The Ideal Weight for a 6-Foot Male Model

Male models come in all different sizes, with a 6-foot-tall male being average. They are lean and toned but still look healthy. Ideal body weight is anywhere from 140 to 165 lbs., but it varies, based on body mass index, height and body type. Body weight is not the only requirement. Low body fat is important as well to showcase muscularity and how well clothes fit.

Determining Healthy Body Weight

A 5-foot-tall man should weigh approximately 106 lbs., according to Nancy Clark, M.S., R.D. For every inch over 5 feet, add 6 lbs. A 6-foot-tall man should weigh approximately 178 lbs. Due to differences in body frame, add and subtract 10 percent for a healthy weight range of 160 to 196 lbs. The low end of this range falls into the norm for an average male model.

Body Fat

Just because you weigh in the range for a male model does not mean that your body weight is ideal for this type of work. Body fat levels will determine how lean and muscular you appear. On average, healthy body fat for men is between 10 and 22 percent, according to the American College of Sports Medicine. The lower your body fat is, the more you are able to see muscle tone and definition -- the desired appearance of a male model. Very lean with little body fat -- but still healthy -- is 7 to 10 percent.


Muscle is comprised of up to 70 percent water. It is more dense than body fat. So if you have more than the average amount of muscle, your body weight may be slightly more than the average male model. However, you do not want to to look like a bodybuilder or a muscular athlete. Instead, it is desirable to see muscular definition and to look like you exercise regularly. Remain trim and on the slimmer side.


Before losing or gaining weight, speak with an agent or photographer about your weight and appearance. You may need to add muscle or lose body fat, depending on the work you want to do. Maintain a healthy, balanced diet and exercise regularly to maintain a low body fat and good muscle tone. If you have a larger frame, naturally do not try to attain a low body weight for modeling purposes. You may compromise your health and not achieve the healthy look that companies are looking for.

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