individuals, who workout for a significant periods of time, do not increase their hunger, nor do they eat more to compensate following a good workout.
Perhps your own experience would beg to differ on these results, though.
Some of the reasons exercise may lead to disappointing effects in terms of weight loss, include:
  • Inappropriate food choices overall.
  • Self-reward following exercise -- i.e. eating a chocolate bar after being "so good at the gym!"
  • Misjudgements about the rates at which energy can be expended (by exercise) -- for example, it would take around 25 minutes running to burn off the calories consumed in a piece of chocolate cake (250 calories).
Overall, exercise can help you lose weight, but unless you're working out a couple of hours a day at the gym, you still need to pay close attention to what you're eating.
What has been your experience -- does exercise make you crave unhealthy foods? Do you overeat following a workout? What tips would you give to people who struggle with this?

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