Free Diet Plans to Give You The Results You Want

Get a free diet plan that you can adapt for your personal preferences.

Nutrition Guidelines

Here are some general nutrition guidelines for those who perform regular workouts. You can design your own diet plan from them--simply check out my free diet plan food choice page for some menu ideas. If you follow these guidelines and exercise consistently, you should find yourself losing bodyfat and toning up within no time.

General Nutrition Guidelines from which to build your free diet plan:


• If you’re willing to track calories, use a maintenance figure you know is accurate as a starting point, or multiply your bodyweight by 15 to get an approximation of your maintenance calorie level. Tracking calories is the most accurate way to control your weight.

• If your primary goal is fat loss, deduct 500 calories from maintenance. If your primary goal is muscle gain, add 250 calories to maintenance. The number you get is your calorie level to shoot for per day.

• Consume at least 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight daily.
• Consume 20-30% of your daily calories from fat, and include the equivalent of 3-6 grams of fish oil supplements from essential fatty acids in your diet every day.
• The rest of your daily calories can come from carbs. Adjust carbs and fat according to preference and for your own personal optimal appetite control.
• Eat within 1 hour of waking up, and eat 3-6 times a day.
• Include some of each of the 3 macronutrients (protein, carbs and fat) in at as many meals/snacks as possible.
• In most cases*, consume simple carbs (1/3 gram per pound of bodyweight) and protein (1/2 as many grams of protein as grams of carbs) with as little fat as possible within an hour after your weight lifting workout(the sooner after training the better).
• Drink plenty of water and tea, and particularly green tea.
• Protein shakes made with water or low-fat milk, protein bars, and homemade fresh fruit/vegetable juice might be helpful to supplement your diet with nutrition.
• Avoid sugar and other refined carbs such as white flour most of the time.
• Use alcohol in moderation or not at all – it can stall a weight loss diet.
• If you struggle to control your calorie intake, avoid caloric beverages in general, since they won’t leave you feeling full.
• Supplement where necessary. To learn which nutritional supplements might be helpful to you, check out Nutritional Supplement Bible. Most people should start with a multivitamin and fish oil caps. This website is the best place I've found for purchasing supplements.

*For people who are particularly sensitive to carbohydrates or for some people following a low-carb diet, this may not be the best choice.

These guidelines for your personalized free diet plan assume that you're performing cardio and weight training for about 30 minutes each, three times per week. Adjust your diet accordingly if you exercise more or less than that. Try adding or subtracting 100-200 calories per day, and test that level for about a week before you make a decision.

If your goal is to gain or lose weight and you haven't been even if you follow the recommendations, try adding or subtracting 200-300 calories a day and see if it helps.


• If you will not count calories, I recommend you use my meal template system.

• Monitor your weight or the way your clothing fits on a weekly basis and add or take away calories from your current diet according to what has been happening with your body. If you don’t want to change your total volume of food, try trading high-calorie items for low-calorie ones or vice-versa.

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