How Pilates Can Help To Fix Neck and Shoulder Pain

It's normal for most people to ignore pain in the shoulder and neck because they are used to pain, thinking that it will go away after a while. There are cases however when the pain returns quickly and eventually becomes chronic. By then it's very clear that something has to be done.
Pilates is a total body workout, suitable for people of all ages and health levels. It is also quickly becoming the exercise of choice for people who want to achieve more than just a healthy and well-balanced lifestyle. Pilates is about body mind connection. The mind is very involved when the body is being put through Pilates training. By combining "Stretch and Strength" factor in the exercise regime, Pilates aims to strengthen the body in a flexible manner. This is important in the treatment of various orthopaedic conditions, especially pain in the neck and shoulder.

What is Pilates?
Pilates is founded nearly a century ago by Joseph Pilates, a German. Since he was frail and weak as a child, he suffered from various childhood conditions. He wanted to be strong and needed to find a way to develop his body. As it was his duty as a nurse during the war to look after the injured soldiers in his camp, he used his pain relief exercises for the rehabilitation of these patients who were bedridden. His patients achieved very good recovery under his care.
Dancers, athletes, and gymnasts discovered Pilates helped them to do their sports longer without injury. It has been used for decades as a body conditioning routines. Hollywood actors and actresses used Pilates to build up their flexibility and endurance without introducing unwanted 
muscle bulk in the body.

Reasons for Doing Pilates
Neck and shoulder pain issues are among the most common types of pain for many people. Because Pilates exercises offer the very important component of "stretch" in its discipline, it is very effective in the treatment of pain. It is therefore, highly recommended by chiropractors, 
physiotherapists and most sports doctors for post rehabilitation treatment.

Understanding the Origin of Pain
Understanding how the neck and shoulders pain come about in the best way to start. It can be either an accident or a poor posture. Most neck and shoulder problems come from bad habits, like long hours of sitting still. These long hours of sitting, makes the muscles tired and weak. The muscles, ligaments, and tendons as well as a number of other supporting structures, become strained. Over time, pain can be felt up the neck and shoulder. For some, there may be radiating pain down the arms as well. The neck and shoulders are very closely related anatomically. Pain can run randomly back and forth or pain can be felt at both areas at the same time.

Pilates Exercises for Neck and Shoulder Pain
Pilates fundamental exercises like "Nose Nods" improves articulation of the neck vertebrae, something you will not be doing if you are staring at your computer all day, engrossed in your work. This exercise releases tight tendons and ligaments of the first and second neck spine. You will breathe better and the head feels clearer and the neck feels much lighter.
"Angel Arms" moves the shoulder joints and re- energized the shoulder blades. Moving the shoulder joint in a circular motion is specific to your shoulder's range of motion. It is functional and helps to release tension and stress.
In doing Pilates, you will also learn how to hold the right posture and form during work and play so that the neck and shoulder pain will not be aggravated. Always trained with an experienced Pilates professional so that your exercise program is properly supervised. And as you get better, your program can be changed accordingly.

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