Strength Training Advantages - Important Facts You Need to Know

When you train with free weights like dumbbells or exercise machines, you are doing a workout regimen that is commonly known around fitness circles as resistance training. This form of exercise may also be done without weights or equipment. Your own body weight may also provide the resistance needed for you to gain the most out of your workout. Everybody gains an advantage from engaging in some form of resistance training. For starters, muscle strength is increased. Muscle mass and endurance are also enhanced with regular strength training.

Before we continue to discuss the other benefits of resistance training, a word of warning is in order. You must always consult your doctor first to ensure that your body is able to handle the rigors of the workout. This is particularly true if you have preexisting medical conditions, are above 50 years old or are overweight or obese. Once you have your doctor's go-signal, it is also highly-recommended that you do weight training with a personal trainer who can guide you through the proper form and technique of lifting weights to avoid injury and strain.

While cardiovascular exercises have always taken the cake where boosting metabolism is concerned, resistance training also aids in fat loss. This is because a regular resistance training program aids in the formation of more muscles. When more muscles are formed and the mass is increased, the body will need to expend more energy. Thus, more calories are used up and more fats are burned, leading to weight loss. To develop lean muscle mass, strength training is recommended for both men and women. Women usually shy away from lifting weights for fear that it will bulk them up. This is unfounded and needlessly limits them from experiencing the full benefits offered by a strength training regimen. Women just do not have testosterone enough for them to bulk up when they train with weights. For a more toned body, a resistance training program is always best incorporated with a cardiovascular workout.

Another benefit of resistance training is that it increases strength and bone mineral density. As we age, our muscles deteriorate and our bones weaken, making us more prone to injury. Resistance training counters this. By strengthening bone mass, osteoporosis is prevented. Muscle mass is maintained for overall health and wellness.

A significantly lower rate of heart disease has been recorded among those who regularly do resistance training exercises. By keeping blood pressure and cholesterol levels within manageable levels, heart health is maintained and the incidence of stroke is minimized. When coupled with a well-balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle, resistance training even improves cardiovascular function.

The benefits of resistance training should convince you to start embarking on a regimen that's right for you today. No matter your age, gender or current fitness level, there's strength training program that will suit you. Take note that these exercises must not be done more than three times a week and must be performed on alternate days. This ensures that you give your muscles sufficient time to rest and recover so you can get the full benefits of a resistance training program.

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