How Exercise Burns Fat

What is stored fat? Stored fat is calories that have not been burned. When you eat you are ingesting calories for the sole purpose of procuring energy. 
Whatever calories you do not burn through performing some activity that burns the calories by using them as an energy source will be stored as fat. That is just the way the body works. 
So, when you want to target that stored fat you have accumulated, you will need to take part in some method of burning off the fat. This will be commonly achieved by employing any type of low, medium, or high intensity exercise program.

One pound of stored fat is the equivalent to 3600 stored calories. That means if you want to drop 20lbs, you need to burn off 72,000 calories. 
Yes, that sounds like an enormous amount but it can be achieved by burning off 2800 calories a week for six months. No, that does not even remotely sound like a plan for losing a ton of weight overnight. 

There is a reason for this: you do not want an exercise program that seeks to eliminate 20lbs in a month because such programs really do not exist. No, you want a means of losing weight via exercise that is safe, sane, and gradual.

Now, it really does not matter which particular exercise you employ as they will all burn calories. 

Of course, some exercises will burn more calories than others. 

For example, cross country skiing will definitely burn more calories than walking. And exercising 5 days a week at high intensity will burn more calories per week than three low intensity workouts.

However, never lose sight of the fact that the three low intensity workouts will burn fat. Low intensity workouts are valuable and that is why they should never be overlooked.

The key is to find an activity that you like, take part in it, and be consistent. This will certainly aid in delivering on the intended result of burning fat and getting into great shape.

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