Happiness and Fitness - Important Facts You Need to Know

Our perception of happiness is usually based on worldly standards. Having a car, being able to go on a trip around the world using your own plane, buying anything that your heart desires-- all these are the outward measures of happiness that print, TV, broadcast and online media habitually show to us. The glamorous life of Hollywood celebrities and the world's richest men and women are showcased as the epitome of the life we should strive for. This is where happiness can be found, they seem to say.

If that were true, we wouldn't be seeing a lot of celebrities placed in rehabilitation institutions for all forms of addiction, would we? If happiness were truly found in fame and fortune, we wouldn't be hearing the whole lot of them going under the knife just to get rid of their excess fats. In fact, we wouldn't be hearing them battling with obesity in the first place.

The link between happiness and fitness is unmistakably clear. Obesity has been linked to overeating brought about by unhappy moments in one's life. Problems at work, issues with family or personal conflicts that have not been fully resolved all lead to chronic stress that an individual tries to cope with through many unhealthy habits: Overeating, smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction. All these are unsuccessful attempts to mask the emptiness a person feels inside.

Unfortunately, stuffing the body with food, drink or chemicals is hardly the answer. It only compounds the problem even more. When a person succumbs to the stress, then an unhealthy lifestyle ensues that often leads to self-destruction.

Happiness and fitness are inextricably linked with each other. People who choose to be happy (yes, happiness is a choice) cultivate relationships, especially with those of family and friends. They appreciate what they have, no matter how small and maintain an optimistic and positive outlook amidst all situations. They feel a sense of purpose in their lives and strive to know what it is and having found it, they direct their energies towards its fulfillment. They don't worry too much about the future or spend unnecessary energy living in the past because they live in the here and now. They don't base their self-worth on what others have or what media suggests they have.

Thus, when faced with immense pressures from work or overwhelming personal issues, they don't go to food or other vices for comfort. Instead, they have friends to go to and family to support them. Their behavior remains the same-- there is always tomorrow and whatever problems they are facing now will simply pass. And because they know themselves from within, they don't succumb too easily to depression that leads them to all sorts of addictions.

You can strive to be happy. Your thoughts, your behavior and your actions all matter towards your quest for true joy in your life. Once you choose to be happy, you'll soon realize that a healthy and fit lifestyle follows. Happiness and fitness go together, no matter what your personal circumstance or stature is in life.

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