To People Who Have Back Problems But Can't Get It Fixed, Try Pilates!

Up to 80% of the global population experience back pain at one point in their lives. That makes back pain one of the most common causes of absence at work. Back pain if not treated appropriately, can turn acute and become chronic. As people seek more effective and safer treatments to back problems, Pilates has become a popular option for back pain relief.

Pilates has been proven to facilitate back pain relief and prevent further onset of back pain. Most back problems starts from poor posture and form. Some can be caused by tough working conditions, physical stress or injury through play or even imbalance back muscles. Whatever the causes are, most back problems can be prevented by doing Pilates.

Before you perform Pilates for back pain relief, consult your doctor for clearance. It is also imperative to seek proper professional guidance when performing Pilates exercises. Let's look at how Pilates can address for some common related back issues.

Pilates for Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis is part of the aging process. It is now the most common form of arthritis. Through Pilates, you could relieve the soreness that comes with the condition. Putting the body through gentle Pilates stretches improves blood flow and enhances delivery of nutrients to tendons and muscles. With better circulation, stiff muscles and joints gets better range of motion and movement can be restored.

Back Pain Relief for Herniated Disc
A herniated disc issue means a pain issue due to protruding spinal disc pressing on the spinal nerve. The result is intense pressure on surrounding nerves, which causes pain. Back pain relief pilates exercises like "Spinal Bridging" creates spaces in the compressed vertebrae by teaching the spine to articulate. Stiff back gradually becomes more flexible through continuous spinal articulation. This spinal movement brings instant back pain relief. It also trains a stronger core which in turn provides support and adds reinforcement to the lower back. It also helps that most exercises in the program improves your physical posture. Better posture helps prevent back pain from recurring in the future.

Pilates for Scoliosis
Scoliosis can be defined as an unusual curvature of the spine. This curvature can be at the upper middle back or the lower back. It can be an S-curve or a C-curve. Curvature can come in varying degrees. Most back problems from scoliosis, comes from an imbalance and compensation due to the curvature. This results in poor muscle control and bad form.

Pilates creates balance by stretching the concave portion while strengthening the convex. Over time, the body slowly learns to re-program itself as it starts to have better stability. With better internal control, stronger core muscles and better awareness, the body starts to re centre slowly. This is why Pilates is now commonly recommended to patients with scoliosis. The back pain relief is long term and benefits permanent.

Pilates for Sciatica
Sciatica is a form of back pain that radiates down to your legs from your lower back. The pain occurs when the sciatic nerve gets compressed, irritated, or inflamed. There are specific Pilates exercises that bring about back pain relief for sciatica.
As the sciatica nerve crosses over the lower back section, tight lower back muscles needs to be stretched and lengthen in order to avoid putting pressure on the sciatica nerve. As a back pain relief option, Pilates alleviates muscle and nerve pain with specific release through the hip area, namely the I.T Band on the outside of the upper thighs. It also includes the front of the hip, the hip flexors. Continuous specific stretches will eventually takes the pressure off the back and legs.

Pilates is also a great tool for people with Arthritis, Cervical Stenosis and more. Consult a reputable / certified Pilates instructor who is well trained in working with people with different conditions and you will be on your way to long term health.

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