Male Fitness Diet

Fitness dieting for males requires being educated on which foods are healthy and which foods should be avoided. According to the National Federation of Professional Trainers--NFPT--foods high in protein and fiber are recommended when beginning a fitness program because they help to build muscle and aid in weight loss. The rules for dieting are generally the same, but the amount of calories required will vary depending on your activity level and goals.


Since one of the main goals a man will strive for in his fitness diet is building muscle, getting enough protein is paramount. Protein is essential for building lean muscle and maintaining it. When you begin a fitness program, the goal is to pack on new muscle and lose excess fat. Building lean mass not only gives your muscle tone, but it helps raise your body's resting metabolism, which then helps you burn more calories throughout the day. Certain types of foods with high protein include legumes, eggs and lean meats. Lean meats include turkey, chicken and fish. Protein supplements may also be an option for those who find it hard to consume their daily required amount of protein--roughly .8 to 1 grams of protein per pound of desired body weight, according to the NFPT's "Sports Nutrition Manual."


Fiber is an important part of the male fitness diet because it helps to keep you feeling full and helps to remove waste from the body more efficiently. According to, fiber aids in weight loss because it makes meals feel larger in the stomach, causing you to feel full longer. Meals heavy in fiber contain fewer calories when compared to other foods with the same volume. Fiber also slows the body's absorption of sugar into the blood, preventing you from storing excess fat.


Water is vital to all life on the planet. It's also an extremely important part of exercise and fitness. When you exercise, your body loses significant amounts of water weight. It's important to replenish this amount by drinking plenty of water throughout the day and while you exercise. Water also aids in digestion. As you begin to consume higher amounts of protein, it's important that you drink plenty of water so that your kidneys can properly process the excess protein.

Fruits and Vegetables

If protein is the construction worker of the dietary workforce, fruits and vegetables are the physicians. They contain an abundance of vitamins, minerals, fibers and other antioxidants that keep the body healthy before, during and after an exercise session. Vegetables are considered complex carbohydrates and digest more slowly than other carbs--such as those found in pasta and potatoes. Fruits contain essential vitamins that keep the immune system strong and help the body to repair itself after a strenuous workout.

Healthy Fats

Since men will typically require more calories during a fitness regiment, healthy fats are an important way to make up the deficit. Healthy fats such as those found in olive oil, peanuts, fish and avocados are an important part of the fitness diet. These healthy fats--usually in the form of unsaturated, monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats--help to reduce bad cholesterol and keep your cells, hair and skin healthy. They also provide the calories you need to help to maintain muscle mass. Healthy fats also promote a healthy heart, according to

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